A/N: This is set when Paige, Ash, and the rest are in Grade 11; I do not own anyone from

Degrassi, I only own Trent, Trixie, and any other characters in relation to them ;)

"Degrassi Community School" the sign in front of her said; well, it was now or never...
no possible way of going back now...

With a deep intake of breath, she ascended the steps to the school to slowly start her new
life here in Toronto. Her family had moved to Canada from Tennessee in the US because
her mother's job had transfered her there and now she and her brother had to make new

Her twin brother Trent looked over at her and saw her nervousness, "Trix, don't worry so
much, it'll be fine," he tried to assure her, though he had his own concerns and doubts.
Trixie brushed her fiery red curls out of her eyes and looked skeptically over her chestnut-
haired twin, "And YOU'RE telling ME this?"
Trent laughed a little, his brown eyes meeting her contrasting green ones, "Fine, we're both
nervous, happy?"
Trixie nodded with a laugh, "Yes, very!"

They checked their schedules and noticed that they had first period together, which was a
good thing; maybe they could actually get used to all this before having to leave the security
of knowing at least ONE person in the school.

There were lots of computers lined up in their first period class, something like a Web
Design class they'd had at their old school.

So they just chose a seat and sat down, trying to keep themselves from seeming too nervous about all the curious stares they got as the other students came into the room.

Ashley Kerwin and Paige Michaelchuck saw two new students as they went in to get their seats; curious, they looked over them casually, trying not to seem rude.

"I wonder who they are?" Ashley asked Paige.
"I have no idea," Paige replied, "but they've gotta be in Grade 11."

The bell rang and everyone took their seats, Mr. Simpson coming in and Spinner Mason trying to sneak in behind him and not be caught being late.

Without looking behind him, Mr. Simpson said, "Mr. Mason, please take your seat and don't let that happen again, it's the first day back for pete's sake."

Spinner felt a bit silly and everyone giggled a little when he said, "Sorry, Mr. Simpson..."

"Alright, well, I hope you all had a good break 'cause we're starting fresh today!" Mr. Simpson said cheerfuly, causing everyone to groan slightly at the thought of work on the first day back. "But first," he interrupted the groans, "we have a couple of new kids here at Degrassi, and I'd like for you all to meet them."

Everyone peered curiously at the two new teenagers, who looked incredibly shy about him making that announcement.

"Guys, this is Trixie and Trent Miller; they're twins, fraternal twins, and have moved here all the way from Tennessee," he said with a smile to the two. "Wow, Tennessee; horse capitol I hear!" he said cheerfully.
This guy seemed pretty nice, Mr. Simpson, so Trixie didn't want to be rude by not speaking, "Pretty close, I guess, there are a lot of them down there."

Jay was sitting in the back with his girlfriend and started snickering when he heard her accent; it wasn't as southern and exaggerated as he'd heard in a bunch of movies, but it was nothing like the accents you were used to hearing at Degrassi.

Ashley turned around and glared, Paige doing so as well.

Trixie heard that snicker and through her down-peering eyelashes could see Mr. Simpson giving the guy who'd snickered a look.

"Well ah, did you guys ever own any of your own?" he asked cheerfuly, obviously trying to be optimistic.

Trent had heard the snicker as well and decided to speak up for them this time, "One, but she died a couple of years ago."

Neither of the Millers sounded THAT southern, but they had a certain bit of it and it was somewhat more noticeable than these people's were.

"Oh, well that's too bad..." Mr. Simpson nodded sympathetically, catching Jay in the back silently laughing at the two in the back, but not wanting to embarass them, didn't say anything. He'd see him after class...

Class went on as scheduled and when the bell rang, everyone left except Jay, who was cornered by Mr. Simpson and asked to stay behind.

Trixie and Trent were on their way out the door when a girl with blonde hair and light colored eyes came up beside them, "Hey, Simpson's a drag, huh?" she asked casually.
Trent replied, "Eh, the class is..."
"He seems alright, though," Trixie added with a small smile.
Paige smiled back, "He is pretty cool, for a teacher; Paige Michaelchuck," she introduced herself.

The guy called Spinner who'd been late for class caught up to her and goofily put his arm around her, causing her to laugh.

"And this is my boyfriend, late boy Spinner Mason," she said through her laughter.
"'Late Boy'? Is that my new nickname or something?" Spinner asked almost increduously.
Paige grinned, "If the shoe fits, honeybee," she replied innocently. "So what do you guys have next?" she asked the twins.

They showed her their schedules; turned out Trent had Mrs. Kwan with her this next period.

"Okay Trent, you've got English with me," Paige said, taking his arm and guiding the way, "see you guys at lunch!" she called back after Spinner and Trixie.

Spinner looked jealous for a second, but knew Paige wouldn't let her affections for him go; he looked over to Trixie. She was kind of cute, you didn't see many like her there, "What've you got next?" he asked her in a friendly voice.
"Bio," Trixie replied.
"Ah, Mrs. H... wait, you're in Grade 11, aren't you?" Spinner asked, seeming confused.
"Yeah, but I failed it at my old school, so I gotta retake it here," Trixie replied.
"Oh, okay; some of Grade Ten are pretty cool, but the rest, eh... just watch out for Liberty!" he joked, then asked, "Want me to show you where you go?"
"Sure, if you don't care or anything," Trixie replied shyly. This guy was cute, but she HAD to remember that he had a girlfriend.
"Oh no, I don't mind!" Spinner replied, showing her how to get there from where they were. She thanked him and went inside to take a seat, not really looking at anyone or anything until she got a desk a bit secluded from the rest of them.

More curious stares were what she got as people came into the classroom; 'Great,' she thought to herself, 'I can't wait til lunch...'