A/N: BIG shoutout to everyone who's reviewed on this story! :D Thank you guys, every little word of encouragement is wonderful! ;) I love you guys!! :D And be prepared... expect the unexpected is all I can say!

No one talked about JT staying over at the Miller house the night before, keeping it between themselves. Trixie had felt a little sheepish when she thought about it later on, but JT assured her there was nothing to feel that way about, and he would do it again if need be. Of course that morning wasn't normal by any means...

Trixie awoke to find JT next to her; smiling a little, she wriggled out from his arms and went to take her morning shower. Trent must've been through already, for the mirror was fogged up and the air was humid. So she shut the door behind her and ran the water to the temperature she wanted.

When she finished, she realized in horror that she had forgotten to bring something to change into with her! Her eyes stayed wide and terrified a moment. Trent wouldn't hear her if she tried to yell at him to bring her something. So, finding the biggest towel she could, she wrapped it around herself and hoped to god JT was still asleep as she slipped in to grab her clothes and slip right back out. But if one thing didn't work out for her, something else didn't either...

"Well, this certainly wasn't something I was expecting..." came JT's voice from behind her.

It startled her so that she almost dropped her towel, but she kept a good enough grip on it that she didn't. "Uh..." she blushed, grabbing everything quickly, "forget you saw me, forget everything!" she then dashed out of the room.

JT just laughed a little. He'd forget it for the day, but he'd get her about it later on....

After she got out, carefully avoiding him, JT showered and put on the clothes he had in his backpack and they all headed off to school. There, all that was heard was lively chatter about the dance that was to be that night.

Second period, Trent met up with Terri and they were talking about plans for the dance when Paige came up.

"Guys, you know what I was thinking? Well, since we're all nearby and everything, Spinner and I were thinking that we could pick you guys up on the way in the minivan, and before we go, we can stop in to The Dot and get something to eat," she said.

"Sounds like a good idea," Terri said, looking to Trent with sparkling eyes.

Trent smiled, "Yeah, I was trying to figure out a way I was gonna pick her up!"

Paige laughed and patted his arm, "Well, hun, now you don't have to worry!"

The bell rang and everyone got to their seats. Mrs. Kwan called roll and discussed last night's homework with her students before she took it up.

Today, Trent was sitting behind Terri, so he passed a note up to her along with the homework papers:

Excited about tonight?

Terri read this and smiled, writing back and passing back to him:

You bet! I can't wait!

Trent smiled a bit, writing in reply:

I'm glad. I can't dance, but eh...

Terri had to hold back a giggle and an "aww" when she replied:

Aww, you poor thing! Well, we'll just have to teach you, huh?

Trent almost laughed:


Terri grinned:

No maybe's about it, buster!

Trent had to hold back a laugh now:

Buster???? What, now you're calling me a dog's name.... let's see if I dance with you now!

Terri's jaw dropped and she smirked:

We'll see....

The bell then rang and Terri turned to Trent with a smirk, "We'll just see..."

Trent smirked back, "Yeah, we will!"

Terri laughed and gave him a quick kiss, "See ya later."

Jimmy laughed, "What was all that about?"

"Oh nothing... we'll just see if I dance with her tonight," Trent replied with a laugh.

"Heh, play fighting already - yeah, you two are meant," Jimmy said.

Trixie had regailed Emma with how Sean had come in the day before and even the next day, she was still impressed that he had finally moved on from Jay and everything he was doing.

"Hey guys," Sean had said to them as he came in. They had said hi back and for once, Sean and Emma weren't shooting daggers at eachother with their eyes.

But now, JT walked Trixie to her next class, the two talking about the dance.

"Paige said something to me this morning about her and Spinner picking us up on the way and going to The Dot before," JT said.

"Really? Well that's cool then," Trixie replied.

"Oh yes, very, especially if I can get the back seats reserved for US," JT smirked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Hmmm... and what do you think would be going on in that back seat??" Trixie asked playfully.


Ellie then came up, "Hey Trix, I hate to interrupt the love-fest, but come on with me to class, I need to talk to you," she said, grabbing Trixie's arm and dragging her on to class.

JT looked confused, but waved, "I'll see you later then!"

"Yeah, later!" Trixie called back to him, following Ellie a little more now than she was being dragged.

They got into the classroom and Paige looked from Ashley, whom she'd been talking to, to them.

"This is certainly odd... no kiss for JT and Sean?" she asked.

"No time at the moment," Ellie replied. She seemed worried.

Ashley looked to Ellie, "Is this about what you were telling me earlier?"

Paige and Trixie looked confused, but Paige asked the inevitable, "What's going on?"

