A/N: This is the chapter you guys have been waiting for, I am sure of it. This is where you find out pretty much everything, and I'm not sure if it will be a shock to you. I also.. I'm not the author, who gives the happiest ending ever. Keep that in mind, but I do give somewhat happy endings, so this ending might be somewhat shocking. No, this is not the last chapter. We have one more full chapter after this and then the epilogue, and then we have the credits, so MAKE SURE YOU REVIEW! This will be the longest chapter I have ever written. Enjoy.
Disclaimer: I own the plot, but it was inspired by October Breeze. All non-OC characters belong to Square Enix.
Camp Nightmare
Chapter Eleven
The pleaded
Last Chapter: One missed call--One new voice mail
She could have died right then and there. Her fingers almost turned to mush, as she almost dropped the cellphone. With one attempt, Yuffie punched in the code to her voice mail then shakily put it up to her ear.
"One new voice mail. "..." "
"Heh... No one left the message. It's blank." Blank seemed to be the keyword to start it off.
"Once more, I will say this again. I know where you are, heh," her breath caught as she retorted accidently, "In my cabin, of course, you idiot. Where else.."
"And I will say this once more. If you are alone, I will kill you. This is a juvenielle camp. It's almost... Expected, heh."
"Meee-oow-ooww," he mewed to her seductively. Her face turned almost red, and at the moment, his eyes sparked fear. Her hand reached up setting place to smack him. He ran for his dear life, Olivia chasing him. A snort sounded from the other side of the room when Sora sat up rubbing his eyes and stifling a yawn.
"Wazzjusshappin?" He yawned. "Where's Riku?" Cloud took a deep breath.
"He's at his funeral," Cloud told Sora. "I'm surprised you didn't wake up. Olivia Tresscar just ran in and threw Riku out the door to go kill the snake you left in her cabin."
"Nope." Yuffie blinked. Where was Squall? He should have been in the cabin along with Cloud and others. Curiosity and worry began to poke Yuffie. "Okay... If you guys see him, tell him to stop by my cabin, okay?" The shivering Cloud nodded slightly as he and Riku went inside to close the door. "That's a bit strange if you ask me." Trudging through the spangling snow, Yuffie called out Squall's name in curiosity. She neared the entrance to the woods gazing around timidly. "Squall?" Her voice echoed. Shifting her eyes around slowly, the young teenager walked down the edge of the forest entrance. "Are you around here? Squall-"
Yuffie was knocked to the ground out cold face swelling up by the second.
"I told you that if you were alone I would kill you." Then her figure was dragged off into the forest depths.
"Hello… Yuffie," It began. The voice was deep, dark, and a bit intimidating. "You must be in question as to who I am or why I would call… Well, take this warning. You better watch it or else you might get yourself killed." Squall's eyes widened slightly as his mind tried to comprehend what this meant. He listened to the other message in horror. Pocketing the phone, Squall jumped up. Yuffie WAS alone. Yuffie had NO chance. Yuffie was in trouble.
(The REAL chapter)
As the cold raven night fell upon the camping grounds, all the little children were distinguished among their camp leaders and were on the verge of being sent to the feathery soft lands of the dream world. The last few minutes of their devotionals from the Camp Director, Jesse, and the small snacks were what was holding them from leaving. It was already passed eight and one table out of the whole mess hall began to get anxious and iffy on listening. The younger children had their heads laying flat against the table as they had to peel their eyes open to listen to their camp director. Even the most wild child, Kristi, was ready to let her eyelids remain shut for the night. The leaders might have to carry some of the gremlins to their small bunks bed if Jesse didn't hurry up. Kairi's icy blue eyes lingered around like she had something on her mind. So did Aerith's as they whispered to one another.
"Leon seemed pretty upset," Aerith whispered, her throat becoming pretty dry. "And the fact that she has not been around camp all day is starting to scare me. It's either she is having a bad day, or something..."
"Don't think that Aerith. Nothing could happen at this camp. Yuffie isn't stupid enough to go back into the forest to try anything." The look on Aerith's face made Kairi feel crushed and her heart sink. Aerith did not believe her, or she was too anxious to try and convince herself. That's when Kairi glanced down the table they were sitting at.
"What is it, Kairi?" Aerith whispered.
"Where's Sora?"
