Part 4

"Shampoo, Ryoga, time for school."

Ryoga stretched his arms out in his bed as he sat up. He rubbed his eyes while smacking his lips together. It seemed just another ordinary wake up for him until an arm fell into his lap. He looked over to his right to see the sleeping Amazon to his side. At first glance, he was terrified. A girl was in his bed and she probably got there herself. But then he couldn't help but to think she was a little cute when she slept. Her face was so angelic and yet so simple. She was not cute, but gorgeous in a way. Nevertheless, he felt very uncomfortable and it was time to wake up.

"Umm, Shampoo, it's time for school," stated Ryoga as he poked the lavender hair girl.

"Mmmm, let just sleep together, airen," replied Shampoo pulling him down to her.

He gave a large gulp while he scooted out the bed. He was so new to all this attention from a girl, but he didn't want this affection. It wasn't even a real crush. He pulled out some clothes and head down the hallway for the bathroom.

Shampoo opened her eyes and pouted. He was supposed to stay with her in the bed, but he seemed not interested. She jumped out of the bed and walked out to the hallway. She watched him carefully watching him desperately looking for the bathroom. He was very comical as her lips curled in a smile.

"Shampoo help for kiss," stated Shampoo walking over to him.

"Come on, Shampoo. Just help me, please," replied the lost boy with a stern face.

"Humph, fine, Ryoga no fun in morning," commented Shampoo pushing him to the bathroom.

Ryoga walked in as Shampoo closed the door behind him. He sighed lightly while he began to wash his face. So many things happened in just two days. Ryoga never knew anything like this would happen to him. First he found out that even when confessing your love, you can really hurt from it, and that a simple potion can start trouble. Yep, it was such an unreal life.

After he was done, he waited in the restaurant for Shampoo to prepare. His long sleeve yellow shirt flowed down over his black pants. These were his nicest garment he had to wear and hopefully it would be enough. He watched Ranma many times walk to and from school in no uniform, so why it be different for him?

"Here, you go, Ryoga, something to eat before you leave." She served a bowl of rice to him as he looked down at the platter.

"Thank you, old lady," replied the thankful Ryoga.

He picked up his spoon and began to shovel the rice into his mouth rapidly. He never thought he was this hungry. He usually didn't eat anything in the morning, but the scent.... The smell of just the steam white rice made his stomach growl, so obviously he would take a page out of Ranma's book and eat like a complete slob.

"Aww, Shampoo, you are finally up and ready," stated Cologne.

Ryoga stopped his shoveling and looked up toward Shampoo. The Amazon walked up with a briefcase in her hand as she smoothed out her blue dress uniform. Her hair was half tied up in buns with blue ribbons and with a small, blue brooch pinned on her dress. Ryoga watched her make her way towards him while he pushed the bowl out of his hand.

"My, Shampoo, you look so nice today," said Cologne hopping to them on her stick.

"Thank you, great-grandmother. What do Ryoga think of Shampoo?" asked Shampoo walking closer to the lost boy.

"Yeah, Shampoo, you always look nice," replied Ryoga standing up from his seat.

"Really? Shampoo so happy!" Shampoo smiled brightly to Ryoga as her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Oh, geez, can you two quit it for a moment!"

The three looked over to the door to see an annoyed Ranma and Akane walking into the restaurant. They walked over as Ryoga slowly pried Shampoo's arms around from him. He hated to get Akane to think that he was enjoying the false affection. He wasn't that kind of guy like Ranma.

"You two ready for your first days of school?" asked Akane walking over to Ryoga.

"I've been to school before, it will be the same like my previous years," replied the lost boy crossing his arms.

"Shampoo excited though. Shampoo want to learn Japanese ways," added Shampoo walking over to Akane.

"I never knew you were interested in Japan things. I thought you were just for any that had anything to do with your Amazon laws," spoke Ranma as he watched Shampoo shaking her head.