"Jay's pretty pissed off about Sean ratting out on him," Ellie said, "someone from his crew told Sean he'd better watch his back. He doesn't wanna go to the dance now, but I've been trying to tell him that he'd be safer in a crowd than at his house where anyone could find him and no one would know about it."

Trixie could understand Ellie's worry, "So what're you going to do?"

"Do my best to talk him into going to the dance anyway," Ellie replied, trying to sound less worried than everyone could tell she was, "besides, Jay's all talk, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about..."

The bell rang right at that moment, and Paige, Ashley, and Trixie shared a look.

Ellie had filled Marco in on the situation, so any time the guys were anywhere near Sean, they made themselves exclusively availible to "keep him company" to ease Ellie, as well as his, troubled mind.

Later that evening, Paige got to Ashley, Hazel, Terri, and Trixie before they went home to start getting ready.

"Why don't you guys all come over to my house and we'll get ready together; do eachother's hair and stuff?" Paige asked.

"I'll catch up with you guys at the dance," Ashley replied, "I'm driving Toby and Kendra over there."

The other girls thought this sounded like a good idea; Trixie told Trent of her plans and he managed to get a ride home from Paige when Trixie ran into the house to get her dress, makeup, shoes, and anything else she needed.

The girls got ready together, talking about anything and everything, and how they hoped the night might turn out. Suddenly, Paige's doorbell rang and she looked at everyone curiously, "Hmm, wonder who that could be?..."

She opened the door to find Jimmy there, "Hazel's here, isn't she?" he asked.

Paige smiled and nodded, "Of course..." but then she saw the limo behind him and gaped, "oh my god! You got a -"

"Shh! Get her for me, please," Jimmy asked with a slight smile. She nodded and went to do so.

When Hazel got to the door, she was indeed surprised to see him.

"Jimmy! I thought we were picking you up?" she said.

"Well, it looks more like I'm picking you up..." Jimmy replied, moving asside.

Her jaw dropped and her eyes sparkled when she saw the limo, "Oh my god, JIMMY!" she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, "This is too cool!"

The other girls came to see what all the commotion was about and gushed at the limo as Hazel and Jimmy climbed into it, driving away.

Spinner's mom dropped him off at that moment and so they all decided to go ahead and go and pick up the boys. It turned out JT was with Trent and they picked them up and went on to The Dot to meet up with Jimmy and Hazel.

Trent pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to Terri, "Here... it's not much, but I want ya to have it."

She looked at him curiously, then to the little box he had given her; she opened it to find a pretty, store-bought necklace with a rhinestone-studded heart for the pendant.

"Aww, Trent, it's so pretty, thank you so much," she said, "can you help me put it on?"

He nodded and helped her put it on; when she turned back to him, he smiled, "Perfect."

They got to The Dot and everyone was involved in lively chatter, not noticing a shadowy figure about a hundred feet from the minivan...

Inside, more lively chatter ensued, and the couples amongst the group shared lasting glances at their one and only's.

Hazel was gazing out the window for a moment, admiring the beautiful night. But suddenly, her eyes widened at what else she saw. But before going into a panic and scaring anyone, she stood up, "Trent, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Trent looked a bit surprised, but agreed, "Yeah..." he replied, following her to the corner she led him to.

Everyone stared curiously after them, but dismissed it and went back to talking.

"Trent, Rick is outside near the van, I saw him!" Hazel said in a low, panick-stricken voice, "what're we gonna do?"

Trent's face clouded over, "I'll show you..."

He marched over to their table and whispered the situation to each of the guys; Hazel tried to stop him, grabbing his arm and hissing in his ear.

"Trent, you're crazy if you go out there; he's psycho, think about what he did to Terri! He wouldn't hesitate to hurt someone else!"

But Trent ignored her and the guys all walked out into the parking lot to see what they could find.

"What's going on?" Terri asked, Trixie and Paige giving Hazel questioning looks.

"The guys are just going to check on the van... I thought I saw a prowler," she replied, not wanting to get Terri upset.

Meanwhile outside, JT, Trent, Jimmy, and Spinner all spread out, looking around the van for any damage and in the woods behind the parking lot for anyone.

JT saw someone running off into the distance through those woods, "There he goes!" he yelled to the other guys.

Trent was about to run after him, but Spinner caught him by the shoulder, "I know how you feel, we all wanna run after him - but we might as well let it go and just get on to the dance.

"And let him get away?! Spin, no way!" Trent shot back increduously.

"Dude, look, there's no way he can ever hurt Terri again, not with us around," Jimmy said, trying to reassure his friend, "you go on inside and get the girls to come on; Spin, you get the van started." He patted Trent's shoulder and went on toward the limo.

