Ok guys I re-edited this whole chapter...And I'm working on Chapter 2 next. Then I can starting writing chapter 4!
Disclaimer- I own nothing. Except the plot well thats not all mine either...Ok basically I own nothing!
on guys. You have got to find the beat. We're not going to get
anywhere if you don't find the beat." Hermione said
exaggerating the word find.
"Come on Mya, give us a break! We've been practicing for 2 hours straight. If you make us dance any longer today then we are going to collapse. In case you haven't acknowledged this fact, you need a crew to dance with and that's not possible if we are all in a coma." said Christian, his brown hair sticking to his forehead with sweat and his blue eyes pleading.
Mya looked at the rest of her crew. They all wore the same pleading looks. There faces all drenched in sweat and fatigue clear on their faces. Maybe I am working them too hard. Mya though apprehensively.
But the faces of her friends made her rock-steady demeanor break down.
"Okay, no more practice. . . .for tonight!" She said through gritted teeth. The whole crew brought their hands up in praise. She was immediately bombarded with 'Oh gods!' and 'Thank yous!'.
Mya wiped the sweat off her forehead. Maybe I do work too hard. Well, that was nothing new for Hermione Granger, work-a-holic; but it's summer and she is no longer Hermione Granger the book-worm. She was Mya, leader of The Silver Dragons - her dance crew.
Every Friday, she and her crew would compete with other local dance teams, but none had ever transcended The Silver Dragons. She and her dancing partners had made over 7,000 dollars in prize money so far this summer, and tonight she was planning on winning another $450.
Oh, how she loved to dance . . .almost as much as studying.
Dancing had always been a passion of Hermione's, although no one
ever acknowledged
it. Not even her two best friends, Harry Potter
and Ron Weasley. Hermione had always been the modern dance type of
girl though. That was until 4th year when she discovered the art of
hip-hop. She straight away fell in love with it. The more she danced,
the more she became comfortable dancing in the open.
That's when she met the people who were to become her friends and future succeeding dance crew. They were looking for another dancer, an individual who was more of a leader. Well, that's when Hermione stepped in. She had been dancing in the park to her walkman just messing around when they stumbled upon her.
The keep an eye on her from afar until she was done and at that time they were looking for anyone who would except. And Hermione looked like the Angel they had been praying for and on a spur of the moment asked her if she had ever been on a dancing team. She said no, and they took the chance and asked her to join their's. Of course she said yes, because Hermione was not one to give up new and vital experiences and the very next day she was practicing.
That was well over 3 years ago. Now Hermione was one of the most acknowledged dancers in the London area. Along with her gang, she was undefeated. That's how she and her clan made at least 10,000 dollars each and every summer. They battled every Friday, and whenever or as soon as they were challenged, which wasn't very often.
Tonight Mya was going to establish herself, again, as being the best.
she was going to win. They were going to win, and
The Silver Dragons would once again be the
Draco's POV
extremely pissed Pansy, "You
do know that you are wearing
muggle clothes, right!"
"Well, Pansy, seeing as I dressed myself, I kinda knew I was wearing muggle clothes. Oh, and I'm going to a muggle dance place with Blaise." stated Draco, slipping on a jean jacket that matched his baggy jeans over his baby blue t-shirt.
"You're going to a muggle place! Drakey-poo you'll get muggle germs all over you! I don't think I could ever kiss you again if you go. . . " She whined, grabbing his arm in despair.
"Pansy, get the bloody hell off me." Draco said, thrusting her off. "Yes, a muggle place. Blaise went there with his cousin, and if he could go, then it's safe for me. Plus, if it gets you to cease forcing your pug-face on me all of the time then by merlin's beard I am going!"
"Well then I'm going too!" She declared, grabbing her coat from the coat hanger.
"No you're bloody hell not!"
" I AM..."
" Not!" interrupted Blaise, who with a pop just arrived.
"Let's go before pug-face gets any more ideas." Draco whispered to Blaise. They both turned to Pansy and waved, "Bye pug..I mean Pansy." Then they disappeared as Pansy was screeching, "WAIT!"
