Disclaimer- I'm not that insane…
Chapter Eight- I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Well if you wanted
honesty, that's all you had to say. I'm not okay What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems? I'm not okay Forget about the dirty looks I'm okay But you really need to listen to me I'm not okay
I never want to let you down or have you go, it's
better off this way.
For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out
(I'm not okay)
I told you time and time again you sing the words but don't know what it means
(I'm not okay)
To be a joke and look, another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook for the last time take a good hard look!
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out
The photographs your boyfriend took
You said you read me like a book, but the pages are all torn and frayed
I'm okay!
I'm okay, now
(I'm okay, now)
Because I'm telling you the truth
I mean this, I'm okay!
(Trust Me)
I'm not okay
Well, I'm not okay
I'm not o-fucking-kay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)- My Chemical Romance
Ginny Weasley was shocked- wide-eyed, jaw dropping shocked.
And it was all because of Draco Malfoy, who was now nowhere in sight, might I add, leaving no proof of the extremely major event that had just taken place.
And since there was no proof, as Ginny got to thinking, then maybe it never did happen. Yes, nothing happened. Nope, nothing at all. Just her imagination running away from her. She just imagined Malfoy being there, that's all. A little too many Mai Tais at the party is all. There was nothing to worry about.
But the heat that flamed on her swollen lips said otherwise. She could still feel the grip of his hands on the small of her back, her fingers entwined in the silk of his hair. She could smell the exotic scent of spices and smoke mixing with the perfume of expensive cologne.
She swallowed and gave a nervous chuckle.
Nothing had happened. Nothing at all.
Draco Malfoy burst into the Three Broomsticks with an intimidating glare. Everyone huddle within the cozy pub could tell he was not in the best of moods. And I'll quote an old wizard saying here, "A moody Malfoy is no man to mess with."
So obviously, when the blonde dropped down on the nearest barstool, Madame Rosmerta immediately dropped what she was doing and scurried over, "Mr. Malfoy, what can I get for ya?"
Draco sent out a grim scowl and slammed a bright, gleaming gallon onto the table, "As many apple margaritas you can make."
The bar maid nodded, just a bit frightened of the man, "Of course, Mr. Malfoy, I'll have that ready for you in just a moment."
Draco growled at her.
She smiled worriedly and turned away to start on his order, not seeing him banging his head over and over on the bar.
Two hours (or eleven drinks- Really, however you want to look at it) later…
"Did you know I'm the reincarnate of Charlie Chaplin?" Draco slurred, making a wild gesture with his hand to point at Rosmerta. His arms were too heavy for him to hold up.
Rosmerta chuckled. She was no longer worried as worried about Malfoy as she was seven drinks ago. Once he got a bit tipsy, Draco was actually a pleasant person to be around. And very entertaining as she busied herself cleaning up the bar, "Oh, really?"
"Yes really! I'll have you know- Sean Connery is my cousin!"
"Sean Connery?"
"That's right! Which means, someday, I'm going to be the first man to star in a silent James Bond film," Draco said proudly.
"Silent James Bond, huh?"
"Oh, yes," the blonde assured, "It's going to be great. A real blockbuster. I'm planning on a meeting with Peter Jackson. Do you think he'd do a good job?"
"I'm sure he'd do a great job, Mr. Malfoy."
"Yeah," Draco sighed, "I think so too… lot's of slow mo…" He sighed again, running his finger around the rim of his half full (I'm an optimist) margarita glass, "Do you know anything about women?"
Rosmerta laughed at this, "Well, being one, I assume I know a thing or two."
"Can I ask you a question then?"
"I'm all ears."
"Well," Draco began, "Say there was this guy. And you know this guy- he has great hair. I mean great. It's all smooth and- well, you get the idea. So, this guy, he's really good looking, right? Did I already say that?"
"Sure, Mr. Malfoy," the bar maid smiled as she wiped down a table.
"Well, this good looking- I mean, really good looking- chiseled and all that- so this good looking guy is pretty successful, right?"
"I- this guy just happens to own this newspaper. Let's say it's the Daily Prophet."
"The Daily Prophet, gotcha."
"Right, so this guy owns the Daily Prophet and only has the best of the best work there. So, there's this girl who works there, and she's kinda cute- just kinda though. Not really like hot, but cute. She's too short to be hot, I guess, but she has this little upturned nose that gets all red when she's angry. She gets angry a lot, you know, sometimes at me. I kinda like it when she does though. Then she gets sorta hot, not totally hot, but sorta."
"Okay, so she's cute and hot?"
"Well, sorta, but… I don't know. It's not the point."
"Okay, well, go on then."
"Thank you," he grumbled, "Well, this girl has a way of being everywhere and I mean everywhere- Diagon Alley, at the party, in the office, even in the bathroom!"
"The bathroom?"
