Millenium Girl by le Petit Chaperon Rouge
A/N : as earlier announced that this would be a spin-off of Runaway, well, it's not. First I would have been, but when it was still on paper I decided to re-write it, because I had, in my opinion better ideas for it. And the re-written version was conterdictial to Runaway-universe. That's why.
Chapter 1: default chapter
Loud voices echoed through the deserted hall of the apartment complex. Marik sat in the darkness on the stairs. It was like this all night. Midnight was coming.
"You unfaithful bitch!!!!"
"Who is he!?!"
"Well!?! Answer me Anzu!!!!"
"You know...." She whispered. A loud bang followed.
"Don't you lie to me no more baby" he hissed.
"No !! I won't listen to your lies anymore!!! Just shut up!!!!"
Marik could hear him pack and say good bye. He backed a bit more back into the darkness. Yami slammed the door shut. In his magenta eyes tears flickered. He swung his jacked over his shoulder and shook his head. He looked at the door one last time, like he was hoping Anzu to storm out and beg him for forgiveness. But silence overtook. He shook his head one last time. It was over. He walked away. Away from Anzu, away from love, away from everything. If you listened carefully, you could hear Anzu's sobs through the thin walls.
It was because of him. She lost the only man that really loved her. He just walked out on her. Because of him. Stupid woman. Marik thought. For him she was just another soul that crossed his path. Fool....
There she sat, on the ground in the light of the streetlights. The whole apartment was a mess. Clothes were littered out of the closets. Photo's lay under the shattered glass of their frames.
"Let this be just a bad dream...please..." she sobbed. "please....." she picked up a photograph of her and Yami. Carefully she whipped the glass of it. A thousand pieces stabbed in to her hand. And as the crimson blood of her hand dripped on the picture, she realized how real this was.
$$$$$$$Nowhere near the end $$$$$$$$
A/N: okies, this was a short (coughveryshortcough) chapter, but I have to start somewhere. The next chapter will be up soon, I hope. Please review!!!! Oh yeah, the rating WILL go up!!! You review, you rock.