" Please, Veemon

( Here we go, my first Kensuke. I hope you like it. Remember that I did post a warning in the summary, but I will put another one here along with an author's note. Anyway, this story was rated PG-13 because it is a shounen ai, or possibly a yaoi and it might contain language in other parts. Oh and now for the VERY important A/N: THIS STORY TAKES PLACE BEFORE THEY DISCOVER THAT KEN IS THE KAISER, okay? Now that we've got that cleared up, on with the fic! Hope you enjoy! )


" Please, Veemon! Get up! ", the boy begged his digital friend. He held the little lizard like thing close, trying to wake it up. The Digimon Emperor had separated the entire group, and had personally gone after Davis himself with a dozen of his slaves. Flamedramon had done his best, and took down nearly ten of them, but it seemed that the Kaiser had brought more than the pair could handle. The brunette boy had tars in his eyes as he tied to get his friend stand on his on, but nothing he tried seemed to help. " Please, Veemon! We have to fight! "

" I'm sorry, Davis, I don't have the strength. ", his companion whispered passively as his eyes finally shut, and he slipped into unconsciousness.

" You're out of luck this time. ",the Kaiser sneered as he grabbed the boy from behind and threw him to the ground away from his friend. Davis scrambled to his feet, startled that the Emperor would attack him himself, instead of having one of his servants try to take him down. The blue haired young man stalked towards him, making him step back towards the tree line in fear. His eyes were burning behind his visor, staring deep into the eyes of the Digidestined with a hunger that Davis couldn't understand, and one that made him tremble.

Before he knew it, the bearer of Courage had his back pressed against a tree and the Digimon Emperor was only a few feet away. Laughing, the evil lord pulled a gun like device out from under his cape. He fired it twice before his rival could even blink, and to metal pieces that were like giant staples flew at the brunette until they caught his wrists pinning him to the tree within seconds. Daisuke struggled wildly, but he couldn't get free. And as the Kaiser came closer, he started to panic.

" You know I could kill you now. You, and your friends, you've been such pests, spoiling all of my beautiful plans, you really do deserve what I could do to you. ", the Emperor sneered, coming closer still. Davis's face remained defiant, his brown eyes burning just like his adversary's, still attempting to pull away from the tree now holding him back. " I should kill you, Daisuke Motomiya. "

" H-h-how did you know my name? " The Emperor had never called any of them by name, only by insults, labels he'd placed on them, but never their name. As far as the new Digidestined knew he didn't know their names, or he didn't care. Davis was horrified as the young man gripped his chin, turning his head from side to side as if sizing him up. Gulping down his fears, the Digidestined pulled his face away. " And I thought you'd kill us first chance you could. "

" On that, dear bearer of Courage, you are both wrong and right. For your friends, this situation would lead to their deaths, but for you, " he whispered, leaning closer to him, his face now centimeters away. " I have other plans. "

He pulled Davis close suddenly; kissing him with a fire that would've consumed the fire around them. The brunette boy let out a startled cry, trying to tear his mouth away from the emperor's, but nothing helped for the Kaiser had him tight. He kissed him over and over again, despite the muffled cries that the chosen child was letting out. Soon his tongue passed through Davis's teeth, swirling in his mouth as if needing to touch every inch of it. Finally, the emperor was out of breath, and he broke the lip lock, but he still held his rival's face as he pulled away. He let his gloved finger trace the terrified boy's lips. " Yes, very special plans. "

" Get away from me. ", Daisuke breathed, unable to think of anything else to say. He had no idea that the Digimon Kaiser, of all people, had feelings for him. He'd never suspected that the young man before him had feelings like this, especially for boys, and Davis was sure he was only attracted to girls.

" I won't take you now, I just wanted you to know what is to come, my little Digidestined. You will be mine wether you like it or not. ", the Emperor replied, letting him go because he could faintly see two of the other Digidestined heading this way on their flying digimon. He recognized them as the ones called TK and Kari. He did not wish for them to see him so close to their leader, not yet. " Just now that I will have you, I can promise you that, Davis Motomiya. I always get what I want. "

With that, he and his servants retreated, leaving Veemon lying on the ground, still out cold, and Davis still bound to the tree. His head was in a whirl, and he was barely paying attention as his friends freed him.

* * *

" I'd say you're one lucky guy, Davis. The Kaiser realy could've hurt you yesterday. Who knows what he would've done if we hadn't shown up? ", TK said shaking his head as he sat down at the computer. They'd met there early that morning before school, and they didn't seem to want to stop talking about yesterday's events. Davis wished they would, he just wanted to forget that yesterday ever happened, to forget that kiss, and to just forget about the Kaiser's threat. But the more they talked about it, the more he was reminded of it. He looked away from the blonde boy, but that just made him continue. " Davis, are you even listening? "

" Huh? ", he had been in a daze for quite a bit today.

" Davis, you've been acting funny since we got home! Is there something wrong? How come you're keeping secrets all of a sudden? ", DemiVeemon demanded suddenly, jumping onto the young man's shoulder to meet his eyes. " If there is something wrong why won't you tell me? I'm your best friend! "

" Hey, relax, nothing's wrong! ", Davis retorted a little defensively. He didn't want to let anyone know what had happened. I mean, they'd ask so many questions, some he didn't know the answers to, and others he wouldn't want to answer at all. If Kaiser really was like that, and he knew he wasn't, what was Davis supposed to do? He didn't even understand the Emperor's threat, let alone why he would want him of all people, but Daisuke knew he did not want the others to know.

