Getting Ready

This is my first fan fic ever!! So…umm ::bites finger nails::

It would mean a lot if all the readers could bear with me. My dream is to become a writer, but I'm off to a pretty rough start. If anyone doesn't like what I've done with the attitude of the characters or the pairs, then plz tell me and I'll see what I can do for ya!

I need the fans opinion or else I'll remain a loser for ever!!! So, help me out, will ya? ; thankies!

Disclaimer: I own the couple Zidane and Dagger!!

Ha ha ha ha ha …..ha….

::everyone stares at Sammy-chan with blank mean face::

hehe……never mind sighs: I'm such a geek…


(At Dagger and Beatrix's house)

'Dagger, I've been looking everywhere for you, there's something I've been wanting to tell you….my feelings for you.


'I wanted to tell you….

'God, you sleep more than my dad used to.' Beatrix said gazing at Dagger in her sleep.

'O-oh! It's you Beatrix: Dagger finally woke up from her dream.

'Yea, who else?'

"I…uuhh..was having a dream"

Beatrix narrowed her eyes in curiosity.

"about whom may I ask?"

"umm, it was….Zid-- hey what time is it?

Beatrix gave an annoyed look and looked at her watch.

"it's 8:30. You got an half an hour, ya know'

'Yea I know'

Dagger get outta bed and stretched out her arms with a big yawn.

Beatrix had already gotten dressed hours ago. She always was an early bird.

"hey Dagger, I almost forgot.."

"Hmm?" Dagger mumbled with toothpaste in her mouth.

"That uhh….Zivane guy called for you last night."

"He did?" Dagger spat and rinsed water in her mouth.

Hat did he say?" (even though she said his name wrong)

"He said he…umm wanted to talk to you about..uhh?" Beatrix squirted her eyes as she tried to read the smudged writing on her palm.

"I dunno..I think he wanted too sell you chocolates or something like that."

Beatrix grinned as if she had delivered the message perfectly.

Dagger rolled her eyes in disappointment.

After she brushed her hair and washed her face, she got on her school uniform and grabbed her bag.

"beatrix, are you ready?"

"Wait, hold on a sec.."


"I wanna show you something.."

"Like what? We're gonna be late"

Beatrix reached in her bag and pulled out a stuffed bera.

"uhh..okay" Dagger said kinda freaked out.

"Steiner gave it to me for my birthday yesterday" She grinned happily.

"uhh, yea that's real sweet and all but, your birthday was 3 months ago."

"I'm not gonna let you ruin my happiness, even if you ask nicely!"

She danced hugging her bear.

"If you rub it's nose against yours, it means good luck!"

Beatrix rubbed her nose against the bears.

"I'm leaving…."Dagger sighed and left.

"Dagger, wait!"

(At Zidane and Blanks house...)

"Zidane, are you awake yet?"

Blank rammed himslef into Zidane's door but, it was hard to open because clothes were stuck underneath it. Blank finally got it open but fell on the dirty floor in the process.

"Zidane, didn't I tell you to pick up your fuckin' clothes!?"

Zidane snored silently

"Uuk, gross! It smells like feet and beer in here. Were you drinking again?"

Blank picked up some clothes lying on the floor and tossed them into a pile. Then he picked up some left over bongs and old beer bottles in the trash.

"Zidane, I told you that if you were gonna be living here, then ya gotta clean up after yourself!"

Blank started vacumming.

"Zidane, are you listening!?"

Blank shot one of the shoes that was on the floor, in Zidane's face.

"Hey, what the hell was that for!?"

"C'mon Dunce, we need to be outta here in ten"

"Hmp, well, good morning to you too, honey!"

Zidane got out of bed like a corspe

"Listen Zidane, you're my friend and all but, I'm not always gonna--"

"Will you stop saying my name and shutup! Your voice is annoying..."

Zidane said interrupting Blank, while putting his pants on.

Blank sighed

"I dunno why you don't just move in with your brother"

"Fuck Kuja.."

Zidane mumbled trying to put his shoes on.

"Why do you hate him so much, anyways?"

"Kuja's just a cross dresser..."


"Besides! He wears thongs! That's just....weird. I can't stand to be around a guy that wears thongs daily..."

"Well, at least he has a job...unlike you"

Blank argued with Zidane, hoping it would make him want to get a job too

"Ha, yea! He's the manager of Hooters. Some high educated job!"

He started washing his face

"It's still a job! Unlike your lazy carass, who gets drunk and sleeps all the time!"

"I do what I want"

"I give up..."

Blank said walking out the door without Zidane

( Vivi's house!)

"I dunno grandpa...what if I don't make any friends?"

Vivi said with his head lowered towards the ground

"You will Vivi"

His grandpa said smiling down at him

" my old school, I barley made any friends with anyone..not even the teachers..."

"With an attitude like that, you won't get to talk to anyone"

"B-But grandpa..."

He lowered himself to Vivi's height and looked into Vivi's bright yellow eyes

"Don't worry Vivi...I'm sure highschool is going to be great!"

He smiled again

"Haven't you seen all those College Girls Gone Wild commercials?"

"Huh? College Girls Gone Wild..?" (What are those??)

"They're called college girls, but I'm sure that there'll be some highschool sweet hearts, that'll strip for ya too!"

He laughed loudly

"Okay grandpa..I think you've been watching too much tv. I'll see ya later..."

Vivi closed the door while his grandpa was still laughing

"Hmm, college girls..?"

(And finally the last house of the day! Freya's house!)

"Sir Frately, please wait for me"

Frately strared at the ground in disappointment

"I'll just be an hour or two, maybe even a few minutes--really!"

"Hurry up Freya, I've got things to do"

She gave a light giggle, kind of hurt by his cold remark

"Of course Frately...."

Sooooooooooooo, how was my first chapter? wasn't too bad was it? I know I made Vivi's grandpa a bit naughty with the college girls (hehe) and I didn't really make Freya and Frately much of a passionate scene either...But you'll find out why he's acting the way he is soon enough! I'm not gonna force or bribe any of the fans to review, but it would mean sooo much to me if ya did. So, i'll day it anyway: REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thankies! ;;