"Vegeta breakfast's ready," Bulma called from the kitchen. It was Valentines Day morning and he couldn't wait to give her his gift. (You have to read chapter one to get what I'm talking about.) He smirked as he pulled the red wrapping papered box from under the bed and carried it with him into the kitchen.
"Where's Trunks?" Vegeta asked looking about,
"Oh he's at Goku and ChiChi's house to play."
"Perfect," he said as he wrapped his arm around Bulma's waist, and with the other gave her "their gift". "Happy Valentines Day."
Bulma was shocked she never figured Vegeta would even participate in a stupid earth custom, as he called it. She smiled but immediately frowned.
"I didn't bother to get you anything," she said guiltily.
"Oh you still have a chance to give me something." He purred.
"Should I open it now or after breakfast?" Bulma asked sweetly.
Vegeta glanced at the breakfast she had prepared, burnt toast, and charred bacon and something he could only pray was eggs. "Definitely now." He said.
"Okay." She said as she went into the living room so she could sit and open the gift.
Vegeta wasn't paying attention as she unwrapped the bow and wrappings. He was too busy removing his shirt.
What the heck? Bulma thought as she saw what Vegeta gave her. "Vegeta it's a very pretty frame but why would I want pictures of Gohan and Videl."
"WHAT!?!?" Vegeta look down to see Bulma indeed had a picture frame with pictures of the smiling couple. "Now how the hell did that..." Vegeta stopped in mid sentence, and as it came to him he suddenly burst out laughing.

Meanwhile at the Satan residence.

"Oh hi Gohan my boy how are you today?" Asked Mr. Satan, when he answered the door.
"Fine thanks," Gohan smiled he's in a good mood today that's a first he thought. "Where's Videl?"
"She's in the living room with us," Replied Mr. Satan.
"Hi Videl," Gohan said as he sat down next to his love.
"Hiya Gohan", said Buu who was sitting on the opposite couch, eating a big bag of candy hearts. "Look what Videl gave me."
"That's great Buu," he told him as he changed his attention back to Videl, "is that the gift you got for one of your fifty boyfriends.' He asked jokingly.
Videl glared at him.
"What?" asked Mr.Satan.
"Nothing dad inside joke," Videl said as she grabbed a small pink package "this is for you."
Gohan smiled as he took it, he opened it to find a cool dragon pendent inside, "wow thanks Videl,"
He said admiring the smooth silver.
"The pendent is supposed to symbolize wisdom, strength and is supposed to protect the wearer from harm."
"Wow thanks," he said as he put it on. "Here this one is for you," he said as he grabbed the package for her off of the table and handed it to her.
"I just know you'll love this, the moment I saw this I thought of you."
Videl smiled as she removed the paper, he was such a sweetheart. Gohan watched her intently as she pulled off the top and removed the tissue paper. (Recap Mr. Satan is still in the room.)
" Oh Gohan it's .. Lingerie and edible body oil?" She looked at him confused and slightly horrified.
"What the hey that's not what I got y..."
"BOOOOOOYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" Mr. Satan screamed as he lunged at Gohan.
"Whoa! DAMN VIDELI HOPE THIS PENDENT THING WORK" He said as he evaded a very POED Mr. Satan. "Okay let me explain," Gohan stammered as he avoided another punch, it was not as if Mr. Satan's could kill him, but he wasn't powered up now, so in retrospect Mr. Satan's punches won't bruise but they wouldn't tickle either.
"EXPLAIN? YOU EXPLAINED IT PERFECTLY BEFORE THE MOMENT I SAW IT I THOUGHT OF YOU," He said as he took another throw for Gohan's face accidentally missing and breaking a vase instead. "STOP MOVING YOU HENTAI PERV."
"NOT UNTIL YOU LISTEN, MY GIFT FOR HER GOT SWITCHED WITH WHOOPS!" Gohan ducked a kick from Mr. Satan that instead crashed into the TV; it fell over with a spark and crashed to the floor. Throughout the ordeal Videl sat dumbfounded on the couch still holding the lingerie and body oil.

"I guess we didn't get here in time," Vegeta said as he held Bulma in his arms. They had touched down at the Satan residence, to switch the gifts back when they heard the crash and Mr. Satan's yelling.
Bulma casually knocked on the door admiring the property as the crashing and yelling of Gohan and Mr. Satan resumed. "Y'know that's the kind of fountain I wanted for our lawn."
Just then the door opened, "May I help you?" Asked a rather shaken up butler.
"Oh yes is Gohan here?" asked Bulma.
"In there but I wouldn't go in there if I were you, Mr. Satan is very angry because Gohan gave Videl a very private gift right in front of him."
Vegeta couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing for the second time that day.
"Yes we know there was a mix-up of gifts we came to exchange them." Bulma said.
"Oh dear I hope the boy's all right then, please come in come in."
Just then Gohan's and Mr. Satan's yelling stopped.
"Oh my god he killed him." Vegeta said as he and Bulma ran into the living room. When they ran in a very odd sight greeted them. Gohan had Mr. Satan in a headlock with Mr. Satan's face put against the floor, Videl on the couch with shocked expression on her face still holding the accursed items and Buu sitting there casually munching on some candy hearts.
"Are you going to listen now." Gohan asked Mr. Satan who was still in a headlock.
"Yemsh" He replied in a muffled tone.
"Thank you it was a mix-up of Vegeta and my gift, I got Videl something else." Gohan said to his "prisoner."
"Hi Gohan how are you." Said Bulma now letting their presence be known.
"Just peachy keen. How do you think I am?"
"Well I'm sure you had a interesting morning," she said while pulling the frame out of her purse and putting it in front of Gohan and Mr. Satan.
"See that's what I got Videl, the kinky stuff was for Bulma from Vegeta." Gohan exclaimed. "Now I'm going to let you go now okay."
Gohan released his grip grabbed the frame and walked back to the couch where a still stunned Videl sat.
"Happy Valentines Day honey" Gohan smiled as he handed her his gift. Videl finally acknowledged the world and looked at Gohan. "Oh Gohan it's lovely," she said genuinely, she studied each picture remembering when they were taken. "It's wonderful a much better gift than lingerie, at least when my dad is around."
Gohan smiled and handed Vegeta back the box with the "Delicates" in it.
So a happy ending for the young couple where true love will avail, Bad for Mr. Satan because his nose has major rugburn, and good for Buu because he has many more bags of candy hearts.
Now let's look at Vegeta and Bulma back at Capsule Corp.
"It's beautiful Vegeta," Bulma said admiring the red silk fabric.
"Put it on," He urged her from his place on the bed.
"Wait but Woman.."
So are very sad Vegeta, slept on the couch.

Don't ask me why I ended the story this way I just wanted to torture Vegeta a little, Okay so how did you like it PLEASE R/R no flamers please, unless it's constructive critiscm then I'm all for it. And as for the mean flamers going around remember this "The Wiseman questions himself the FOOL questions others."