"It is good to be open-minded about things. Shampoo care about law very much, but Shampoo is interested in other things, too." Her eyes drifted over to Ryoga as he just replied with a sheepish smile. Akane and Ranma looked at them and just mentally rolled their eyes. They couldn't take this for one day, how could they take it for a week.

"Class, let's welcome new students, Hibiki Ryoga and ummm er Shampoo to our class," stated Hinoka.

The class looked over to the nervous Ryoga and the cheerful Shampoo taking his arm affectionately. As usual, the boys eyed the Chinese girl. She was a perfect ten on sexy and cuteness scale. She was the perfect look of a girlfriend that boys could ever dream up. Though, they already could tell that she had her eyes on the lost boy, they couldn't help but to get lost in their simple glances.

"You may take your seat, children. Sit where ever you like," replied the teacher pointing at empty desks.

They both looked around the room to see a desk left from Akane and a desk right from Ranma. Shampoo looked over to Akane and gave a happy look. She made her way toward the empty desk beside her and sat down. Ryoga looked at the empty desk beside Ranma and snorted. He didn't want to be around the pigtail boy that much. Why did he have to sit with him? Nevertheless, there were no other desks to be seen. He slowly made his way towards the desk giving Ranma a fake smile and vice versa.

At lunch everyone was fighting to get the last of the most edible food in the cafeteria. Many of the boys shoved through trying to grab it before the other could. Ranma and Ryoga hopped over swiftly and took a couple of steamed fish bread and steam rice. The two walked over to where Akane and Shampoo sat eating a delicious meal.

"Akane want some of Shampoo's chowmein?" asked Shampoo pushing her bento box toward her.

"Sure, thanks." With that Akane took some of her noodles and placed them in her box. Akane liked the new Shampoo very much. It was as if they have been friends for a long time. In her heart, she wanted to keep this Shampoo, but it wasn't fair to the real Shampoo plus she hated the affections she placed on Ryoga. He didn't need all this false feelings. It might hurt him.

"Ryoga, Nihao! Shampoo have special bento box for Ryoga," replied Shampoo getting up.

She bent over and grabbed the box. She gave the box to the lost boy as he opened it with curiosity. Inside were white rice with cabbage, bourbon chicken, and sugar rolls.

"Uh, thanks, Shampoo. That was really nice of you," thanked Ryoga with a smile.

"Shampoo happy to see airen happy," replied the purple hair girl.

"Hey, Shampoo, he isn't engaged to you. I am!"

The three looked at him as he just froze at his comment. He couldn't believe what he just said. He couldn't take Shampoo giving Ryoga affection openly, but he didn't want to say that. He didn't like Shampoo like he liked Akane, but ever since she has been under the spell, he felt so uncomfortable.

"Please, Ranma, don't tell me you like...." started Akane as she looked at him.

"No! NO! NO! That's not what I meant!" Ranma kept shaking his head while Ryoga just rolled his eyes.

"Shampoo is no engaged to Ranma anymore since yesterday, remember. You came to tell Shampoo you no want her," stated the Amazon.

"Shampoo, if you can remember that, do you remember having feelings for him?" asked the tomboy.

"Hmmmm, Maybe. But no matter, Shampoo love Ryoga," replied Shampoo taking his arm once more.

"Shampoo, can I eat please?" Ryoga pulled his arm over as she just she just watched him eat his food with an emotionless face.

"See? If she can remember a little about loving you than maybe we can show her that she never liked Ryoga," whispered Akane to Ranma.

Ranma nodded toward her and coughed to the other two.

"Excuse me, but I have another question, Shampoo. Do you remember how you and Ryoga met and have you ever loved Ryoga before yesterday?" asked the pigtail boy.

"Of course Shampoo love Ryoga. Shampoo no exactly know when we met, but Shampoo certain she loves him then," replied Shampoo thoughtfully.

