A/N: Hey guys...or am I just talking to myself again? The other day, I was reading my High School story. From the very first chapter to the very last one. And then I read all my reviews. from the very first one, to the very last one. And then I felt my eyes start to swell with tears! Oh god, I miss the old times. I miss them so much. I can never write a story any where as popular as High School was. I really miss updating it and having fun with all my old readers. But it's like they all disppeared...when I stopped writing...it's like they all just died...like my updating that story was like the heart that pumped blood in their body...and I made that heart stop beating (rolls around on ground crying) I'm a miserable author to this very day. Ever since my last chapter of High School, I've been...I feel like there's no purpose to writing any stories and orposting them. I don't have as much fun as I used to when I was writing my very first story. Some of my reviewers...I haven't heard from in ages and I miss them all so much. I wonder if they've forgotten about lil old pathetic me...But not ALL my old friends are gone. There's still a couple around, who still talk to me and are pretty much the same as they were when I was new at writing on a public website. And I thank those peeps for stickin with me.

Ok, I dunno if you guys already knew this or not, but this is not a story, chappy...anything. I just wanted a chance to tell youall I how I felt... and another thing...I was wondering if anyone out there would be interested in doing a story with me. Like, you know how a person writes a paragraph and then you respond with 2 more. and you keep going back and forth...Yea, I think it's called roleplaying (rp) something like that. So, I guess this is pretty much an advertisment for...well me (grins)

Now, why the hell would you want to be involved writing anything with me?

1) I'm not that good with words, but I can make things very interesting if I, myself, get interested in the story

2) I'm hyper! (Not the, make stupid pointless hyper things happen in a story type. The hyper type that gets interested in writing and then will have lots of fun)

3) And because I just finished 2 gigantic bowls of strawberries and that's quite a achievement.

It's just something that I've been wanting to try doing for some time. There are certain people I have in mind, that I would be honored to write a story with. But, anyone else is more than welcomed too.

If! You are interested and you're not falling asleep by now, just leave me a review and give me 3 extremely good reasons why you think that you should get the chance to write a story Samy-chan! o.o; or um...the other way around. (geez, I'm making it sound like I'm the hottest writer out there, aren't I? u.u;)

So, lemme know, if you're interested k? Oh and one more thing.

I'm interested in: Romance



Adventure (as long as there's some romance here and there and it better be deep!)

Ummm, I guess I like comedy's. BUT I've never really read a good comedy. Comedy's are usally really funny stories but they have absolutely no plot to them. And they're just...dumb. I don't to write a story like that.

If you need to know what anime's I'm interested in, then just check my profile. And uhhh...that's bout it. I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you for taking time to read this, I really apprecite it. Take care and have a nice day (licks bowl of strawberries)