Draco opened his eyes when he felt his feet hit the ground. Lights were flashing everywhere around him. Tons of people were dispersed everywhere, dancing and having a prestigious time. He looked around in awe. Who knew muggles could make something so, not bad!"So, what do you think?" enquired Blaise, coming up from behind him.
"Wow." Was all Draco could say turning around.
"Come on, we better find a place to stand by the ring." Blaise said, forcing his way through the crowd. Draco just followed logically behind Blaise.
"Ring?" cried Draco over all the noise.
"Yeah where they dance. It's like a specific area just meant for crews to battle at." explained Blaise. "And here it is."
They had come to a closed in part of the floor. It was encircled by what looked like a rope that they used in wrestling, and the floor was similar to that of a basketball court. He only knew this because he was finally graced by the presence of a TV that Blaise had given him one for Christmas. Blaise's family wasn't against muggle stuff as much as his own was.
When they stepped up to the ring two groups of people were already in the dancing ring. He had no idea what to call it, so that's the best he could come up with. One of the guys who was dancing was doing some kind of spinning move on his head. Which Draco new was Break dancing.
"It's starting to wind down. The actual thing is up next. The two best crews battle out for money. Loser leaves and misplaces their money conveniently in the other crews pockets.." Blaise said laughing showing off his gorgeous smile.
"Wow, it seems really complicated. Look at that guy move! Damn! He makes it look so easy." said Draco, amazed.
"I know. Look, it's over. Now it's time for the good stuff." Blaise said.
Hermione's POV
The Silver Dragons organized a circle and all put their hands in.
"Okay guys." Hermione said, getting a couple cleared throats from
the girls. "And girls, are you ready? We can do this. We are going to
win. On the count of three...1-2-3!"
"DRAGONS!" The crew screamed unitedly.
"Let's go!" screamed Mya, running out into the ring followed by her crew.
Her adrenaline rushed. Okay Mya you can do it. You have this. She failed to notice the three surprised pairs of eyes that rested upon her. Her team got into their formation.
Mya was up front, and her crew was fanning out behind her. Their opponents imitated them, while the speakers blared.
"Welcome everyone! The time has come for what you have all been waiting ever so anxiously for. Let me introduce to you the best damn crew in this damn neighborhood - The Silver Dragons." said Big Pete, the club owner and announcer.
The whole building seemed to shake with cheering when their name was called. Wow! Who would have thought so many people actually knew us! Thought Mya in amazement.
"Also introducing the Malicious Tygers!" said Pete into the microphone.
Sure, they had applause,
but their applause was polite. I wonder what it's
like going
into a battle you know you're going to lose grinned Mya with a
cocky smile etched onto her face..
"Is everybody ready to get this started?" exclaimed Pete. He then lowered the microphone and looked at the two teams. "Okay, I'm only going to say this once. This is going to be a fair battle. I don't want ANY FIGHTING! Now the money please." He said holding out his hat.
Mya and a guy from the opposing crew came up to Pete.
"Well, well, well. A girl is da leader da crew. I'm Pike and I'm da leader of mine." He said, holding out his hand. Mya took his hand, smirking once again. "Ya know since you's so damn fine, I think I'm going to go a lil' easy on ya. I always go easy on da girlys I like," He said,releasing her hand and pulling out a wad of money from his pants pocket.
Who the hell does this boy
think he is? "Well, well, well" Mya said mocking
him. "If it isn't some conceited prat. Did I ever tell you I
like prats?" She said putting on her most seductive face. It
worked like she assumed it would. His smirk melted off his face only
to be replaced with lust. She then pulled a roll of money from her
bra while keeping her eyes locked on Pike's and handed it to Pete.
She walked slowly up to Pike and pressed her body up against his. "I like you Pike." She said in a deadly whisper.
"PSYCHE!" Screamed her crew behind her. Mya pushed Pike away and walked back to her crew with an evil smile playing on her lips. She looked back at Pike who was red in the face and extremely pissed. She then blew a kiss to him, while almost bursting with laughter.