Disclaimer- No, I do not own Harry Potter. Even I am not that delusional.


Chapter One- The Best Place to Start I Guess

"Every night that goes between
I feel a little less
As you slowly go away from me
This is only another test

Every night you do not come
Your softness fades away
Did I ever really care that much
Is there anything left to say

Every hour of fear I spend
My body tries to cry
Living through each empty night
A deadly call inside

I haven't felt this way I feel
Since many a year ago
But in those years and the lifetimes past
I did not deal with the road

And I did not deal with you I know
Though the love has always been
So I search to find an answer there
So I can truly win

Every hour of fear I spend

My body tries to cry

Living through each empty night

A deadly call inside

So I try to say
Goodbye my friend
I'd like to leave you with something warm
but never have I been a blue calm sea
I have always been a storm

Always been a storm

Oh, always been a storm

I have always been a storm

we were frail
She said
"Every night he will break your heart"
I should have known from the first
I'd be the broken hearted
But I loved you from the start
Save us...
And not all the prayers in the world -- could save us"

Storms by Fleetwood Mac, written by Stevie Nicks


"This is ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! Where in the nine precincts of hell is that woman?" Maddox Grant muttered as he paced his office furiously. This was the third time in four months that she had missed a deadline. Third BLOODY time! By Merlin, Ginny was certainly driving the poor man to drink.

With the Daily Prophet under new ownership and himself as the new editor, Maddox thought he might actually be able to supply the witches and wizards of the world with the cold hard facts. How was he supposed to do that when his top reporter was flamboyantly galloping around in Godric-knows-where?

'If she's not here by eight, I am sacking that infernal migraine all the way to Durmstrang. Nobody would find her there, because nobody knows where that hell hole is. Bingo- perfect plan.'

Maddox glanced up at the clock on the wall. 'Seven fifty six, okay that means four more minutes and then- and then, she's fired.' The middle aged man began to bite his thumb nail anxiously, looking up repeatedly at the clock.

Seven fifty eight… a cat screeches outside…

Seven fifty nine… an owl soars by the window…

Eight… a light breeze blows the tips of parchment up off the desk…

Eight O one… a floorboard creaks under Maddox's pacing foot…

Eight O two… the older man sighs in frustration…

Eight O three… Maddox begins to throw files into his bag…

Eight O four… he puts on his cloak and pulls open the door…

Eight O five… a certain red head bursts through the doorway, throws a file on the desk, plops into one of the worn leather chairs, kicks off her heals, props her feet up on the desk, leans her head back, and sighs in relief. A certain gray haired man stands by the door fuming, slams it shut, stomps over the opposite side of the desk, throws his coat and bag on the floor, leans with both hands on the desk, and glares furiously.

"You're fired." A snort emanates from the mop of red hair.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, yes, you are."

"No, no, I'm really not."

"Oh, yes you are."

"Oh, no I'm not."






"Stop arguing."

"This isn't arguing."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is."

"No, this is just back and forth contradiction."

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is."

"No, it isn't."

"It is."

"It is not."

"Look, you just contradicted me."


"There, you did it again."


"Oh, this is futile."

"No, it isn't."


"I can't be a spinster. I'm only twenty-two, but you… now that's different." The red head was smirking.

"Why I outta-"

"Fire me?" Oh, she was evil, pure evil. How the hell did she do that? How could she end up making him feel like such an idiot with such ease? This WAS ridiculous. Maddox sighed in frustration.

"Is this your article?" He asked, picking up the file that had been thrown on his desk.

"No, it's my rough draft for a cookbook."

"Just-just get out, please." Maddox groaned, while squeezing the bridge of his nose. Ginny nodded and got up.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" She said while putting her shoes back on.

"Yes, just be on time."

"I'll have to check my agenda."

"Just try and pencil me in, would ya?"

"Righto." She grinned at the older man, before turning to the door and making a highly un-dramatic exit. Maddox watched as she shut the door. A small smile crept up on his face, and he shook his head lightly.

'This had better be good, Weasley.' He thought as opened up the file. He highly doubted it would be bad. Ginerva Weasley's writing was never bad, and in quickly skimming the article, he came to the conclusion that it was quite good, too good. Malfoy would definitely be happy about this.


