Major Disclaimers
It has been quite a while since I've done any work on this. Mostly? Because I no longer remember how the story line goes and I do not have the time to replay the whole game. That said? I'm going to try and move forward, nice and easy.
"I'm sorry, but I can't just give out Republic equipment like that. Now, on the other hand, if you helped us with a little problem we are having..." the Republic officer had said.
They had listened calmly. Juhani had stressed the importance of their mission and Jolee had done his intimidating old man routine. The officer did not budge. So, Carth had made a call on his comm and within a fifteen minutes, the rest of their party filtered in from the outside. Carth asked the Officer to repeat the reasons why he would not lend them the submersible. The officer did so.
Then Zalbaar grabbed the startled man by his upper arms, lifted him off the ground and started to pull.
There were eight of them now. All heavily armed. This as a direct counter to the ten Republic soldiers in the small compound, several of them bearing only their side arms. The air was almost instantly filled with the sound of charging blasters and the snap-hum of light sabers as the groups faced each other down. The Officer being stretched stared at Zalbarr, bug eyed.
"I think I will blow the meat bags into an increasing number of even pieces. Two for the first, four for the second, eight for the third and so on." HK's tinny voice had a low grate to it, territorial and openly aggressive. That was unsurprising. The droid had listened to Juhani explain how he was now her property quite patiently. Then it had promptly made a comment about how it would follow Revan's wishes. For now.
It called none of them Master.
"You can't..." a young woman, looking no more than twenty and as if she put on her uniform for the first time yesterday, yelped.
Carth's arm swung, placing the barrel of his gun in perfect alignment with her face. "This is a Jedi sanctioned mission. We're talking the fate of the Republic, people. You get in the way of that? You'd be surprised just how much I 'can'."
It was amazing how quickly things could be done when there was motivation. The Officer cleared the taking of the sub and it was agreed that they'd split forces. Carth, the two Jedi and Mission would go below. The droids, Canderous and Zalbaar, as the most traditionally imposing of the group, would stay above just to make sure that none of the Republic soldiers got any ideas about going back on this new arrangement.
If any of them had doubts or thought that the tactics involved in getting the things they had needed this time might be the start of a slippery slope downward, no one said a word.
The reviews are from so long ago - but I've got to respond. To all of you who reviewed (both last chapter and before) - thank you. Going back to read the comments as well as re-read the story really did remind me how much I liked it and inspired me to stick this toe back into the water.
Thank you all!
StormTorrent - Glad to surprise you! I glad you liked the bit between Mission and Carth. I hate to say it - but if I do keep going? You may not be entirely pleased with me. Hopefully it will be a good surprise this time around though too for you. Thanks for the feedback!
Kosiah - Thanks for reviewing. I don't think I intend for Revan to really be seen again. I love her to death - but I really was wanting to know if I could pull this off without him/her completely. Well, not completely. But you know what I mean. Of course, things may change. Glad you like the premise and hope I can keep it going for ya.
Tifa-Carbuncle - I hope your forgiveness for the delay extends this time too! I still hope to show you how it all ends, eventually! Thanks for reviewing and you keep writing too!
Revan - Pleased that you liked it! Wasn't able to update soon, buuuut...
snackfiend101 - Another update for you! Thank you for reviewing!
Arrow - I'm glad this could be a distraction back then! Definitely glad that the characterization is holding true for you. Mission wasn't my favorite for missions while I played, I've got to admit. But for her character dialogue/action was a favorite part of everything else.