Chapter One: And So It Begins

There was no other way to put. The weather was absolutely brutal. It wasn't just hot, oh no, it was sticky. And the humidity was just high enough to make you sweat, but not enough for it to cause a nice downpour. But somehow watering the hydrias with his sweat didn't seem like a good idea to Harry. Maybe it was just him, he didn't know. Now you're probably wondering why a boy would be contemplating such things, but Harry Potter was no ordinary boy, not even by wizard standards. There was very little shade on Number 4 Privet Drive and Harry was occupying that shade nestled between the hydrias and the house underneath the open window of the living room.

Sitting with his back against the wall Harry pulled up his hair in an attempt to cool him self off with the little breeze there was. His fingers, rough and calloused from yard work and quidditch brushed the small lighting shape scar on his head. He felt his scar twinge and sizzle from the brush, Voldemort was in a good mood. But he's been in a good mood since the episode at the Dept. of Mysteries. If only he could read his mind. Know what he's planning. Putting his head against the wall Harry closes his and begins to fall asleep.

Harry opened his eyes to see a moth eaten carpet. The mustiness of his surroundings flooded his nostrils making him sneeze, but he didn't. He looked at his environment. Where was he? This house seemed so familiar...he floated to the window to look out. "Wait! Why the bloody HELL am I floating," Harry thought. "Ok, don't freak you're just having an out of body experience. You can deal, you can deal. Ok I can deal with this." he told himself. Floating over to the window Harry looked out. The house was surrounded by a small village and at the other end was, "No...It can't be. I'm not here, anywhere but here!!!" The set of double doors behind him exploded off its hinges. Harry could feel the tension instantly fill the moss covered room followed by an intense wave of hatred. Voldemort stalked into the room clearly peeved about something.

"They think they can bargain with me. They can't control me. I am Lord Voldemort," he raged causing miscellaneous objects to either explode or fall over. Voldemort threw himself in a near by chair and continued to contemplate his current situation.

"What could he be talking about? Who would want to bargain with him," Harry wondered.

Then unexpectedly a swirl of black nothingness started to form and take shape. It was like the very fabric of reality was altered and shaped by this being. An immense power filled the room, nothing Harry had ever felt before. What it was, it was definitely stronger than Dumbledore.

"What are you doing back here? I thought you said you were done," spat Voldemort.

"Do not talk to me in that tone you insolent coward." It countered. The Black Nothingness had taken shape. It was tall man, or was it a woman, Harry couldn't tell. Harry thought it sounded like a man. But this is the wizarding world. You could never tell. It was dressed completely black. Its pants tucked into calf high buckled boots. Its trench coat was buttoned from waist to neck with the hood over its head.

"I have to leave you with this warning. Do not try to control Them on your own. The blackness in your heart would make a tasty meal. And They are very hungry. You want this power? Then you must obey Him. You're not king of this world anymore. And just to give you a reality check, you never were. Now I take my leave. And you should know. You have an uninvited guest," And with that looked directly at Harry.

"Oh crap, time to go. Come on Harry wake up, wake up." But it was no use. He wasn't going anywhere.

"What do you mean? We're the only two people in the room," Voldemort queried.

"No we're not. He was here before I arrived just now. He's heard everything we've said."

"Then why didn't you tell me about this sooner?"

"Because I thought it would be amusing to see your face when you reacted. And I must was hilarious. And you call your self the Dark Lord. You can't even sense the apparition of a mere boy."

"Ok, now it's really time to get out of here!!! Come on Harry, you can do it's only a dream. A powerful dream, but a dream nonetheless. WAKE UP!!!" he screamed.

Harry opened his eyes to see hydrangeas. He was back. But how long was he gone. He stood to see that the sun was just starting to set over the little houses of Little Whinging. Subsequently he remembered his dream. No it wasn't a dream at all. It wasn't even a vision. It about...he didn't know what it was but it weirded him out.

"Harry Potter!!! Get in here and fix dinner. We're starting to get hungry. And My Duddikins needs his strength for his big fight tomorrow," screamed his horse faced Aunt Petunia from the kitchen. Of course, the big fight. How could he have forgotten about that? It's all his Uncle Vernon could talk about for the past three weeks. Pocketing his wand he sighed heavily and begrudgingly walked in to fix dinner.

Back at the Riddle house though Voldemort was passing out the Cructais Curse like it was candy at Halloween.

"How could he have been here with my knowledge? I am master of this house!!!" Voldemort raged. "He was right here under my very nose!!!" And so this continued for hours until each Deatheater within the house had a taste of his fury and Wrath.

The cloaked man was sitting on a rock just outside the little village. Sounds of screaming and torture could be heard from the Riddle Manner.

"I don't think it is wise to sneak up on one such as myself."

"Forgive me. I just needed to talk to you Axil. Do you think it wise to let him have the power to control the Heartless?" the Unknown questioned.

"Do not question my motives. In this world, this "wizard" is strong. His heart is pure evil and soon the heartless will devour him anyway. I just want to be there when they do. That's all. Besides, there are a few that are stronger than him, much stronger than he realizes. That was amusing what you did with the boy. You should have seen Voldemort's face."

"Thank you. The Boy was particularly uneasy about the whole experience. But he brushed it off and went on. I've observed him for a long time now. How he puts up with those people is beyond me. I don't see how one with so much power could not keep from crushing them."

"Harry Potter is the most powerful being on this earth. It's his pure heart that keeps his power in check."

Both hooded unknowns looked at the sky simultaneously to see a falling star in the sky.

"Hmm..." Axil thought, "it seems we have some unexpected guests. That must mean the King and his brat are roaming around in this world somewhere. Find them, and take care of them before the two groups meet."

And with that the newest known vanished in a cloud of chaos to take care of some business.

Author's Note:

I said I'd give you a longer chapter and here it is. Though I didn't really write what I said I was going to. I'll refrain from telling what the next chapter will be form now on. I honestly don't know how long this entire thing is going to be. Hopefully I can keep updating at least twice a week, maybe three times. I don't know. We'll see.