
Author's Note:
I hope that I am not taking someone else's idea concerning the stories written on Thomas Andrews. If I am in anyway borrowing or ripping off someone else's ideas, please let me know and I will remove the story immediately. If I have not done one of the following, I wanted to let all my readers know that I will be providing a list of characters at the start of each chapter since I will be using a lot of them in my story. I have in my mind who I will be portraying these characters after, but for all you out there, you can feel free to use your imagination. The only thing that I ask all of my readers is to picture Thomas Andrews after Victor Garber'seferring to other historical Titanic characters aboard the ship in various parts of the story. Please note this story was written after a great deal of research was conducted and gathered, so all references are historically accurate. Through the writing of this fiction, I hope to continue the preservation of the courageous shipbuilder who perished that icy April morning.

Disclaimer: I do not own Thomas Andrews, his family, or Victor Garber.