Okay.. Time to finish up this fic! You guys ready to see this end? I am.. this got out of hand somehow.. and my muse for it ran off somewhere.
Warning: Bad spelling and horrid grammar.. and a bad battle scene. I suck at them.
Disclaimer: I own.. NOTHING! -Cries- InuYasha forever belongs to Rumiko Takahashi..
Chapter 8 Means to an End
Last Time:
"Lets take this out side. I have spent most of these past two hundred years fixing this place up." The young lord said as he walked out of the room. The once dead demon followed intent on killing his own son no matter what. He refused to lose his life so soon after just gaining it back. Inuyasha and the others all followed them out except for Rin who knew better then to be a target. She ran up to her room to watch from her window.
The once great demon stood staring down his own pup. His flesh and blood. The child he never took the time to love. He watched for the first movements but none came.
"Just standing there makes you look like a fool." Taishou growled. Sesshoumaru shrugged and continued to just stare at his father. The older dog demon turned towards the others that where there. Inuyasha, the son he loved dearly, wasn't his son at all and was taking Sesshoumaru's side. The pup was chatting with the humans he stood with. The two females giggled while the monk smirked and turned to watch the battle. The dog general narrowed his eyes and turned back to where Sesshoumaru was standing, only to find he was gone!
Sesshoumaru watched as his father turned his attention to Inuyasha and took his chance. A distracted enemy is a dead enemy. He flitted behind the older demon and readied his poisoned claws. Once Taishou turned his head back to where Sesshoumaru once stood, the younger demon struck. His poisonous hand ripping through back muscles and bone. Through a lung and out the front of the older ones chest.
Taishou's eyes went wide as blood bubbled up his throat and out of his mouth. He felt the hand withdraw as Sesshoumaru jumped away from the older demon.
"You are slow dear father. Maybe you should pay more attention to me right now. Or better yet, submit to me and accept I am Lord of the West and I am the Father of Inuyasha." Sesshoumaru purred.
"Don't think you've won just yet boy!" sneered Taishou. He ran toward the younger demon claws ready to strike when he collapsed. "Wha?" he gasped out.
"You should know better then to run, or do anything when there is poison in your system. Your lungs are going to start failing first, then your heart with stop beating." Sesshoumaru scoffed. His father should have known better. He was the one who taught Sesshoumaru about poisons.
"Foolish child. Do you think your weak poisons can damage me greatly?" Taishou coughed a few times, spitting out blood and yellow/green goo. He climbed to his feet and dusted himself off. "I know every move you'll make, after all I am the one who trained you."
"Oh? You know everything?" Sesshoumaru smirked. Taishou matched his sons smirk with one of his own. They then raced at each other claws and fangs causing wounds that would have killed a human or lower level demon. They then separated both breathing heavily. "You know nothing old man." Sesshoumaru then rushed his father one hand striking out. Taishou laughed and caught the clawed hand.
"Is this all you have pup?" The older demon roared. "Weak and useless that's what you are!" Sesshoumaru smirked and brought up his free hand and pulled. A shocked look fell on the older demons face as he saw the poisons from Sesshoumaru's body formed a whip like item and was wrapped around his neck. At the small pull Sesshoumaru gave, Taishou's head rolled off his shoulders. "Im.. Impossible..." With that the body turned to dust and blew away in the wind.
Birds flew over head, the human girls giggled at a joke that was between them, Inuyasha and the monk were on the ground eating from a weird bag object. The small fox demon was sound asleep in the half demons lap. It looked like nothing had even taken place in front of them. Like there was never any danger.
"Hey Sesshoumaru! Great job! I bet he'll think twice before returning to life." Kagome yelled out to him. She and the other girl had burst out laughing.
"Feh.. He should'a just stayed dead if ya ask me. I mean what a waist of time! Being brought back to life only to die not long after. Pointless!" Inuyasha ranted as he shoved a handful of potato chips into his mouth. Sesshoumaru smiled at the site as he approached the group.
"So," Sesshoumaru started, looking from his son and the human in odd clothing. "When is the wedding?"
Inuyasha's eyes bugged from his head and the girl went bright red."
"What?" The half-ling asked.
"When will you and this girl be married? I wish to know." Sesshoumaru stated, his amusement at their reactions clearly showing in his eyes.
"He.. hey! We just made up and stuff! And .. and..! There are other things to consi..." Inuyasha rambled in an embarrassed tone. Sesshoumaru chuckled and shook his head. Now that it was out in the open, he was aloud to tease his pup and his intended.
"Inu-onii! Come play with Rin!" The little girl bounced out to the area the group was sitting. Sesshoumaru could only smile as Inuyasha was dragged into the field of flowers. Yes things were good.
And thats how they were going to stay.
Thanks to all who stuck with this story.. It went on far to long and ended up somewhere I didn't know... It was meant to be a one shot where Sesshoumaru thought back on his beloved one and his pup.. Inuyasha wasn't really suppose to be there but.. my muse kept whispering "DK.. that's no fun!" and so I went on.. Where Taishou came in.. was where it got lost. So I had to end it in the only way I knew how.
Has anyone seen Sesshoumaru's mother? Oh gosh she looks just like him! they could'a been fraternal twins or something! He defiantly got his looks from her.. Anyone know her name? (Sesshoumaru's mother not Inuyasha's) I've been on many different sites that said many different things x.x
See you next fanfic! =D