Disclaimer: I do not own CCS… but neither do you! BWHAHAHA… sorry.

. Second CCS fic. My other one was Samurai Secret. I hope you like it!

Ice Queen

Chapter One

Sakura's POV

Hollow footsteps echoed frostily across the still, hollow hall. They moved efficiently, and gracefully, without pause or hesitation.

A girl with silky, auburn hair and piercing emerald eyes walked down the hall. Anyone within five feet of her immediately moved away. After all, she was the school's infamous Ice Queen, cold and cruel to everyone.

Eyes straight ahead of her, the girl thought about how stupid the other students were… how utterly weak they were. She'd be glad once she graduated. Oh so glad… but for now… she was pissed that another year of school had made its arrival.

Kinomoto Sakura slammed her locker shut loudly, causing everyone to flinch. Ignoring the murmurs, she stalked towards her classroom, her body language daring anyone who had the guts to cross her path… if they did, they would pay dearly for it.

Arriving at the room designated on her schedule, the Ice Queen soundlessly went to her chair and sat down in it, staring out the window. No emotion seemed to play on her face when she pulled headphones on and listened to whatever CD was in the player, and she ignored the bell as it rang loudly… loud enough for even her to hear.

Sakura shut her eyes, but as she did so, she also shut herself from the outside world. It wasn't as if anyone else mattered.

Sleep had begun to sink into her now-growing heavy eyelids, when she felt someone removing her headphones. Instantly, she sat up straight and glared into the eyes of her disturber. Someone was going to be taught a very important life lesson their first morning of being a senior at Tomoeda High.

"So kind of you to join us this morning, Kinomoto-san," two gentle blue eyes were staring at her. "Class has begun and today there is a new student. I've volunteered you to take him to the administration office and show him his locker."

Her icy green eyes swiveled until they landed on a boy with chocolate brown hair and deep brown eyes. Staring icily at her teacher, Sakura controlled herself, doing her best to remember that it was Eriol who had asked her a favor… not some other idiotic teacher. For Tomoyo's sake… for Tomoyo's sake…

"Che. Fine," Sakura hissed and stood up, knocking her chair back abruptly. Not caring much about the piece of furniture lying abused on the ground, she grabbed her bag, and left, with only a frigid glance thrown at the new kid on her way out.

The boy followed her silently and when they reached the office he turned around and said in an annoyed voice, "Thanks. I don't need your help anymore."

Sakura just shrugged. She didn't really care. This little trip was becoming her excuse to skip some classes. After he went in, she sat down on a bench facing the office, waiting for him to come out. She was able to hear bits of the conversation going on in the room. There was something to do with a uniform, classes… She didn't listen to it all, but from what could be heard she found out his name was… Li Syaoran.

A mocking smirk found its way onto her face. It was an idiotic name… didn't even sound Japanese.

She sighed. A foreigner.

He did come out, after about five minutes, and when he saw her there he remained expressionless, "I thought I told you I'd be fine."

"You got a problem? This is a reason for me to skip a few periods, don't ruin it," Sakura rose from her seat and whisked the slip of paper between his fingers, out of his hands. "312?" she cursed loudly, sending an icy look to the teachers coming out of the office to shout at her. They were silenced by the Ice Queen's piercing gaze. Yes… even those with authority feared her.

Her fist rammed into the wall loudly, an indent could be seen, but luck for the school, she didn't make a hole like the last time she lost her temper. But she was angry. Oh so angry.

"Why the hell does your locker have to be next to mine?"

She led him down the hall again. After pointing her thumb towards his locker, she left him there, walking briskly back to her classroom.

Syaoran's POV

Li Syaoran walked silently to room A-1… the class that was on his schedule… the class that was obviously her class as well, since they were walking in the same direction. He bit his lip rather than yell in surprise when the Kinomoto girl turned and stared at him coldly… with those frozen green eyes.

Who… is she anyway? I've never met anyone quite as… intimidating as her… nor as isolated and detached.

"What the heck do you want?" she demanded.

He shrugged in reply, keeping his voice as even as possible, "I'm going to my class."

She grabbed the schedule in his hands, "Oh sht" she hissed, "How is it possible that I have such bad luck?" When she turned and saw his confused look she threw the schedule back at him and hissed, "We have all the same classes."