Shampoo fell silent as she continued to think. She was really trying to find her answers. Even if she didn't love him back then, she knew she loved him now and that's what matter. She didn't care about anything else but just trying to make Ryoga happy.

Later that night, Shampoo and Ryoga were working in the Cat Café as customers appeared and disappeared through the restaurant. Shampoo waited on the tables while Ryoga cleaned the tables. He was pretty good at cleaning up swiftly, but the only problem was trying not to get lost though the restaurant. When he meant to get through the kitchen doors, he would somehow slip into the bathroom and even the opening door to outside.

"Shampoo, it's time to close up," stated Cologne poking her head out of the kitchen.

"Alright, great grandmother," replied Shampoo taking the last of the money from the customers.

Shampoo smiled sweetly to her customers with a bow as they exited the place. Ryoga came out of the kitchen finally and started to wipe down the tables. Shampoo sat in a seat with a sigh and looked down Ryoga. He was so handsome. His raven locks hung over his forehead as he scrubbed the tables. His biceps began to appear and reappear every time he pushed and pull the rag. He was so strong, handsome, and so sweet.

Cologne crept out of the kitchen and watched Shampoo stare at Ryoga closely. It had been a while since she seen the potion in action. It was interesting to see her granddaughter turn head over heel for a man she rarely spoke to.

Ryoga placed the rag and the rest of the dishes in the kitchen and successfully came out. He took a seat beside Shampoo and sighed loudly. He trained in all over the world, but work was never fun and so it was tiring. Fortunately, it was over and now he could rest.

"Man, I don't know how you Amazons have time to do anything else. You train, take care of the restaurant, and chase Ranma around," stated Ryoga.

"Is true, very tiring, but it a job. You must go take bath and rest. Very refreshing," replied Shampoo with a small push.

They stood as Shampoo took his arm and guided him up stairs to the bathroom. She pulled him toward the room and opened the door. She walked over to the bath and began to run the water as he looked around. She walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a towel and some washing items. She happily handed to him as he replied with a smile for thanks.

"Shampoo come back with your clothes," she stated as she closed the door.

Ryoga watch the young girl close the door as he replied with a long sigh. Today was the first day with the Amazon. He could see the trouble Ranma had when he tried not to make Akane angry or jealous. Shampoo was such a handful.......though she did have a cute side to her.

Ryoga slowly took off his clothes and placed his towel and items beside the tub. He slowly made his way into the steamy water while turning the faucet off. Boy did the water feel good. He leaned back and took another sigh of relief as his mind just drifted off.

Suddenly, he heard the door open and saw Shampoo walk in with his clothes in her hand.

"Thanks, Shampoo. You can just put them over there," stated the lost boy.

"Okay," she replied with a nod.

She placed the clothes at the destination and then closed the door. Without Ryoga looking, Shampoo pulled off all her clothes. She wanted to spend some time with her Ryoga and show how much she wanted to please him. She walked over to the bathtub. Ryoga felt her presence coming over as his head tilted up.

"Oh my gosh, Shampoo!!!" Ryoga rose from the water but then sat back down as he blushed.

"What is it, Ryoga? Shampoo just want to relax with airen," stated Shampoo placing a foot into the bath.

"No no no! This can not happen!" replied the bandana boy shaking his head.

Shampoo slid inside the bath as the nervous Ryoga stood there hoping not to touch any part of her body. He watched her pick up a small sponge as she began to laver it along her shoulder. He wanted her to stop now before anything else happened.

"Sh-shampoo, this can NOT be happening!" Ryoga hopped out of the tub and swiftly wrapped his body with his long towel.

"Aw, Ryoga no want to spend time with Shampoo?" asked Shampoo as she rose from the water.

She jumped out and simply latched her arms around his waist. His nose began to bleed as she picked up a piece of tissue from the toilet paper. He stuck them up her nose as he let his hands free of the towel. Unfortunately, Shampoo untied the towel and watched it fall from his waist.

