Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or Mortal Kombat or Nintendo.

Well, this story was written by Fei, from Dufei, if you wanted to know. However, Du did help in creating it so, credit goes to her as well! We thought about creating a story like this when we were playing Mortal Kombat Trilogy one day, but it never got anywhere. So now, here it is after many months!

It was mid July and extremely hot. None of the pilots wanted to take a step outside, and they were bored to death in their house. Duo, of course, had an idea! Driving to the mall in his black Ferari, he parks in the lot and steps out.

" Man it's so freakin' hot today!" he said putting on his shades and locking the door behind him. He slowly makes his way to the entrance, looking at the cute girls that passed by him.

Stepping inside the large building, he gave a sigh of relief. " At least there's airconditioning..."

Looking around him, he sees various stores, but not the one he was looking for. Duo starts walking around hoping to find the right store. He passes by a clothing store, and can't help but take a peek inside.

' Maybe I should get summer clothes while I'm at it...' He looks at his attire. Everything was black. ' Black isn't a summer color! A little brightness wont hurt too much...' He began searching the store for his colorful summer clothes.

Luckily for him, it was summer, and finding the right stuff he needed was easy. Every few rack or so, he picked up an article of black clothing, but then put it back down.

When he had finished, he went on line to pay for them. Not surprisingly, it was very long. Duo thought he would die of boredom after standing on it for only five minutes. It so happened, that another five minutes later, he finally got to pay for his things.

" Hello, how are you today sir?" asked the cashier while scanning his clothes.

He sighed, but then smirked and answered, " Just as hot as you are..." He gives her wink.

She blushed and quickly said, " Umm... well your total is $131.28..."

He pulled out his credit card and handed it to the girl. She swiped it and gave him the receipt to sign.

After leaving the clothing store, he sees the game shop right across from him. Grinning, he goes over to it. The store was pretty small, but packed with all types of games. Duo knew exactly what game he wanted to get. It was called Mortal Kombat Trilogy, a bloody fighting game for the Nintando 64 that came out in the 20th century. He knew it wouldn't be with the new games, so he went over to the used games section.

He dug through the gigantic box of old and used games. Finally finding it, he pulled his head out and held the box in his hands. " Yes!"

Duo looked at the price, and then checked his wallet. " Gah! I can't believe I only have 14 dollars!!" The store didn't accept credit cards for used games, and the one he wanted was $14.99. Only a few dollars short, and he didn't have any change. He sighed. The only thing left was bribing...

Since there was no line, he just went up to the cashier.

" Hello, did you find everything you were looking for?" the cashier asked while scanning the game.

" Yeah," Duo replied.

" Your total is $16.21," the cashier said and looked at Duo.

" Well... I've only got $14... how 'bout that?" Duo asked.

" No," the cashier answered.

" Please? I'll give you the keys to my car..." he said with mischive in his voice. Duo pulled out his car keys and layed them on the counter.

When the cashier realized that Duo owned a Ferari, he was stunned, but didn't hesitate to answer, " Okay!" He grabbed the keys, but Duo didn't have another way to go home so...

He punches the cashier a few times until he was knocked out cold. Taking the game and the keys, he says," Sucks for you!!!!" , and ran out the store.

Duo happily left the mall and got in his car. He drove back to the house in which all the gundam pilots lived.

Parking next to Wufei's motorcycle, he got out and went inside the house. " I'm baaaaaaack!!" he yelled.

Sitting on the couch, Quatre turned around. " Hello Duo. What did you buy?"

" Well... I got some clothes, and something for us to do!" Duo said. " Let me put this stuff away, and I'll show ya!" He runs up the stairs and goes to his room. Dropping his bag, he goes in the closet and pulls out his Nintendo 64. Opening the game package, he hurries downstairs with the system, controllers, and game.

" Here it is!" Duo exclaimed putting the stiff on the floor in front of the t.v.

Quatre was clueless. " What is it?"

Duo hooked up the N64 and put the game, and the controllers in. " This, Quat, is a Nintendo 64!"

" Nintendo...?" Quatre was still confused.

" I got this game called Mortal Kombat Trilogy, and it's hott!" Duo flipped the on switch.

Quatre picked up first controller, and Duo had second. While the Mortal Kombat story played in the beginning, Duo entered a secret code. Before they started fighting, he fixed a few things in the settings. Finally, they went to the character select screen.

Duo already knew who he wanted to be, and picked the yellol ninja, Scorpion.

Since Quatre didn't know any of the chararcters, he had a hard time choosing.

" If you don't know who to pick, just go back to the first dude and press start, and up on the control pad, or stick," Duo explained.

Quatre did as he was told. The cursor moved all around the different characters, and landed at the beginning on the black ninja.

" Noob Saybot?" questioned Quatre.

Duo shook his head, " Noob Saibot..."

" Oh..." Quatre responded. " How do you play?"

Duo explained the buttons to Quatre, and they began. When Duo did a combo attack, Quatre squirmed when he saw all the blood.

" How horrible!" Quatre said.

" Horrible?! How can you say that?! This game rules!!!" Duo was beatting the shit out of Noob Saibot with Scorpion.

Finally, when Noob Saibot was almost dead, the person in the game said, "Finish Him!" Duo smirked and punched in a few buttons.

Scorpion took off his mask and spit fire at Noob Saibot. Soon the black ninja turned to ashes.

" Oohhhhh... I burnt you!!" said Duo with excitement.

Quatre sighed.

Duo settled back down and asked, " Where are the others?"

" Wufei is in his room, Trowa is exercising, and Heero... well...I don't know..." answered Quatre.

Duo thought for a moment and then spoke, " I'll get Wu, and you get Trowa! We'll take turns playing!"

" What if they don't want to come?" Quatre questioned.

Duo shrugged. " Oh well..."

Quatre gave another sigh and went to get Trowa. Duo grinned and went upstairs to get Chinese warrior of justice.

That's chapter one! Please review and tell me if I should continue!