"Ron, wake up, love,"



"… snort-humph…"


"… spiders- tap dance…"


"… sleeping, 'Mione…"


"OW! MY HEAD! Hermione, what in the blasted world has gotten into you!?" Ronald Weasley moaned as he rose from the bed rubbing the back of his skull. His wife, the former Hermione Granger now Hermione Weasley, glared at him.

Yes, how unfortunate, her new name really has no ring to it. Hermione Weasley- how utterly dreadful! Why, that practically rhymes! She should have kept her maiden name… tsk, tsk.

Well, anyways…

"Ron, you need to look at this!" She said, stuffing a newspaper in front of his face. Ron took the paper and read the headline of the front page.

Is Potter Really The Best Man For Minister- I THINK NOT!

By Ginevra Weasley

Harry James Potter is one of the many heroes of the Wizarding World. Known for his defeat of the Dark Lord and his versatility and success in many jobs, the former Auror turned Quidditch star has now decided to take on the role of Minister of Magic.

BUT, is really capable of it?

Though to the public Potter seems like a very talented and responsible candidate, he is really the worst possible choice for such a demanding job. What few people know is that Potter actually suffers from a huge case of Narcissism and fear of commitment. The oh-so-special Boy-Who-Lived is famous within his group of so-called friends for always wanting control over everything and then never finishing the job.

"Yeah, Harry's a great friend but his has this sort of saving people thing. He may not be trying to, but he always seems to be the center of attention and that leads people away from who he really is," says insider, Ronald Weasley. Now you're probably wondering, who is Harry Potter at home and can he lead Britain's Wizarding Sector through such hard times?

He can't. Potter is lazy. He won't take care of the things that need to be done. Forget about Muggle affairs and mending the bond between purebloods and muggleborns broken during the war. The only thing Potter cares for is Quidditch and his love of fast women. Not to mention his hatred of the one and only Draco Malfoy, who just happens to be the other candidate for Minister?

And the plot thickens. Could it be that Potter just wants revenge against Malfoy for the animosity between them during their time at school? It's true, Potter has always been jealous of Malfoy and he thinks that by winning the title of Minister of Magic, he can prove he's the better wizard, but he's not.

Have people really forgotten the great deeds Malfoy performed for the resistance during the war? Not only did he become a spy, he fought and killed his father and head Death Eater, Lucius Malfoy. Now, Malfoy is one of the wealthiest business men in the Wizarding World and knows a thing or two about real responsibility. He knows how to take care of things and run a company. That's just what we need after Fudge's reign that led our world into depression. Malfoy is what we need to bring us back on top. The only thing Potter will do is try to fix his inferiority complex. Not exactly the best choice for a political leader.

So, don't be fooled by Potter's past heroics. He won't do anything but dig us farther into the hole that we've been struggling for so long to get out of. Don't give power to an incompetent again.

For more on the upcoming election turn to page 12.

Ron looked at the article in awe.

"Isn't it dreadful?" Hermione said. Ron threw down the paper and stood up pacing up and down the small room.

"Who would do a thing like this to Harry!? This election means so much to him!"

"That's just it, Ron. Look at the article again." She said softly. Ron looked at her a second before retrieving the article and skimming the article.

"What?" He didn't see anything… wait… NO WAY! "You've got to be kidding me!"

"I know, I didn't believe it either."

"Ginny wrote this? Ginny my sister! Harry's fiancé! Why the hell would she do this?!" He bellowed throwing down the paper and storming into the closet. Things started flying out in all directions, which Hermione had to artfully duck. She could hear Ron ranting over the crashing sounds coming from the closet. Ron came back out dressed in jeans and a Chudley Cannons t-shirt.

"Honestly Ron! All that fuss to get dressed!" Hermione growled.

"Oh, be quiet, Hermione! We need to get over to their place. I think its time we all sat down and had a chat with Ginny." Ron took out his wand and apparated. Hermione stood there a moment before shaking her head and pulling out her wand.

'Why would Ginny do such a thing? She was in love with Harry, wasn't she?'

With that thought, she apparated.


Hermione arrived outside the door of Ginny and Harry's flat in Muggle London to find Ron practically banging down the door.

"Open up! I know you two are in there and by the way things look, you two certainly aren't shagging, so stop ignoring me and open the bloody door!" Hermione rushed over to the furious red-head and tried to rip him away from the door.

"Ron, really, stop it!"

"Watch out, Hermione! I'm taking the door down! TRY TO KEEP ME OUT, HUH GINNY?!" As Ron began to back down the hallway, ready to jump into the door, Hermione quickly stepped forward.