"What's wrong guys?" Another voice began to chip in quietly.
"Sora's gone..." Aerith said almost inaudibly. Riku quirked an eyebrow at the young pink-clad girl. Riku shifted slowly towards the blonde boy sitting next to him. "What's wrong with her?" He inquired quietly.
"Yuffie hasn't been here all day, and Leon was pretty upset like something was wrong. Knowing Yuffie, something is wrong," Cloud muttered. The silver-haired-boy's eyes fell to the ground disappointedly, as his breath began to speed up in irritation. Where was Sora? This table was too glum for him. Not that he wasn't worried about Yuffie, but Leon was already out there searching for her, and with him on the job, he was surely to locate her. That's when Riku peeked up to another table of girl's and boy's, who seemed to be whispering to one another. "Dumb girls," he whispered as he caught sight of Olivia Tresscar. The annoying little kitty he had begun to take interest in lately. His head still pounded like a hammer hitting nails from her screaming. That's when no one noticed Sora slip back in his seat at the end of the table where he just smugly grinned.
"When's the wedding?" Sora inquired to Riku, who snapped out of his thoughts.
"What wedding?" Riku's hissed as his eyes narrowed. The innocent brunette let his eyes roll toward Olivia, as Riku followed.
"TRESSCAR?" Riku gulped. "No way!" It was like Olivia had cat ears because she looked over her shoulder at the boy with a glance and a heavy glare."Shut up, Sora," Riku hissed moodily. There was a moment of silence as Sora sunk back in defeat, although, he hid a smug grin.
"Riku," Sora began, as the aqua-eyed-teenager shifted his gaze to face the boy who addressed him.
"Are you on your period?" Riku's eyes narrowed deeply as his hands clenched. Sora choked slightly and scooted away slightly. "I uh.. should be going now shouldn't I?" He said pointing to the door. Riku nodded.
"You've got 5," he began.
"Eep!" Sora darted from his seat on the tips of his toes for more speed. Riku knocked the whole bench down as it broke underneath him standing up on it. As it broke, he leaped off as his friends were left sprawled on the floor. They yelped at the sudden impact of the floor, as the mess hall became quiet in curiosity. Then, the little kids opened their eyes as peered at the scene. A howling laughter errupted from their mouths as they over sounded Jesse. Aerith, Kairi, and Cloud began to laugh slightly as they stood up brushing themselves off. "You know you love her!" Sora shouted back to Riku as he darted out of the messhall. Olivia blinked at the two boys, who rushed out the door swiftly.
"I hate my job," Jesse muttered underneath her breath out of the microphone's range. "Stupid kids," she murmured once more as she turned back to the microphone, licking her dry lips in the process. "Alright," Jesse called into the microphone. "Be careful going back to your cabin, or it will be my neck. Good night." After she turned off the microphone, the mess hall became filled with talking children and leaders as they hauled the younger ones back to the cabins. When the group with Aerith made their way outside, Cloud smiled. "Uh I'll be back guys. I have to go to the bathroom." They all smiled and nodded. Cloud wandered away from the group with a smile and stopped.
"Uh.. Where's the bathroom?" He inquired aloud to himself. "I'll just have to go in the bushes." Wandering over to the bushes, his heart raced as a hand in the bush reached out and gripped his arm. "What the hell!"
"Shut up!" The voice hissed to him as they revealed themself in the moonlight. Her raven hair sparkled slightly in the shadow as her chocolate eyes peered at him.
"Rinoa?" He gulped. "What are... you doing?" His voice made her face twist in confusion as she rolled her eyes in thought. "You're in the bushes... and you're touching me." Her eyes widened slightly as she then ripped her hand from his arm like he was made of acid. They both shifted their eyes to the ground like lost puppies until she stomped her foot down.
"That's not the point," she blew, suddenly. "You need to come with me! I found Seifer," she hissed.
"And I care why?" Cloud inquired.
"Cause it's not just Seifer. It's more people and they have a girl. She's lying on the ground out cold. I don't know who it is. They.. just come!" Her hand snaked it's way onto his arm again she ripped him through the bushes.
"But I have to go pee," Cloud whined. Rinoa wrinkled her nose in disgust, but trampled both of them through the forest at a swift pace, while Cloud nearly toppled over. "Stop pulling so much."
