Ahh yeah! Lets get this party started! lol. All rightie you guys might be a little shocked in this chapter or the next one most likely i was inspired by my friends the FFP ( yes that is really our name) so here we go.

As We Go On....

Chapter 5: My Milk Shake Brings All The Boys To The Yard.

Disclaimer: No

Lily entered the cold classroom that looked like it needed a make over if you catch my drift. As if drawn by a force Lily found her self at the back of the room in a corner that said ' Off limits' Ingoring it she sat down and made her self at home while she watched the boys and the FFP take up some space in the middle. She shook her head. They were so dumb didn't they know it wasn't safe up there?

Emu entered the room all mouths went quiet. Emu's eyes swept around the room looking as if she wanted to choke each and everyone of them. Sea gray eyes contacted bright green ones. For one monment the rest of them were lost to the world.

Emu Pov:

I smirked to myself as I caught Lily's gaze. We held it for a second sliently telling each other what to do. I grinned if Lily and I could pull this off, we could make history. Not that we hadnt made history before I remined myself, but this time was a whole other ball game and this time, we could hit it out of the park.

Lily Pov:

Emu swaggered to the back where I was sitting. Just to show I really did'nt care what she did I leaned back on two legs ofthe chair and tried to balence myself letting her know I wasn't paying attention. She got the point. Once she had reatched my seat she put her hands on her hips, stuck her feet wide apart and gave me her best look of anger. It wasnt much.

"Can you read?" Emu asked slowly, as if talking to a child.

" Well Yes,"I started as if just realising it " I think I can."

"Then you wont mind standing on this table would you?" Emu asked the evil glinting in her eyes.

I gave her a look. " May I ask why?" Her grin grew.

" Of course, you may. I just cant give you an answer." Oh she had gotten better. Much better. This was going to be funner then I thought. It took me a second to gather myself,if we were going to do this it had to be done right.

" I suppose..." I drawled. " You would like to dock off some house points for my misbeavior?"

" Not at all" She gave me her slow lazy smile " I would just like to get on this table for a monment."

Easily I did as she requested. Feeling taller then I usually did at my almost 5 foot hight. That is when I realised what she was trying to do. I watched her walk back to the front of the class wiggling her hips earning a wistle from Sirius, she faced them.

" I dont expect any of you to survive my class." There was a 'Hear Hear!' From me.

" I just hope that you leave this class with out a hand print on your cheek." She grinned at them like a chester( an: cant spell it) cat. " Mabey we can get a few laughs out of this year who knows? Today we are going to sit back and enjoy ourselves. It's the first day of school and dont really feel like giving out homework do you?"

" Oh I do! I want some!" some random voice called out. I smiled. Aimee deffently had control over this one and for them, there was no way out.

I like happy endings dont you? I dont usually do cliffys but i got no reviews so there ya go and I know i did some spelling mistakes but i cant fix it cuz my computer is all messed up.

chow Lil J