Shampoo looked down, smiled brightly, and said," Seem Ryoga happy to see Shampoo."

Ryoga picked up his towel and glared down at the Amazon. His glare was icy cold and lethal. Shampoo saw his glare towards her as her large smile became a worried frown. She could feel his aura become worse.

"Shampoo, I can't take this anymore! I'm not your airen and don't try to say I am. You are under some kind of spell and it is only temporarily. So from now on until the spell wears off, don't touch me," yelled Ryoga.

They both stood froze for a moment. Shampoo read into his eyes slowly and found the truth in his speech. She didn't know what to say and how express herself at that point except to cry. Streams of tears guided down her cheeks as she couldn't break her stare from him. She didn't know she was such a problem and she didn't know her affection could make him go sour. She looked over to the ground and picked up her clothes. Without even looking at her, she wrapped a towel around herself and ran out the bathroom.

Ryoga looked toward the door as his expression softens. He walked over to his clothes and changed into them while thinking about what he said to the Amazon. He sounded like an asshole, no, worse, he sounded like Ranma. He frowned and couldn't even believe he blew up on a girl like that. He wasn't one to be so mean to women. He knew he did wrong but he didn't know what to do. Maybe he could give Akane a call and ask for advice...........No, how could he explain the whole incident to her. He guessed he had to talk the one who could understand Shampoo's affection problem.

Ryoga walked out of the bathroom and walked past Shampoo's room, she could hear the faint sounds of weeping as he cringed in regret. He felt so bad now. He wasn't one to know how to take a girl's affection, but she was all over him and so obsessed.

He walked down the stairs to see Cologne walking over to him with a concern face.

"What is wrong with my grand daughter?" asked Cologne.

"I upset her because she was in my bath and I'm not use to all this attention from her," replied Ryoga leaning on the wall with his arm.

"So, now you are the one to break my granddaughter's heart. For shame, Ryoga, I thought you were better than Ranma," joked Cologne with a grin.

"Can it, grandma, I never did try to," replied Ryoga taking a seat.

"You know, after this is all done, Shampoo will remember everything said and done. She is just bounded by the spell but she can view every moment," spoke the old Amazon as she hopped over to Ryoga.

"Oh, now that makes me feel even guiltier," stated Ryoga sliding lower into his chair.

"Shampoo is a strong girl, she will get over it, but you might need to apologize either later tonight or tomorrow."

"I know, that's why I need to go see Ranma."

At that moment, the doors pushed open as the young pigtail boy walked in with one hand in his pocket and a finger in his ear.

"You have gotten your wish, Ryoga. Ranma, what are you doing here?" asked Cologne.

"Akane is cooking tonight and Ukyo has been gone for a couple of days, so I was wondering if I could eat here for tonight," answered Ranma taking a seat beside Ryoga.

"Sure, I have some noodles heating up for dinner anyway. While you are here, Ryoga has something to talk to you about," replied Cologne hopping into the kitchen.

"Really, now? This is a first isn't it? So what is it this time, you got Akane on your mind?" Ranma smirked as the lost boy just rolled his eyes.

"You like to rub it in, don't you? You know how much I loved her and now you're here to gloat when once I need your help," replied Ryoga slamming his fist on the table.

"Man, I'm sorry, I don't mean it. It's really some getting use to telling someone how you feel. Anyway, what is your problem? I'll try my best to help."

Ryoga looked at Ranma and saw he was being sincere. He began to tell him about everything that happen that night and how he wasn't use to the attention. Ranma listened for once until the lost boy was done. Ranma knew very well what he went through and he understood Shampoo. He thought silently for a moment and came up with a good solution.

"Apologize," he simply said with a smug smile.

"All that for something I knew! I know that, dummy, I just want to know how I can to make seem like I really mean it," replied Ryoga with a punch in his head.

"Ow, well, you could always treat her to a date. Shampoo will forgive you as soon as you say that word to her," replied Ryoga.