"Stop stomping!" Rinoa hissed. "We need to go incognito, but you're going to ruin it all."
"I can't help it! Stop going so fast!"
Squall wandered down the path, his hands clenched as anxious thoughts plagued his mind. The mahogany girl was all that plagued his mind, as his heart raced faster than he could have ever imagined it would. Just for some girl. No. She wasn't some girl. This teenager broke through him. He was a different person, and that is why he couldn't stop thinking about her. Sappy, he knew. Something rustled.
"What the hell?" Squall blurted suddenly as his head snapped up to look at the scene before him. "Seifer?" He moved closer quickly as he peered at the darker form, who was currently looking back at him in apparent shock. Squall's eyes followed to the lump in front of his kneeling body. "Yuffie? What the hell? Get the hell away from her!" He roared as Seifer held his hands in front of him as the infuriated man charged toward him. Seifer growled slightly as Squall felt something cold to the nip of his neck. A click echoed as the trigger clicked into place.
"Stay back Leonhart," Seifer ordered. "It's not what you think." The brunette choked slightly at what he was hearing. The tip of the silver slick blade began to dip into his skin letting a stinging pain shoot through his neck. The tip of the blade traveled further north to his jaw line as a small smirk appeared on Seifer's lips.
"What are you doing to her, Almasy?" Squall hissed vigorously, a rage filling his body as he watched his enemy.
"Helping her," he simply replied.
"By killing her?" Squall retorted sarcastically. "Look at her!" He threw his hand forward in a gesture to look. "She's unconcious and who knows what else. What did you do to her!"
"Nothing," Seifer replied firmly. "I found her like this. Someone else did this to her. I found this," the blonde told him firmly as he pulled his blade down on the ground and tossed a silver piece towards Squall. He caught it with ease, but still almost fumbled it at the sudden move.
"My ring?"
"And footprints much too small to be mine, but too big to be Yuffie's, so I followed them and lookie lookie what I found," He gestured the the body lying on their back in the dim snow. "I tried to help her, but you came tried the rip my head off." Narrowing his eyes, the brunette scoffed.
"And why should I believe you?"
"Facts Leon, Facts." In the time they stood there, Squall's rage level seemed to explode as a vein in his head became almost visable.
"I see no facts," He simply growled in reply. Seifer shrugged.
"The footprints," Seifer reminded him.
"You could have made those," Squall accused slowly trying to understand and contemplate.
"And the fact she could have kicked my ass before I could do anything about it," Seifer trailed off.
"True," Leon added, recieving a glare from the man in front of him, but Leon growled lightly. "Still. You don't a very good past with her, and I find it hard to believe you didn't hurt her."
"Leon," Seifer began, but that second his eyes widened as he charged forward. "Watch out man!"
"What?" Then he spluttered as dirt, as his mouth girgled it. "Ugh," he coughed as he glanced back suddenly at an echoing sound.
A gun shot
Where it came from, Leon did not know, but he soon found his arch enemy on the ground... with a wound? It was sickening as Leon wanted to throw up from the sight of it. So much blood.
"Seifer," he breathed as it look like the man was unconcious or even worse, dead. Covering his mouth with his hand, so he would not throw up, he slowly made his way to Seifer as he coughed up soil.
"Don't move," A strong voice echoed behind him as he heard something click. The gun. Leon turned around slowly and nearly choked, completely forgetting about throwing up. It was him, the one who shot Seifer and more than likely hurt Yuffie; Steve. He couldn't believe it, and he would have never suspected it from the voice at first. His voice was no longer feminime, but deep and forceful, his posture was no longer slender and fragile, but more broadly standing out, his hair was no longer combed to the side but thrown in mess, and most of all, his mustache was gone. The breath from Leon's throat and lungs soon disappeared from him as he found himself trying to breath and keep alive the situation.
He found the words leaving him. "Steve," Leon began lowly, "What are you doing?" That's when he saw the spangled clip of light shine in the moon light and blind him slightly. The gun was now pointing towards Leon.
The words left his tongue acidly, but with a mild taste of sarcasm. "Leon, Leon," He soothed out sweetly, his grubby fingers wrapping around the gun like a warm feathery blanket in the depth of a blizzard. The perspiration began to slide down both Leon and Steve's face in the icy cold weather as their breath was floating around like smoke. "I did not want to do this to you," once more his voice echoed sardonically, "Or... Perhaps.. I do." Click. He was getting ready, the bullets in place hiding in their slots soon to pierce Leon if he did not do anything smart within the next minute or less.
