......I am not sure about this story.......but please review..!!!!!!!!!

This is a sequal to when the officers are searching Jay's car......enjoy....

Chapter 1.....Sean or Chris????


Keep looking, Mr. Raddage...(sp) said....

(Sean talks to Emma in a corner)

Is there something you would like to tell me Mr. Cameron?

Yeah, Yeah there is GO to HELL..

YOu have just earned yourself 2 months of Saturday detension...

The next day.....

"Hey Chris," emma said...

"Hi," he responded quietly

"Guess what we got Sean?"

"Wait, we didn't get Snakes computer.."

"So....he payed back what he did to me....I mean Snake"

You aren't over him are you.? And I think that we aren't ready for each other, till you make a choice...him or me?

(walks away)

Emma walks away shocked, her heart was making a river of tears. She thought she wasn't hearing right... She went home. She tried to enjoy Snake's party but was too caught up in the choice of Sean or Chris. In her mind she was saying Sean because she had and still loves him, but at the same time she was thinking Chris, smart, kind, honest, she was caught in the middle.

That night she couldn't sleep, and in the morning she couldn't eat....late the next night she went to Chris's party, that he was DJing at. She went up to him and started to speak.

"Hey Chris"

"Hi Emma, what are you doing here?"

"I came to say sorry, I really love you Chris not Sean."

"I love you too, your the best thing that has happened to me in a long time."

(They kiss, Chris and Emma walk out of the club and start talking over some pizza and a soda.)

"Emma would you like to come back to my place after dinner?"

"Sure I would love that."

"I have to worn you its not a nice homey kind of place."

"No problem Chris, I love for who you are, not your home."

"Thanks Emma, thanks for understanding."

"Your Welcome Chris, thanks from solving my problem with Sean."

"Its all good."

"I promise that I would talk about Sean every again."

(Chris gives Emma a ya right look)

"Maybe just a few more times, when we get Snake's computer back," she responded

"That will be fine"

(Chris pays, and holds Emma's hand and they walk, kind of stroll down the street back to Chris's house.)

They walk in and Emma see's Chris's parents fighting, almost beating eachother.

"Emma maybe you should come over another time."

"Sure Chris I understand"

"Would you like to come back to my house for some ice-cream?"

"Sure, that would be fantastic."

Again they walk, this time they are heading to Emma's house. The way there the run into Jay, Sean, and the rest of their gang..........

To be continued....but only when I recieve 10 reviews.!!!!.