"Alohamora," she muttered frantically and the door flew open.

"MOVE OUT OF- oh… good work, Hermione." The married couple stepped into the flat. Ron's eyes widened and Hermione gasped.

The entire place was a mess. Everything was torn apart. All the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen area hung open, shattered plates and glasses lay on the floors, the television was cracked, books and C.D.s were missing from their shelves, and clothes were thrown randomly about the place.

"What happened?" murmured Ron, looking around.

"Do you think they're alright?" Hermione asked nervously. Ron looked back at her.

"I don't know… Ginny? Harry? You here?" Ron called moving into another room. Hermione followed his lead and went to the bedroom door. It was shut, so she knocked timidly. There was no reply. She slowly opened the door peeking inside. A retched stench filled her nostrils.

Alcohol… and something else not quite appropriate to mention.

The bedroom was in the same state as the rest of the house. It looked as though a tornado had run through there. Hermione gagged at the smell. She had never been one for liquor and when she turned to leave, something caught her eye. A pair of feet hung out from behind the bed- very large feet.

"Harry?" she called, going closer to the other side of the bed. Hermione choked at the site of him. He was wearing a pair of old boxers and a torn t-shirt. There were cuts all over him and his glasses were broken. A large bruise was forming on his left cheek. By his side was an empty bottle of Ogden's Old Fire whiskey.

"Ron, I think you better come into the bedroom!" she called over her shoulder. Ron quickly came into the room and stumbled over to Harry, gulping when he saw him.

"Bloody hell,"

Hermione knelt down and began to look over Harry, healing what she could of his cuts.

"Ron, help me get him up on the bed."

The two struggled to pick him up and flopped him on the bed. The black haired boy began to stir. He opened his eyes and blinked at the two before some realization landed on him and he bolted up, looking around the room frantically.

"Gin, Gin! Where are you?" He began to get up, but Ron lightly pushed him back down on the bed, "Ron, Hermione, you gotta help me! Quick, stop her before she leaves! You can't let her go!"

"Harry, calm down, there's no one else here but Ron and me."

"No, GINNY!" Ron had to hold Harry down as he tried to pry from the red head's grasp. Hermione looked on in horror.

"Harry, stop it, please! You have to calm down!" Harry stopped struggling and looked over at her. He was crying.


"Where is Ginny?" Ron asked.

"Ron, I did something really stupid." Ron's face flushed in anger as he looked down at his sobbing friend. He grabbed the man's collar and shook him furiously.


"RON! Stop it! Put him down!" Hermione screeched.


"RON, PLEASE STOP IT! PLEASE!" Hermione cried, trying in vain to pull Ron off the other man.


"NO RON!" Hermione quickly ducked and rose up between Ron and Harry, trapped by Ron's arms grasping Harry's collar.


"Walloping?" Harry questioned vaguely.

"Harry, shut up! You're drunker than Percy was on Father's Day!" Hermione shouted.

"Father's Day? How did I miss that?" Ron suddenly asked.

"It was when you were inside challenging anybody with a pulse to a game of Wizard's chess. Fred and George slipped a bottle of Irish whiskey into his pumpkin juice. Horrible trick, but rather comical."

"That's why he was screaming Rocky Raccoon at the top of his lungs!"

"Percy was always an in the closet Beatles fan." Harry added.

"Really? I always pictured him as more of a Beach Boys type of guy," said Hermione.

"He's not really a surfer type. The Beatles suit him better."

"Yeah, I think he fancied Paul." Ron said.

"Well, who wouldn't? Paul was a good looking chap and a right fine bass player." Hermione said, with a dreamy smile rising on her lips.

"I kind of like Ringo. He always seemed to be having a good time."

"No Ron, it's all about John." Harry said, shaking his head.

"What?! John was the one to break up the band!" The red head glared.

"How come George never gets any love?" questioned a voice from behind. The Golden Trio whirled around in surprise.

Ginny Weasley was leaning against the door, an eyebrow raised at the group who were too close together for their own good.

"Hmmm, sketchy situation and compromising position… what are you people doing?"

"Ginny?!" All three shouted at once. Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Oh please! You guys sound like an old Scooby Doo rerun."

"Ginny, you have some explaining to do! What was the meaning of that article?!" Ron shouted, but Ginny looked totally unfazed. She walked over to the cracked mirror on the wall and began to fix her red hair into a ponytail.