"Who are you?" Leon inquired vigorously, as he motioned to Yuffie and Seifer. "Why? Why did you do this?" Then he cringed as the laughing of Steve echoed the forest. It was so... sickly.
"Steven Lamberga. Co-Camp director," He replied.
"Lamberga? Where have I heard that before?" Leon inquired aloud cautiously. "Wait... you can't be... five years ago."
"State Sex Offender, Lamberga," Steven finished. "Said I murdered two teenagers, then raped them. Got off one offense, but was never sent to the chair-"
"Because the damn state was too kind as you paid your way out," Leon hissed.
"Shut up!" He yelled. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" The phrase repeated over and over again. "I never did it, but no. The other damn fucking lawyers screwed the whole trial up. That one last question set up an alliby for everyone but me. I was the guilty one. Always, I am the guilty one! So I'll show you who the guilty one will be. I will live up to the name." Click. He was getting ready.
"Kisargi..." Squall breathed. "The lawyer was Kisargi and Mekal..." He said glancing over at Yuffie. "Yuffie... You didn't kill her, did you?" He inquired startled.
"If I did, so what. What are you going to do? My goal is done. I even got another goal completed when I shot him too," He gestured toward Seifer, a wicked smile plaguing his lips. Squall tipped his head in curiosity, which made him wonder what Steve was implying. He shook his head not quite understanding what he meant.
"Oh crap! Mekal!" Squall blurted once more. "The other lawyer, but... Seifer doesn't have his last name.. His is Almasy.."
"Ahh or is it?" Steve said aloud in rhetorical question. Creasing his eyebrows, it took a moment.
"His... step father?"
"Bingo," Steve laughed. "We have a winner. Didn't you ever wonder why Almasy hated Yuffie so much?" His tone was in sick curiosity. All that followed was a slight hmph of anger, then Steve continuing. "After the trial, Mekal got fired, Kisargi was the only one who stayed. Those two," he pointed, "knew one another. Yuffie might not remember, but he surely did. It seems our anti-hero hated their family after that."
"Shut up! You killed them!" Steve pointed the gun at Squall quickly and moved forward. "You're turn," he told him. It was now or never. "Fag," he hissed. Steve let it slide like wax on paper as the smirk appeared on his face.
But it was then. That moment was the moment Squall had never more thankful in his life. The moment he was thankful he had a dumbass for a friend. The bush rustled heavily and tumbling out came a spikey blonde, and a squealing raven-haired-woman. With a flick, Steve snapped his gun, but Squall was already on top him wrestling for the gun.
And the dead silence that followed. They both groaned on the ground, only one of them getting up.
"Leon man?" A hand touched Cloud's shoulder as Rinoa peered over. She screamed. Cloud then screamed too, but.. not as womanly. "You shot Leon."
"And you're next," Steve breathed heavily. Cloud grabbed Rinoa's arm roughly and shoved her behind him, as they both tried to take cover.
"Steve?" A soft thump managed to stifle in the snow beneath them. A phone was tossed to Cloud.
"Call 911 now," the brunette breathed getting up. Not a scratch on him. Rinoa terrified, slumped down in the snow. The blonde inched closer to Steve's body. "Yo man. Steve's dead." Squall turned quickly to Seifer, almost throwing up at the scene. So much blood. "Rinoa," Squall demanded quickly. She was prompt to be at his side, eyes full of tears. "Give me your scarf." It was like she was a automaton, but she was human.
"Here." A simple nod of thanks, and Squall motioned for Rinoa to help hold him up.
"Just lift him up a little," Squall told her quickly, desperately. Of course she was hestitant. Her knees trembled deeply, as her icy pink face numb from the cold, shook. Her hand reached down as she bent in the snow, the icy feeling filling her body.
"Oh Seifer," she cried quietly, tears threatening to stain her cheeks. "Don't leave me.." The pink feathery, but smooth scary was soon wound around his wounded shoulder and tied tightly to cut of the circulation. He may live through this. He just might. Squall then remembered Yuffie. He left Rinoa to Seifer, and he was soon at Yuffie's side. She was so cold. He picked her upper half up and held her in his arms for warmth. He gasped slightly at the large welt on her head.
