Author's Note: I own nothing. The plot is mine though.


Dear Sora, Donald, and Goofy;

You are currently searching for the whereabouts of Riku and I and how to lock the Final Door. But I must urge you to put that quest on hold. For we've made a terrible discovery on this side. My original thinking was that there was only one universe, ours, consisting of different words. When in fact there is another door that leads to another universe so different from ours. Yet there are very noticeable similarities. Such as the use of magic, and other planets that easily traveled to in a Gummi. But their technology is so limited they've only been able to travel to their moon. We've been able to hold the Heartless back, but we can only keep this up for so long before we are forced to retreat to other side and put a temporary lock on it. You need to get to this universe as quickly as possible. Return to the castle. In the Library you'll find a book entitled "Astrophysics and You," inside will be a very special and rare Navigation Gummi Block. If my theories are correct it should bring you here. PLEASE HURRY!!!!

Signed, King Mickey

Sora finished reading the King's letter out loud. "Well guys, it looks like we have a new adventure on our hands don't we?"

"Gawrsh, I'd say so. Uh, wha da think this new set of worlds be like," questioned Goofy scratching his head.

"I don't know, but I like it already. A world where every one uses magic sounds like my kind of place," Donald said twirling is "Save the Queen".

"All right guys. Then it's settled. We leave in an hour." Sora exclaimed. And with that the trio headed back toward Disney Castle. But they didn't leave in an hour like Sora said. In fact they didn't leave till the next day. It didn't occur to the group that the King's Library was colossal. "Uh, Donald...Where is this book," questioned Sora as he looked straight up all the rows of books.

"I don't know..." he replied in despair as he started toward the first shelf.

The book was finally found, and the Gummi was there as the King had said. "Hmm...This is somewhat interesting," thought Sora. So he continued to read "Astrophysics and You" much to the surprise of everyone else.

Author's Notes Ok, honestly this is my first fan fic. But I want to do a good job and I would love some constructive criticism. I do have a general idea of where I want to go with this, but I will also take plot ideas. Even plot twists!!! In the next chapter Mickey is forced to to put a temporary lock on the door from the other side. He and Riku then begin a journey to enlist the aid of people from this strange new world.