"I don't have anything to explain to you," she turned around with a mock smile on her face, "Though it is a pleasure to see you both. Ron, you're looking well, and Hermione, how are you? It's been much too long," Her smile faded as she came to look upon Harry, "Oh, Harry, how are you holding up? I heard Cho's pregnant. Must've been quite the shock, hmm?" She said scathingly.

"Cho Chang is pregnant! I didn't know she was going out with anybody. It's too bad, 'cause that'll mean she won't be playing the Cannons. She'll have to leave the Harpies to have the kid. I kind of wanted to see you guys play against each other…Who's the father, Gin?" Ginny just shook her head at the red head. One minute he was furious, the next he was making innocent conversation. Not to mention he had to be the thickest prat in all of Britain.

"Oh Ginny…" Hermione said with understanding. At least she was somewhat sharp. Hermione slowly ducked under Ron's arms and walked over to Ginny, hugging her tightly. "I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this. Oh, I can't even understand why he did it, but it's not your fault! This explains your article then… Ginny, I really am sorry. If there's anything I can-"

Ginny quickly pushed away and glared at Hermione.

"Like I need your pity."

"What are you two talking about? Did I miss something?" Ron asked dumbly. Hermione turned to him and sighed.


"Oh, wait, can I just do one thing before you two do that." Ginny walked over to the two boys, "Ron, if you would kindly step aside?" He did so with a puzzled look on his face. Ginny stepped to Harry and looked him straight in the eyes with great concentration.

"Ginny, please," he pleaded, but she cut him off.

"Just look at me."


That was too much for a drunken Harry who fell to the ground. Ginny looked on him with such furry in her eyes. She smirked slightly as he fell and was about to turn away when an idea came to mind.


She kicked him straight in the untouchables. Harry must have jumped three feet in the air and yelped in pain. He fell back to the ground and began rocking back and forth, holding his crouch and moaning.

"Ginny! What was that for?! That was real low, Gin, real low…" Ron asked with wide eyes. He was majorly confused at this point.

"Shut up, Ron. It's not like the sorry bastard didn't deserve it. Don't worry, Harry dear, I didn't come over her just to do that. See, I left in such a rush last night that I didn't realize I still had this on," She held up her left hand to reveal her diamond engagement ring. She began to pull it off and threw it right at Harry's head.

"I think I was entitled to that before I really left… so I think I'm gonna get going. Ron, Hermione, call me. We'll do lunch, and Harry, rot in hell for me, will you?" With that she strutted out of the bedroom.

The three left behind watched her leave- Hermione concerned, Ron confused, and Harry in pain. There was a moment of puzzled silence before Ginny popped her head in the doorway.

"Oh yeah, I'm taking The White Album with me." And she was gone.

That got Harry moving.

"No way, Ginny!" He ran after her, but was too late. She waved at him before she slammed the front door in his face. Ron and Hermione followed Harry out of the bedroom. The three looked between each other. Ron scratched his head.

"I still don't get what's going on,"

"Harry knocked Cho Chang up." Hermione said wearily.


The last thing Ginny heard as she walked down the hallway was a repeated thumping and muffled shouts coming through the walls. She smiled in satisfaction.

Sure, he could be dumb, but Ron could be really great sometimes. You just had to be patient.


A/N- OK! That was the start of my first Harry Potter fanfiction! YAY! Not…

Well anyways, I really get motivated by reviews so if you could look into that. But really, I write faster if I get reviews, even if they're mean or critical. Not that it gives you free reign to do that sort of thing… I'll just shut up now…

Don't worry, this is a Draco/Ginny fic. Sorry to make Harry a bit of a wanker but I think it adds to the story, don't you? Well, anyways... Draco is coming in soon, don't worry.

You might have noticed that the first scene is highly inspired from something else. Cookies for those who guess right!

So thanks for reading my fic!

Wow, this whole note sounds really lame and corny… but forget that.

Umm, email me if you have any questions, it's lucydanceswithrockinhorsepeopleyahoo.com please title your emails STORMS.

Yeah, so tell me what you think and I promise not to bore you w/ a ramble fest next time.

Oh, and please don't mind grammar errors. I do try to get them all, but I'm only human.

I'm really sorry, but one more thing. I don't think MAJORLY is actually a word but I like it so, so what?