That girl… seems pretty pissed. What is wrong with all these people here? I swear… it's not just her… their secretary up at the office is a little… odd as well. I knew it was a bad idea to transfer.

Turning on her heel she continued walking, faster this time, so that Syaoran couldn't walk near her.

Dang. She probably scares the entire student population away with her cold personality.


Hearing footsteps come up behind him, Syaoran turned... Only to find himself face to face with a boy who… seemed to have no eyes?

"Hi Li-kun. I'm Yamazaki. Nice to meet you."

Syaoran hid a smile of relief. Hopefully most of the students were more like Yamazaki… and not all like the girl he had seen before. He grinned, "Hey."

He had new friends. Behind Yamazaki were a group of students, each of them smiling at him. They were later identified as Chiharu, Naoko, Rika, and so on.

"So…" Yamazaki smiled, "I see you survived walking around with the Ice Queen for half a day… to tell you the truth, you did a lot better than the last student who stuck with her for that long. She lost twenty pounds that night and moved to a different high school."

"Ice Queen?"

"Oh! I keep forgetting that you're new… you seem to fit in already!" Chiharu giggled. "Ice Queen. The girl you were with all afternoon. Her real name is Kinomoto Sakura, but really, since she's so… well… icy, I guess, everyone calls her the Ice Queen. She's got quite a reputation. Too bad you had to get a scare from her your first day."

Syaoran nodded, slightly intrigued. The Ice Queen… Kinomoto girl had a reputation… one which obviously fitted only her. That was… interesting.

Walking down the hall, his amber eyes fixed upon the Ice Queen who had been glaring at some freshman. The young girl sat on the ground, staring up at the senior who was currently stepping away from her without another word. The air around her seemed to freeze as she walked away.

Geez. She really is cold.

"Oi! Li! Hurry or we'll be late!"

"Ah! Right! Hold up!" Syaoran raced off towards a group of students.

"Wow… you're good at soccer, Li," Yamazaki chatted with him as they walked over to the water fountain. Syaoran grinned. He had always been good at athletics, and soccer was his forte. Who would have thought that he could show off some of his pro skills at physical e.d. the first day of school?

Eyes straying over to where the girls were playing soccer, Syaoran's eyes narrowed as they fixed upon the Ice Queen. She had possession of the ball and was racing down the field in the direction of a terrified goalie. The girl was biting her lip, and she was shaking uncontrollably.

"Hey! Uh… you!" Syaoran got up and ran over to the goal. "Don't sweat it. You don't have to be goalie if you're that nervous. I'm sure sensei will-"

"Li-kun! Watch out!"

Syaoran's head flipped around and he stared at the oncoming ball. Kinomoto had already kicked it, and it flew towards him at top speed. On instinct, he raised an arm to block it, but the force and spin of the ball caused it to claw at his hand and creep up the entire length of his right arm.

A long, bloody gash was present where he had been hit, and Syaoran began to stagger a little, fighting to keep awake.

"Kinomoto! Go to the nurse's office and tell Tanaka-sensei that Li-kun's on the way!"

"Ah… H-Hai, sensei!"

"Yamazaki! Help me with Li…"


Syaoran winced. It hurt…

"Ah!" He sat up, sweating heavily. Looking around, he saw a surprised nurse who had a cotton ball with what he guessed was his blood and an anesthetic on it. "S-Sensei?"

"Oh! You're up!" The nurse smiled. "Well, I've gotten you all taken care of now… the injury isn't too serious."

Injury? Oh… that's right.

Damn… Kinomoto has one hell of a kick… and even better aim, apparently.

He had begun to zone out again, but the nurse patted him on the shoulder and handed a slip of paper folded in half, "Here. You just missed Kinomoto-san. She wanted to give you this… when I asked her if she wanted to stay, she insisted on leaving… really, I think she was shy! Anyway, go ahead and read it. You can go whenever you feel up to it. I'm sure it hurts even if it's not too big a wound."

Quickly thanking the nurse, Syaoran unfolded the paper and read its contents.

On it was written one, solitary word…


So I guess she has some emotion after all.

To be continued…

So…. What do you think? I know it's not like my other fanfic at all but ya. REVIEW! PLEASE!

gomen – sorry

sensei – teacher or nurse (in this case)