Chapter Eleven: Home again
"Raven, you okay?" Beast Boy asked. "You really scared us back there."
"I'm fine, Beast Boy," Raven replied. "We need to head back to the school." Beast Boy placed a hand on her shoulder. She gave him a small smile.
Spiderman and the rest of the Titans made their way towards Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. When they returned, they headed straight towards Xavier's office. The Titans, along with the X-Men took their seats in the room. Charles Xavier wheeled himself to his desk and looked at the Titans.
"I am grateful for your help. I know you must be ready to return to Jump City. I'm sure you've had enough of vacation. "
"That's true Professor," Robin replied. "This trip has been exhausting."
"Indeed but it was very nice to meet you," Starfire said enthusiastically.
"Thanks for clearing up all this mess with Galtry. I'm glad I won't have to see his face again," Beast Boy said.
"You're very welcome," Xavier smiled. He looked over at Raven. "It was nice to see you again, Raven. You were my finest student." The Titans stared at them in surprise.
"She was…your student?" Starfire asked.
"Yes, a long time ago, before she met you," Xavier said quietly. "Before you leave, I have something for you." Charles Xavier reached into his desk and removed a communicator. "This is for you. If you ever need us, just call."
"The same with you professor," Robin traded communicators.
"And Raven," Xavier removed a small kite from beneath his desk. "I wanted you to have this. You hated leaving it behind."
"Thanks," Raven blushed sheepishly. She accepted the gift and stood back.
Cyborg looked over at Xavier. "Thanks for helpin' us out, Professor. I don't thing we'll be forgetting this vacation anytime soon."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"We'll probably leave in the morning," Robin said. "It was kind of you to let us stay at your school."
"It was nothing; I always try to help vigilantes, mutants and superheroes when I get the chance. I don't get to go out a whole lot. I can't do a whole lot trapped in this chair besides use Cerebro to contact other mutants. That's one reason I formed the X-Men, they could go where I couldn't and accomplish my dream of humans and mutants living in harmony with each other."
"I hope you fulfill that dream, Professor," Robin shook his hand.
"That's a noble thing, coming from a normal human with no mutant abilities. You've made quite a name for yourself, and you accept your friend's gifts and help them use it to aid others."
"How did you know I wasn't a mutant?" Robin asked. "Everyone else thinks I have superpowers."
"I'm a telepath, I can read your mind, son." Robin gave him a smile. They turned and left the room.
"Why didn't you tell us about her before, Professor?" Jean Gray asked.
"I've had a lot on my mind lately, Jean. I would have told you sooner. Honestly, I wasn't surprised she was in New York, but I keep contact with her through my telepathy. I sent Scott, Logan and Peter Parker to the Unity Days Festival to find them."
"So did you know that Slade was here too?"
"In a way, yes, but I couldn't be too sure, when Nicholas Galtry revealed himself and Raven was kidnapped by Venom and Pyro, I knew only a genius could concoct such a plan. When my telepathy couldn't locate Raven, I immediately suspected Magneto. I put two and two together and knew they were working together. Thanks to the Teen Titans, we stopped them before further damage could be done."
"That's a good thing, what will we do now?" Jean asked.
"We'll do what we've always done. We keep fighting for the good of humanity."
The next day the Titans loaded up the T Car with their luggage. Many of the students, along with the X-Men were outside waiting to see them off.
"It vas very nice to meet all of you," Nightcrawler said. "If you're ever in the area, please stop by."
"We will, but I don't think that'll be anytime soon, Dude," Beast Boy said.
"Good-bye y'all! We'll see you around!" Cyborg shouted. Then he pulled out of the driveway. The two day return trip wen by quickly and they soon found themselves back in Jump City. Once they were home they rushed to unpack their bags and readjust themselves to their normal routine.
A few days later, Beast Boy woke up early in the morning and went out into the living room. Staring out the window, he wondered if the others were awake yet.
Bored, he climbed up the stairs and made his way out onto the rooftop. Looking around, he spotted Raven in the mediation area, except she wasn't meditating; she was flying the kite Xavier gave her before they left the school.
He walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey," he said, smiling.
"Beast Boy, what are you doing up this early, I thought you hated waking up early."
"I just decided to get up, I guess," he replied. "So Xavier was your tutor, huh?"
"Yes, when I was very young. He's a great man."
"That's true, but why didn't you tell us this stuff?"
"Some things I like to keep to myself; I have privacy you know."
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't talk about it."
"I know."
"So what are you thinking about?"
"I'm just thinking about what Xavier and his X-Men do."
"What do you mean?"
"They're a lot like us, they fight for the good things in the world. Me, I'm supposed to be evil."
"Aw, come on, Raven! You know that's not true! You're a little creepy but that doesn't make you evil."
"I wouldn't be to sure, Beast Boy." Raven stared up at the kite as it fluttered in the breeze. "It's been said that I was created to do horrible things. Things you wouldn't understand."
"Well, I don't understand and I don't have to understand if someone says you were supposed to do horrible things. But just because someone says you're evil doesn't mean you are."
"Thank you. Xavier showed me how to use my powers to help people, and I want to keep doing that."
"That's a good thing, Raven." Beast Boy placed his hand on hers and held it quietly.
"You hungry?" Raven asked.
"Yeah, I'll make breakfast."
"No, you won't! I'm not going to eat your tofu!"
"Fine, you make breakfast, I'll just make my own." Beast Boy said. Raven nodded and they both walked back into the Tower still arguing over breakfast. Life was back to normal and it was good to be home again.
The End
Quick Sticky: Thanks to all my reviewers for commenting on the worst piece of fiction I ever wrote. I'm so happy this is finished. Now I never have to look at this as long as I live. HALELUJAH! Thanks for taking the time to read this. God bless all my reviewers, even the person who flamed me. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE SO GO AWAY!
Please read and review The Randori Stone. That's my new project that I'll be working on for awhile. Now that you've finished this go read and review it because there's nothing left to read here!