"But I don't like her like that."

"So, it'll get her off your case for a while and she won't be sad anymore,"

"Don't listen to that, Ryoga, that's how he got in trouble the first time." Akane walked into the place tapping her foot while looking angrily at Ranma. Ranma felt as if he should run away, but he couldn't.

"Ranma, why did you leave? I have dinner ready to eat at home," stated Akane walking over with her arms folded.

"Akane, to be honest, I want to live," replied the pigtail boy with a smile.

With that, she took a fist and punched him in the side of his face.

"Hey! You guys are awful to me! Besides, Akane, I'm trying to help Ryoga with his problem," said Ranma pointing at Ryoga.

"Maybe you can help, Akane. What should I do with Shampoo?" asked Ryoga looking up at her.

"How about this, Ryoga, since I heard some of your problem outside. I think you should give her a rose or something and just really pour your heart out in an apology, but also tell her what is on your mind. A girl likes honesty," replied Akane with a smile.

"Hey, I'm honest!"

"No, you're a jerk, and we're going home, so you can eat my cooking."

She tugged on his shirt and began to pull him out the restaurant. Ryoga looked back at them and felt his heart sink a bit, but he smiled. They both were meant for one another. He knew it a long time ago, but he didn't want to let his hopes die. Now, they can. From now on, those two were friends.

In the morning, Shampoo and Ryoga walked to school together. Shampoo quietly walked in front of him as she tried to just not get in his way. She thought he was still mad. She didn't want to be trouble and a pain for him. She wanted him to have his space if he needed it. She loved him so much; she wanted him to be happy.

Ryoga couldn't take the silence anymore. She said nothing to them since last night and even when she replied to his hello, she was meek and scared to reply back. This was nothing like the strong Shampoo he knew all these years.

"Shampoo, can we talk for a moment," stated Ryoga as he took hold of her arm.

"All right, Ryoga," replied Shampoo.

She turned to him and looked down as he began to blush. He was trying to think up all his words. He practiced in his room last night as he was looking for the perfect gift for her. He opened his briefcase and pulled out a small box wrapped in a pink bow. He shoved it in her face while looking down as well. This was going to be hard on his behalf in the long run.

Shampoo looked up and saw the small box. She looked at the embarrassed lost boy as she took the small gift in her hand. She slowly opened the box when her mouth turned into a smile. She pulled out two lovely long blue hair trinkets and began to examine them more.

"They too pretty. Too good for a gift for me. What this for? Shampoo thought Ryoga mad," asked the Amazon arching her eyebrows together

"No, Shampoo, I'm not mad at all. Actually, I feel bad that I yelled. That's not a way to treat a woman like you anyways. Please forgive my rudeness and be the Shampoo I know. I'll let you even glomp me as much as you want," replied Ryoga bowing repeatedly.

"Ryoga, stop bowing. I forgive. Shampoo think last night and Shampoo realize it IS spell......But is it also fate?" replied Shampoo.

She grabbed one of his hands and smiled happily as she said," But still, Shampoo want to show Ryoga how much Shampoo love him..... Shampoo will loosen up with her affections, but don't blame me if it slips in sometimes."

Ryoga looked down at the girl and couldn't help but to grip on her hand slightly. She was just such a great girl. She placed her briefcase on the ground and placed the empty box inside it. She slipped the hair trinkets in her hair as she looked up to Ryoga.

"Do they look all right?" asked the Amazon tilting her head to him.

"You look cute, very cute," replied Ryoga as he nodded.

She couldn't help but to jump into his arms and hug him affectionately. This was one of the sweetest compliments he ever gave her. She just couldn't help but take this chance to finally hug for an actually reason. She knew she had to shape up and act more civilize to win his heart.... But for right now, She wanted to be lil' ol' Shampoo.

A/n: I hoped you enjoyed that. I will be updating as soon as I can, but keep read ing please and review, so you can tell me what you think.