"Yuffie... Oh.. " His mouth trembled. He hardly knew this girl, but he felt so many conflicting emotions. If she died...
"They're coming," Cloud broke through his thoughts. The icy gaze of the brunette stayed on Yuffie. It was then Cloud noticed her. "What'd he do to Yuffie!" Cloud was soon kneeling.
"I-I.. don't know.. She's so cold... Yuffie.." Cloud reached for her wrist, the wrist that did not have the cast. Immediately, he put it down.
"Leon man... There's no pulse.. Yuffie might be..be.. gone."
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How far along were they? How long would this take? It's been 3 hours. Not one word.
Cloud, Rinoa, and Squall had been sitting in the waiting room at the hospital for hours and hours. Still nothing.
"Nothing on Seifer," Cloud whispered. "This is horrible." He could say no more as he was leaning over in his chair, hands rubbing his head. Still, no one said a word. Rinoa, who was red in the face from her crying, shifted in her chair slightly. She seemed tired, dark circles plastered under her already chocolate eyes. Squall wasn't fairing off much better. His face was numb, still warming up from the freezing snow. His clothes were cold and wet. He was sure that he would get sick, as everyone would too.
The door opened. A doctor came out with a scroll, and all of them stood up. They were eager to find out. He confronted them, his old face red and tired from exhaustion. Her rubbed his temples in severe pain.
"Camp Students?" They all nodded, stomachs churning in despair.
"Seifer Almasy will be alright. The boy is lucky. He lost a lot of blood." A simple chuckle escaped the doctor. They all became silent with relief but annoyed.
"And Yuffie...?" Squall inquired slowly. He didn't move. Squall didn't like that. "What about Yuffie?" He inquired more vigorously.
"Yuffie.. She's alive." Squall sighed with huge relief. "But-"
"But?" Oh no.
"Yuffie has brain damage. All memory she has is gone. Her memory of everything is gone. She doesn't even know who she is." A wail caused the doctor to stop. Three heads turned to the only girl there. Rinoa was crying.. for Yuffie? An arm slipped around Rinoa as Cloud let her cry. Squall couldn't breath. He found himself breathless. All those happy memories? Gone?
"I'm afraid so," the doctor told him. "You may see her after her parents get up here?"
"When's that?" Cloud asked.
"A couple hours. They're taking a plane over here right now."
"Whoa!" Cloud breathed as his friend stumbled back slightly...
And fainted.
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A/N: Crazy stuff huh guys! Can you believe it? I promise, PROMISE it will get better. I SWEAR ON MY LIFE. It gets better. Next chapter might be the last. Crazy huh? I might do another chapter then an Epilogue. More than likely that. Yeah. One more Chapter you guys. Then Epilogue. I'm sad that it is ending, but I have to end it. I want to respond to you guys, but there is a new rule on that says I can't. Is that true? I'm gonna respond to you guys anyway. I have no idea if this rule is true or not.
ItHatesYou: hahah coffee. Ewww. Yeah.. Did you think it was gonna be.. well.. HIM? you the killer? hehe
Hazu: hahah thanks for the review. Was the person I picked the person you thought?
October Breeze: YES. I love it when you review because you're the one who inspired this story. Love it? Did you think it was that person?
DivineRose2392: haha GOOD! i love it when people laugh.
Vamptress RayZor: haha i don't think there's any fluff in this chapter, but in the epilogue there will be. Yes. And next chapter. I have no idea.
StormScarred: You still intrigued? hehe
Lovebuggy: LMFAO. You're hilarious.
skippinsunday: HAAHAHA YOUR FRIENDS BORED BROTHER? I can't stop laughing.
star-chan89: (wipes head) PHEW. I'm sorry I didn't update sooner. I wasn't inspired until I yesterday. I beat Shadow Hearts 2 and fell in love with writing again.
Zarya: Yeah, I based her off what Dana wanted or something. She liked it, so I kept it. Rachel, you kill me haha.
gero: Why thank you. Good you reviewed. It made me happy. I hope all goes well for ya. :)
shadows and sonic's girl: Aww sorry. Well your review made me update today. Be happy again!
Thanks guys. Now I gotta email EVERYONE who put this story on their favorites and tell them it's coming to an end. Phew. Adios!