The girls had bought the story about the prowler and didn't say much else about it after Spinner had assured them they had chased him off when they came out. But Terri noticed that Trent was much quieter now and didn't seem to want to do much. So she didn't make waves, she just let him be.

They got to the dance and walked inside, everyone chorusing different opinions about the theme of the dance.

"Ooh, I TOLD you it was gonna be stars!" Trent exclaimed.

"Says who? I thought you were all up on the "Enchanted Night" thing?" Jimmy said with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey Paige, where's Dylan and Marco? I thought they were gonna come?" Trixie asked.

"Nah, they decided to hang out at the house tonight, since Dylan graduated and everything," Paige replied, Spinner taking her arm and leading her to the dance floor.

JT came up beside Trixie, the two of them looking around,"So, wanna go get something to drink?" he asked.

"Sure," they replied, going over to the punch bowl where they bumped into Emma and Chris.

"Hey guys!" Emma said cheerfully, "Just get in?"

"Yeah," Trixie replied shyly, "you?"

"Been here for a couple of minutes; had to do some last-minute things with Jack before he'd let me out the door!" Emma said, refering to her baby half brother.

"He already sounds like you, Emma, won't let you out of his sight til he gets his point across," JT said with a smirk.

"Haha, JT," Emma replied good-naturedly.

In the meantime, Trent and Terri were mingling among their schoolmates when Trent saw Craig standing alone by the refreshments.

"What's up?" he asked him, standing beside him.

"Hey Trent; not much, just scoping out the floor for someone to dance with," Craig replied.

Trent looked around for a moment and pointed at someone, "How 'bout her?"

Craig looked in the direction that Trent pointed and then looked at him increduously, "What, is this a joke or something?"

"No, Craig; I just think that maybe you two should put the past in the past and not be so cold," Trent replied, "move on."

"I think that's what we're trying to do," Craig said simply.

"Well... just think about it. Meanwhile, I'm going over here with my date," Trent replied, walking back over to Terri.

Terri looked over and saw Trent coming her way and smiled brightly. 'Gosh I am so lucky...' she thought to herself. "Hey you!"

"Hey; shall we dance?" Trent asked, holding out his hand to her as he stepped up to her.

Terri smiled, "I believe we shall," she replied just as "DJ Raditch" came over the loudspeaker.

"Alright guys, I'm gonna turn back the hands of time with this great song from the eighties, the years a lot of you were born in!" he said lamely, starting The Pretenders' "I'll Stand By You."

JT gulped down the rest of his punch and held the small of Trixie's back.

"Wanna dance?" he asked.

Her eyes lit up when he asked her that, "I'd love to," she replied, the two of them walking out onto the floor. JT placed his hands nervously on her hips as she linked her hands behind his neck and looked into his eyes. His found hers and he smiled. She giggled and he looked confused.

"What? Am I doing something wrong?" he asked.

She giggled again, pulling his neck gently with her arms, "Come closer, JT, I won't bite," she said.

He smiled and blushed a little, pulling her closer as well; she rested her head on his shoulder and he relaxed a little more with her.

Trent and Terri were holding eachother close, talking about things between themselves; just as Trent was turning himself and Terri, he saw something that made him smile...

Craig shuffled his feet and stared at them, not really knowing what he wanted to do; but what Trent had said to him seemed to have hit a nerve. So before he knew what he was doing, he found himself approaching Ashley.

"Hey," he said, his mouth suddenly seeming like cotton.

She looked surprised to see him there, "Hi."

For a moment, they just stood there. Then Craig made his move...

"So.... Ashley... would you like to dance with me?"

She turned to him, even more surprised than before, but tried to decline, "I don't think so..."

"Ashley, please? Even if it's just as friends... please, just dance with me?"

She didn't know what it was, something in his eyes... his voice... whatever it was made her say, "Alright."

He took her hand gently and led her to the dance floor and at first barely held her, not wanting to seem over-zelious. But after a moment of looking into eachother's eyes, Ashley surprised the both of them by stepping closer to Craig, allowing him to hold her close to him.

Manny had seen all this from her corner where she was hiding; she had come to hang out with Emma and Chris, but they were dancing so she had no one to talk to, so she just watched the other couples. She spotted Ellie and Sean and smiled at how close they were and how good they were together. But seeing Sean made her also feel bad. 'Oh WHY did I have to te-' she was thinking to herself, but her thoughts were suddenly cut off when some people near the entrance gasped and someone shouted, "There's a guy with a gun in here!"

Then another bone-chilling voice silenced the room that had gone into a panic, "Where is he?...."