A Slytherin's Satisfaction
Disclaimer: Characters and all that good stuff belong to J.K. Rowling. No, I don't own either Draco Malfoy or Harry Potter, because if I did…:sigh: The things I would make them do.
Summary: This one is very different from the other short stories. Read on, if you will.
A/N: So I am back again! Man, it's been a while, hasn't it? Well, summer has finally come and freed me from the hell known as school. Thank you all, so much, for all the lovely reviews. Gryffindorgrl86: in your review, you said that the previous chapters were not linked together, and I can see where you could get that. Once I write the short outline of the story to come, that is what I originally had in mind for the next chapter, yet when I sit down to actually write the next chapter, other story ideas come and sometimes, it morphs into something completely different than I imagined. But, for example, say chapters one and two, they are related, somewhat. The situations are similar, like Draco walking in on Harry in the shower after a quidditch match, and Draco still has scars in both chapters. It's just that the second chapter holds so much more detail then the first. I don't know, but this Author's note is ending up longer than the actual chapter, so I'll stop my ramblings...now.
Chapter: 7?
See My Silhouette
I swear, sometimes I feel invisible in front of those piercing silver eyes.
And I want him to pierce me in so many different ways.
But he hasn't, and I dont know if he ever will.
But I feel like I am being seen through, even without my father's invisibility cloak.
I wonder if he even knows, cares, acknowledges me. And I wonder if he could care, could change, could love me, as I do him.
We all know Draco Malfoy as a once cold hearted git who loved to torment me, but he has changed.
In so many ways.
He has grown, he was a shadow of what he once was, but a beautiful shadow that I wish I could clasp in my arms, but like water in hands, he'd slip away, if held too tightly.
I want to change his views. His view of me.
And I want to prove to myself, and him, that he is meant to be with someone, and I want to know that he can see me, touch me, caress me, and squeeze something solid.
Most of all, I want him to realize that it is he that's taken my heart, but I'm invisible, and he can't see me trying desperately to get his attention.
And I want to yank my invisibility cloak over him and take him into the dark recesses of the forest, or my mind, and make him realize that it's me.
Just Harry.
Not Harry Potter, not Golden Boy.
And I want to steal his heart, rattle his mind, ravish his lips, jump his bones.
But most of all, I want him to see me the way I see him.
Because he's beautiful, and it hurts so bad to look at him, cause I can almost feel him, touch him, I'm almost allowed to love him, but then I get that chilling sensation that I'm see through.
I'm so invisible to him.
It's like he sees right through me, I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve, doesn't he know?
Doesn't he know just how much he turns me on?
But this time I won't let him get away from me, I'll make him see what I've known for so long, he's been driving me crazy.
I'll make him see me as I see him.
A/N 2: Well? This is completely inside Harry's head, so the grammar freaks must be freaking out over all the fragments and how I start my sentences with "and" and "but". Anyway, very different from the rest huh, because you don't know if they get together until the next chapter. Ahahaha, I'm so evil! Oh, I love it. You guys know what to do! Review.