Just To Let You Know: I don't own anything and this is the last chapter. THANK YOU reviewers and to everyone who read.

Fast Forward four Years:

"Daddy please, I'm sixteen, I think I can handle myself." Alyssa said.

"Alyssa." Paul starred down at her, she was now Stephanie's height. She gave him the puppy dog pout and he couldn't help but say yes. "Go ahead, be home by ten...school starts tomorrow."

"Thanks, I love you." She kissed his cheek and than headed to the door but turned back around.

"What?" He asked.

"Can I maybe have a few dollars?" She questioned.

"Here Alyssa." He gave her a fifty dollar bill and she left. Paul walked in the family room and sat down next to his wife. "What are we doing?"

"I'm reading." Stephanie smiled up at him.

"Oh, what are we reading." Paul asked annoyingly.

"Hey ma, dad." Kristina smiled walking into the family room.

"What was the point of you moving out if you were gonna be here every day?" Maria asked coming in from behind her.

"Shut up brat." Kris said. "Hey, who was that old dude Ally got in a car with?" Kristina asked kissing her mom's cheek and then her dads.

"Old dude?" Stephanie asked.

"Yeah, he looked older than me." Kristina answered sitting between her parents.

"Mommy, I came from my peaceful slumber to tell you that Gregory was in my room. He didn't knock but he was in my bed." Maria said.

"Ri, shut up and go do something, we're busy." Kristina said.

"Kristina, I wouldn't be talking because I know something about you that daddy and mommy don't know." Maria smiled.

"Okay little girl, I'll be nice to you." Kristina sighed.

"I'll get him." Stephanie said standing up placing her book on the coffee table. "Let's go Ria." Stephanie and Maria went upstairs.

"I miss you guys." Kristina smiled.

"We miss you too, have you spoken to Ashley?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was at her house today." Kristina answered. "So dad?"

"Yeah?" He looked down at her and smiled.

"When are we gonna go and get Ally?" Kristina asked curiously.

"I'm thinking NOW." Paul answered.

"Let's go say bye to mom." They walked upstairs in Gregory's room.

"Hi Kristy." Gregory smiled.

"I told you to go to sleep." Stephanie said ruffling his blonde hair.

"I not sleepy I wanna go to pre-school." Gregory complained.

"Tomorrow big boy, mommy told you that." Paul smiled at his son.

"Kay, fine. G'night." Gregory said putting his head under his covers.

"Night, I love you." Stephanie kissed him. "You leaving already?"

"We're leaving to go get Alyssa." Kristina smiled.

"Oh, good." Steph chuckled. Paul and Kristina went down stairs to the foyer followed by Steph. "Bye, wait give me a kiss." Stephanie said.

"My pleasure." Paul smirked kissing his wife.

"Oh God, please stop." Kristina said, they gave each other one last kiss and then they broke away.

"Bye you two." Stephanie chuckled and the two of them left. Stephanie went to sleep and about two hours later Paul and Kristina came back with no Alyssa. They had just woken Stephanie up. "Where's my baby?"

"I don't know and it is ten thirty." Paul said obviously pissed.

"Oh my God, did you call her cell?" Stephanie asked.

"Like a gazillion times, ma, what if something happened?" Kristina asked as Maria walked in the room. "Where the hell did you come from, you're supposed to be sleep."

"I'm sorry but Ally isn't home yet." Maria said when the door bell rang. "I got it." Maria ran down the steps and her Paul, Stephanie and Kristina followed slowly.

"Hello?" Maria asked looking at a police officer and Alyssa.

"Are your parents here?" The police officer asked.

"Oh my God, Alyssa you are so dead, mommy is gonna kill you better yet daddy is gonna punish you so..." Maria said.

"Maria go and get mom." Alyssa said with her head down.

"Looks like they're here already." Maria said looking up at her parents and Kristina.

"Alyssa, what the hell?" Kristina asked.

"She claims to be your daughter." The police man said.

"Unfortunately for her, she is." Stephanie answers. "What happened?"

"I'm officer Vega. She was with a man of the age twenty-three, he's a suspect for car theft and dealing with minors." The officer said emphasizing dealing.

"What?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, that's what happen. I figured she had no idea so I brought her here where she says she lives." Officer Vega said.

"She lives here." Paul said.

"I think it'd be more fortunate for her to be with you in custody." Kristina chuckled.