" Yeah right, you've been acting spacey. What's going on? ", Yolei remarked firmly, stepping up to him. The brunette took a step back, not wanting to be that close to someone giving him the third degree. " Are you hiding something from us? "

" There's nothing going on! I can't believe you guys don't trust me enough to handle myself! Look, nothing's wrong, and nothing's happened! If I feel like being quiet, than I can be quiet, okay? There's no law against it! ", he snapped, finally breaking under the pressure. But can you blame him? He was still so confused, and he just wanted to be alone right then. " I'm fine so just back off, all right? "

" Davis, calm down. We were just trying to express how worried we are about you. We're you're friends. ", Cody implied, trying to be the reasonable one. He took a step towards the boy in goggles. " If there is something wrong we'd like to help you. You just have to tell us or all we can do is worry, Davis! "

" I can take care of myself! ", the bearer of Courage snapped as he stormed from the room, his digimon running after him. He made it all the way to the science lab before he decided if he stayed in the hall that others would find him sooner. DemiVeemon was at his feet, pleading softly to know why Davis was suddenly crying, but it was like the boy couldn't hear him. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts. ' I can't believe what's happening to me! I have to act like a jerk just so they won't find out that the Digimon Emperor kissed me. God, why does this have to happen to me? I'm not like that, I mean, I don't like guys, it's always been that way. Why does he want me? Why in the world would he ever want me? I thought he hated- '

" Is there something wrong, Mr. Motomiya? ", a familiar voice asked the young man from behind. He turned to see Mr. Fugiyama and boy with long blue hair and piercing blue eyes standing there. As he wiped his eyes and kicked DemiVeemon into a cabinet without them seeing, he turned to face them. The teacher looked him over again, and then gestured to the mysterious young man next to him. " Well, now that that's settled, Davis, I'd like you to meet Ken Ichi-jiouji. He's a famous boy for his intellect and he's going to be doing a commercial and they want to film it here. He wanted me to show him around before they start shooting. "

Ken gave him a small smile, one that made his serious face look strange to the brunette before him. He held out his hand. " It's nice to meet you, Davis. You have a…very charming school, for a public school, anyway. I hope we weren't interrupting you. Was there something wrong we can help you with. "

' He doesn't even know me. ', Daisuke thought in wonder as he shook the boy genius's hand. " Uh, no actually, I'm fine. It's nice to meet you, Ken. Good luck on that commercial thing, okay? I should probably get headed to class soon. "

" Wait, Davis, could you finish showing Ken around? I have to teach an important class and I can write you a pass. ", the teacher implied, hoping that the young boy would agree. Before the bearer of Courage could reply, he gave him a hearty pat on the back. " Thanks, kid, I owe you one. You two have fun, okay? "

" Man, why does he always have to pick on me? ", the brunette muttered, rubbing the back of his head. He then turned to the blue haired boy, with a shrug that showed just how confused he was. " Um, so, uh, what else would you like to see? I guess this is just your ordinary public school, it can't be anything like the one you go to. The food's terrible, some of the kids are downright mean, but at least or soccer team's okay. Is there anywhere special that you want to go? "

" No, not really. You're Daisuke Motomiya, correct? ", Ken replied.

" Yeah, that's me, but how did you…" A chuckle from the blue haired young man made him cut off. He didn't like the way he was staring at him now, with that lopsided sneer on his face as he took a few steps closer. Davis took a few steps back, gulping down his nervousness. " Why is it that I feel like this has happened before? And why are you looking at me like that? You're freaking me out! "

" I told you. ", the blue haired boy whispered, grabbing his wrist in an iron grip. If his mind hadn't been panicking, Davis would've realized sooner that he knew the voice Ken was using. Suddenly, Ken jerked him closer, making their gazes meet, and the Guardian of Courage tremble. " I told you, you would be mine. "

" Kaiser! ", Daisuke whispered his brown eyes wide in horror.

" I'm glad you could figure it out so quickly. Yes, Davis, I am the Digimon Emperor, and I am here to keep my promise to you. ", the boy genius grinned, whirling him so that his back was pressed to his chest and he could pin Davis's arms to his sides. The brunette struggled but he couldn't get free. " You're mine, Daisuke, and I always get what I want. Don't worry, I won't hurt you if you come- "

" DemiVeemon! DemiVeemon, help me! ", the bearer of Courage shouted suddenly, trying to pull away from him. His eyes were wide and frantic, locked on the cabinet under the counter that he had stashed the small digimon in. He couldn't get away from the Kaiser, who was holding him with the firmest grip he'd ever been in. His mind was racing, replaying what Ken had said the other day. If the Emperor wanted him, then he had to get away right? He should've known that the creep would us a trick to catch him instead, and he'd fallen right for it. But who could really blame him, I mean, he hadn't known the Digimon Emperor's identity until now. " Let go of me! You can't do this! DemiVeemon, please! I need you! "

" Shhhh, my pet. Everything will be fine. ", Ken whispered in his ear, covering the boy's mouth with his hand. Daisuke kept kicking, and could only watch as the Digimon Kaiser pushed a chair over with his foot, blocking DemiVeemon's exit from the cabinet. He started to drag the bearer of Courage towards the only computer in the room, pulling out the black digivice he used to block a digimon's evolution abilities. " I'm going to take you home with me, Daisuke, where you'll be safe from everyone who ever hurt you. You're mine now, Davis. Mine. "

Light enveloped them as they were sucked into the digital world.

To be continued:

( Okay, what do you think? Should I keep going or scarp it? I've never done a Kensuke before, so is it okay or is it terrible? Anyway, I hope you'll review! )