"Yeah!" Draco exclaimed, "I'm trying to take a piss and she bursts into the loo like one of those friggin' orcs in Lord of the Rings- hey, do you think I should add some orcs to my movie?"
"Um, sure?"
The blonde man smiled proudly, "This just keeps getting better and better… Back to the story!"
"Where was I?"
"The girl coming into the loo."
"Oh, that doesn't really matter though… I sorta had a good time with her in the bathroom- just sorta! Well anyways, this girl is super annoying. She's always talking, and she's smart. I mean really smart, and she's an awesome writer. That's not just me being biased either!"
Rosmerta held up her hands in defense, "I wasn't saying anything!"
Draco growled, "Good, cause no on questions Draco Malfoy, right?"
"Good… Well anyways, this sorta cute girl is smart, and she's funny too. She's got this great laugh. I swear it's bloody contagious. And she's got great taste in music. I mean, her favorite Beatle is George. How many people do you find whose favorite Beatle is George?"
"I've always fancied Paul…" Rosmerta said with a dreamy look on her face.
"Well, that's great for you!" Draco hissed, taking a gulp of his drink and emptying the green liquid down his throat, "Can I get another one of these things?" he asked, holding the glass up.
"I'm right on it," Rosmerta said, turning around and working on the new drink.
"What was I saying?"
Rosmerta looked over her shoulder, "You were talking about the girl's taste in music."
"Oh, right! Well, this girl has great taste in music. Did you know she likes Incubus and not like Make Yourself Incubus, though that is good stuff, but she likes Fungus Amongus. I mean, how cool is that?"
"Very cool, Mr. Malfoy," before adding in a whisper to herself, "I have no idea what he is talking about..."
"Yes, very cool. Not only that, but she has these really mad nasty shoes. But don't tell her I said that though. I mean, they are Converse."
"Don't worry, I wouldn't dare."
Draco grinned, "I knew I could trust you! But anyway, say this guy accidentally (this is all hypothetical of course) now accidentally, this guy falls on this girl and it just so happens (now this is all chance) it just so happens that their lips meet and they… sorta kiss."
"Just sorta?"
"Okay, okay, they really kiss… and it's great because this girl's lips taste like strawberry, and she smells great too. Like pop-tarts in the morning. And we're having this great kiss, when you realize what you are doing, because I mean, this girl's annoying, not to mention the sister of your sworn enemy, and you don't know what to do, because it is so obviously wrong, so…. I ran."
"You ran?" Rosmerta was horrified.
"You kissed the girl and then just ran out?"
"What else was I supposed to do?" he pouted.
"Well," Rosmerta huffed, slamming his drink down on the bar, "That is possibly the worst thing I have heard all day!"
"It was awkward! I couldn't have just stayed! What would I have done?"
"You could have told her the truth!"
"The truth?"
"Yes, the truth! It's obvious that you have feelings for this girl! You need to tell her."
"What?" he scoffed, "Me? Like Ginny Weasley? Now, that is absurd."
"How is that absurd?"
"Well, she's a Weasley and her family would eat me."
"Eat you?"
"Yes, very nasty older brothers. Not something I'd like to get involved in."
Rosmerta out her hands on her hips, and raised an eyebrow, " You're saying you won't admit your feelings because you are afraid of her brothers?"
"Well… yes. I suppose that is about right."
"Draco Malfoy, you are the biggest coward I have ever met!"
Draco grinned, "I may be a coward, but a good looking one at that!"
Rosmerta scowled, snatching the margarita glass out of his hands, "I'm cutting you off, Malfoy!"
"You heard what I said! Get out of my pub before I get a mop and lead you out!"
Draco took the warning to heed and got up, running towards the door as he saw Rosmerta behind him, an old, scraggly mop in her hand.
A/N- Sorry about the wait! I've had about half of this written out for a while, but it took me a long time to get it on to the computer. The next chapter will come sooner, have no fear!
And now a word to my wonderful reviewers!
lina- Obscure Incubus is awesome! Fungus Amongus and S.C.I.E.N.C.E. are so good!
Katie- We're still lab partners! (I just had to say that again)
madmissymel- Thanks!
lostfish- Cucumbers are always good, and so are songs. Keep fighting the good fight!
Monica-ISA- Thank you very much!
Felton118- Glad you like it!
starlitestarbritelilsis- I'm afraid I am way to slow with the action. I'll be better, I swear.
Sokkora Lewis- Grr… Cho… heh. Yes, old Incubus is awesome! Check it out!
Purple Banana- Draco can be quite the bastard, but has his motives. And don't you think Frodo is absolutely useless? It's Sam who kept things together! In the movies, every two seconds it was like, FRODO: Ah, this is an extremely crucial moment… here, let me just fall down and be useless.
Please check out my other story Heaven Sent, which is nothing like Storms, but is still good in its own way.
Hehe… I'm awful… nasty dirty review whore I am…