"Shut up." Alyssa huffed. "Can I go?"

"Yeah, bye." The officer smiled leaving.

"Thank you Officer Vega." Stephanie smiled and Alyssa joined her family inside. "Maria go to bed."

"Good night mother, father, Kris and the girl once known as innocent." Maria laughed her way up the steps.

"Kris go to bed." Stephanie said.

"I don't live here." Kristina reminded her.

"Well do something." Alyssa spoke up.

"If I were you, I'd shut my mouth." Paul starred at his daughter.

"I'll sit here and be as quiet as can be." Kristina sat down in the corner of the room.

"Elizabeth, what were you thinking?" Paul asked.

"He said he was eight-teen and I'm six-teen that's only two years." Alyssa said with tears in her eyes.

"Alyssa, still that's too old." Stephanie mumbled with her head in her arms. "Go to sleep now and we'll talk after you get home from school tomorrow."

"I'm sleeping in your room tonight." Kristina said. "'Cause we got a lot to talk about."

"Okay...I'm sorry daddy, mommy." Alyssa went to her room and Kristina, Paul and Stephanie stood there.

"Where did we go wrong?" Kristina asked.

"I don't know." Stephanie answered.

"Something could've happened to her." Paul said as he continued to pace back and forth.

"I'm staying the night, good night mom, dad." Kristina said following her younger sister's foot steps.

"One down three to go yet the last one stays the night like every night." Stephanie looked over at her husband.

"Yeah, two to three more years." Paul chuckled. "Then it'd be two of them and I am so sure Maria is a good one."

"Yeah, we wish...you know, we really shouldn't be smiling." Steph put her head on his chest.

"I know, come on." Paul said as they went upstairs to go to sleep. Stephanie got up and looked over at her husband and smiled, he was sleeping like a baby. She opened her journal and started to write. 'As I sit here, starring out of my window all I can think about is my family. I really don't have much to say tonight which is a huge change from every other night. Well all I can say is, what doesn't kill you is making you stronger. And that it doesn't matter what they say, the love is complicated and I know from expirience. '


"KRISTINA, ALYSSA, MARIA, and GREGORY, get down here." Stephanie yelled standing at the bottom of the steps.

"What do you need me for?" Kristina asked. "I don't have a class today."

"Oh." Stephanie said.

"I'll stay here and clean up." The brunette smiled, she was very mature for her age, which was eight-teen. She moved out a week after her birthday so she had her own house which she shared with her friend Tiffany.

"Okay." Stephanie said looking at her daughter.

"Mommy I'm ready." Gregory smiled tugging at her dress pants, she turned around and smiled. He had on a pair of dark blue jeans and a Power Ranger blue shirt.

"Go get in the car with daddy and here's your lunch." Stephanie handed him his lunch. "Do I get a kiss?"

"Yeah mommy, 'course." Gregory kissed her cheek.

"Ma, I'm ready don't have a cow." Alyssa came down stairs dressed in a red skirt and black top.

"Let's go." Maria giggled, she had on a pair of light blue jeans and a pink shirt.

"Here's your lunch and come on." Stephanie said. They all got in the jeep and drove Alyssa to her high school and Maria to her elementary school. And now they were in front of Gregory's pre-school.

"You ready big boy?" Paul asked.

"Yeah daddy, I'm ready to go." Gregory chuckled.

"Okay come on, we're gonna walk you to your class." Stephanie said getting out of the car and getting him out.

"Come on." Paul said. They walked in the brightly colored class room.

"Mommy look, my name." Gregory pointed. The desks were lined up with names printed on small cards, the desks were in alphabetical order by, last name. They went over to a small desk, with Gregory's name on it and he sat down next to a small girl. Gregory looked at her and smiled. She was really pretty, she had brown curly hair and light brown eyes. "Hi my name is Gregory Levesque, what's your name?" He asked.

"My name is Brittany Nichole Levesque, we have the same last name." Brittany smiled. Stephanie looked over at Paul, wondering why this was such a coincidence.

"Don't you think that's cool Britt, you have the same last name." The blonde bombshell asked her daughter, it wasn't until she looked up, Stephanie and Paul realized who she was.

"Trish..." The two said in unison.

Well that's pretty much it. Should I make a continuing story? Well Please review and thanks to Everyone who reviewed. It best believed that I'm SO grateful for it. Much love, Kee-Kee