
The contents of this story will include some scientific connotations about issues that are presently experimental. While I did intensive research in the Internet, most of the information I used is based in notes and publications by a molecular biologist and geneticist at Princeton University specialized in cloning research and from an old buddy who is a molecular biologist with a PhD in genetic engineering research.
Many of the technical aspects, however, were way over my head. I used my imagination to fill the gaps and fit the concept into the mainstream of the first few chapters, yet, I'm sure that an expert could "what if" me to death and poke holes big enough to fit a locomotive, so I reminded myself, as I remind the reader that this is a fiction, written for the purpose to entertain and doesn't presume to have any scientific value. In fact, the entire feasibility of the technical or scientific details involved is incidental and does not affect the main storyline.

The usual disclaimer applies: The characters that you can identify belong to Thomas Harris; they are used herein without permission, in the spirit of admiration and respect. No infringement of copyright or financial gain is intended .

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy reading this fiction as much as I enjoyed writing it. I completed this story before I began uploading it, and will be posting the chapters at the rate of about one per week, or after I finish editing each individual chapter.

As you probably know, comments are welcomed and one of the great motivators to go on writing in this fandom.