Title: Only Heart

Part 1/undecided

Author: Amanda (onesmartblonde01y..., Manda6)

Category: CSI (mostly Romance/Angst)

Pairing: Warrick-Sara

Archive: At Warrick-Sara, on Fanfiction.net, anywhere else, please


Disclaimer: Not only do I not own CSI, CBS, or its affiliates, I'm

not making any money off of this story. Come to think of it, I'm

unemployed, so I'm not making ANY money...Just, don't sue.

Summary: ""I trust you, you know that. And I know that you don't lie

to me, but how do I know you won't?"

This is my first Warrick-Sara fanfic. Feedback would be greatly

appreciated. Thank you.

Normally, on a day like today, the ride back from the crime scene

would have been Warrick's favorite part. Because, normally, when he

and Sara worked together, the ride back to the lab was peaceful and

intimate. Or, at least as intimate as you could be after processing a

crime scene. Not that anything had ever happened; they were both too

professional to let that happen. It was just nice to have a few

minutes together at work without constantly thinking they were being

watched and scrutinized.

They had never come out and announced their relationship at work, but

after awhile, people had begun to assume things, and neither Sara nor

Warrick had denied them.

That was more than five months ago, and if asked today, Warrick still

wouldn't deny anything. Unfortunately, today, he wasn't so sure that

Sara would do the same.

She had been fine before work that night, curled up on the couch with

him, in her pajamas, eating leftovers. Even though the pajamas were

his, and they now had a small coffee stain on the left sleeve, he

didn't care. They'd watched Trading Spaces, the only show on in the

afternoon that they could agree on, but would never admit to liking,

even if they both knew all the designers and carpenters by name and

frequently referred to the show in private conversations.

She had also been fine while they were getting ready for work. She'd

happily shared her shower, claiming that the landlord had complained

about the water bill last month. Warrick knew the landlord, a sweet

old lady who loved Sara's quiet nature, would never complain about

the water bill. He also knew better than to argue with Sara.

When they'd arrived at work, slightly on the late side, they'd

laughed and chatted with Nick and Catherine while they waited for

that night's assignments. Warrick, though no one really noticed, had

been quieter than usual; instead, he'd watched Sara. He watched her

interact and laugh at a random joke, and it was then that it occurred

to him. He couldn't remember a time in the last three years of

knowing Sara, that'd he seen her laugh or smile so much. And it

wasn't just tonight, he realized, it had been going on for a while.

The thought had made him smile slightly to himself, when Grissom

walked in.

Warrick and Sara had been assigned to a case in a neighborhood not

too far from the lab. When they'd arrived, Brass had hurriedly filled

them in on the details, and then left to cover another case. He'd had

time to tell them, however, that the victim in the house was a 28-

year-old woman, found strangled to death in her kitchen, by a


Before they had even entered the kitchen, a man, asking to talk to

someone in charge, had approached them. The man, it turned out, was

Mason Ayres, husband to the victim, Nicole. It also turned out that

not only was Mr. Ayres the husband, he was the killer. He hadn't

waited to be questioned, he'd admitted it freely, going as far as to

explain how and when he'd killed his wife: he'd surprised her from

behind, soon strangling her to death, earlier that morning.

While Warrick had gone to collect evidence and photograph the scene,

just to verify the man's story, Sara had stayed behind to question

Mr. Ayres. She learned that he had been cheating on his wife. Nicole

Ayres had learned about the affair, but instead of doing anything

about it, she'd let things stay the same, never admitting that she

knew, until her husband confessed to cheating on her, telling her his

girlfriend was pregnant, and that he wanted a divorce. She'd complied

with the divorce, and had signed the papers, but never got the chance

to legally end her marriage; she'd been killed first.

When Sara asked what had caused him to kill his soon-to-be-ex-wife,

Mr. Ayres admitted that he'd killed Nicole because his girlfriend was

uncomfortable whenever her name was mentioned in the present tense.

Apparently the past tense didn't bother her. Neither did the fact

that she'd have to raise their soon-to-be-born child on her own, now

that her husband was facing a long-term sentence.

When Warrick had finished processing the scene, and Mr. Ayres was on

his way to the LVPD, he and Sara returned to the Tahoe, packed up

their things, and settled in for the short ride back to the lab, with

Warrick driving.

At a particularly long light, Warrick realized that not only had Sara

not said a single thing since they'd been on the road, but that she

was staring out the window, seemingly interested in the roadside

wedding chapel.

"Sara? Something I should know?" Warrick couldn't help but grin at

his joke, but when he saw the look on Sara's face as she turned from

the window, his grin quickly subsided.

"I'm just tired. That was like a bad episode of Jerry Springer," she

sighed, and turned back to the window.

Glancing at the green light, he put the car in motion again, but

couldn't help but keep looking at Sara. She'd never admitted aloud to

him that she was tired. He turned his attention back to the road, but

the part of his mind not focused on driving, was focused on Sara.

When they'd pulled into the parking lot of the lab, and Warrick had

shut off the engine, he took a chance and looked at Sara. She was

still staring out the window, but this time, her attention was on a

light blue Toyota parked next to them. Warrick knew though, that if

he asked Sara a specific question about that car, she wouldn't have

been able to answer it; a true testament to just how distracted she


He left the keys in the ignition and reached out to touch her

shoulder lightly.

"Sara? It's just me... what's going on?" He couldn't tell if he sounded

alarmed or not, or even if he should've sounded alarmed, but he was

close enough to it, he figured.

When she finally looked at him, he relaxed a little, because, even

though she looked stressed, she didn't look sick like he'd originally

thought she might be. "That man talked about cheating on his wife as

if it were the easiest thing in the world. I guess to some people, it

is." Her voice trailed off, but Warrick filled in the blanks. The

case had her thinking about Hank, who Warrick could only describe as

a moronic bastard.

His hand had long since moved down her shoulder and arm and had

grasped her hand, their fingers entwining naturally. Now, he could

only stare and squeeze her hand tightly, silently praying that she

wouldn't say what he knew she was thinking.

But Sara had never been one to keep her thoughts to herself, so he

was prepared.

"It just makes me so insecure. And I hate admitting that. Makes me

feel like everyone is just waiting to screw me over, cheat on me, and

then leave." She finished, staring down at their hands and Warrick

didn't know whether to loosen or tighten his grip.

He must have unknowingly loosened his grip, because Sara glanced up

at him, eyes uncertain and questioning.

"I trust you, you know that. And I know that you don't lie to me, but

how do I know you won't?"

At any other time, he would have laughed at the absurdity of Sara

Sidle, his friend, best friend, girlfriend, even asking such a

question. But now he knew that he needed to make her realize that

just because some people weren't worth trusting, didn't mean that you

couldn't trust other people.