Walk On

By RedMirage aka Kei-Chan

Disclaimer: I own nothing! If I did, I wouldn't be here!

Pairings: Sasuke x Naruto, Neji x Naruto, Gaara x Naruto, Zabuza x Haku, Itachi x Shino, Lee x Sakura...others still a secret. :P

Warnings: AU and contains yaoi. Run if you can't stand it.

Rating: PG - 13 but may rise to R later in the story...


A teahouse romance...A library romance...And a gathering of two attracted individuals under the Sakura trees at a secret location. With Naruto as the ultimate uke...Who will finally win his heart and body?

Inspired by Kiss wa Ichinichi Sando Made, a yaoi manga by Nabako Kamo.

"words" indicates speech

'words' indicates thoughts

italics shows an emphasize on the words

Aniki - Big brother in Japanese

Chapter 6: A Date with the Uchihas and Kisses Too?!

Shino was playing some games on Naruto's computer idly, waiting for the blonde to come back. It has been a long two months since he saw his childhood friend and he felt that he was not doing his job as a bodyguard to Naruto during the two months. "But he had ordered it, saying that he wants to walk around without people trying to protect him all the time. At least for a little while." Shino mumbled. He received a call three nights ago from Tsunade, who asked for him to carry on with his duties and to especially fend off "rabid fanboys" from the cute blonde. She said something about a call from Jiraiya about the "dire situation that Naruto had gotten himself into unconsciously with his wonderful good looks". But knowing that Jiraiya was the one who had informed Tsunade, it was probably one of the old man's ways to get a rise out of Tsunade. Jiraiya simply loves fooling around with Tsunade and knew that Naruto was Tsunade's weak spot. Regardless of whether she admits it openly or not, the old but still ridiculously beautiful woman, loves and cares for her nephew a lot. Especially when she actually took the time to call him while she was still busy gambling away in Las Vegas. Everyone knows that when the great Tsunade of Uzu Umpire is gambling, nothing with the exception of Naruto can distract her from the cards and dice. Although the woman was legendary in the business world for her wise strategic moves that raked in billions of dollars for the company, she was also legendary at the gambling clubs for being the greatest sucker who always loses at the tables. The gambling clubs welcome her with opened arms, eager to suck a few millions from the compulsive gambler. "At least now I've every reason to protect Naru whether he wants it or not," he smirked a little to himself under the really high collar of his shirt. Shutting off the game and the computer when it became too boring for him, Shino tapped his finger against the table and wondered when Naruto would be coming back. He lifted his sleeve and looked at his watch. The time read 6:30 pm. Shino remembered that Naruto's classes ended at 3:30 pm today and wondered if the boy had went out with his friends. 'It would be good for him to make some friends, since he only had Haku and me for so long. But I should check his friends out for suspicious motives too. Naruto can be so naïve about such things.' Shino thought to himself. Suddenly, he heard the soft padding noise of footsteps approaching near the room with his keen hearing and knew that Naruto was back. Now, all he had to do was to convince Naruto not to scream too much about the purpose of his visit.

Naruto opened the door to his room and stared in surprise at the sight of Shino. "Sh...Shino!" Naruto yelled out. He ran toward the older boy and wrapped Shino in a huge bear hug. "When did you arrive at Konoha? Why didn't you asked for me to fetch you at the airport?" Naruto asked a long string of questions in a rush. He was so excited to see his childhood friend that it had not dawned on him about the other role that Shino played towards him.

'A least he is really happy to see me,' Shino thought in relief. It seems as though it would not be as difficult to try to get Naruto to accept the reason for his visit after all. "Naruto, you have grown," Shino petted the blond head dutifully, feeling the soft yet slightly wild strands of fine gold slid through his fingers.

Naruto rolled his eyes at Shino's comment. "No, I haven't. You're just saying that to please me," Naruto said with an exaggerated sigh. He felt that Shino has something important to tell him since he was trying to strike a conversation. Normally, Shino is quiet and a listener rather than the conversationalist. He made a move of clearing his throat to signal to Shino that he knew that something is up as he waited for the silent boy to start talking.

Shino sighed a little under his high collar and thought a little amusedly to himself about how perceptive Naruto could be at all the right times. "I was asked by Tsunade-sama to look after you," he said simply.

Naruto's eyes sharpened. "And I was thinking that this was a social visit because you missed me so much," Naruto replied sarcastically. He may really love and look up to Shino as the big brother he never had but he hates the fact that Shino was appointed as his bodyguard. It makes him feel uncomfortable and restricted. "I thought I said that I don't need anyone to guard me. Besides, I think I can defend myself well enough."

"Naruto... it's my job to guard you. But... I am doing it for my own personal reasons as well. I want to protect and be with you like a friend should. Like what an 'aniki' should do." Shino said softly but firmly. "If you're worried that there would be a whole troop of people guarding you, I assure you that I'm the only one. And I'll only be looking out for you... nothing too serious."

Naruto felt himself relenting. It would not be too bad if it were only Shino. Although he really dislikes the fact that his friend could be in danger while protecting him, he also knew that Shino ultimately still has to do his job of being a bodyguard to him. "Well, what can I say? I just hope that you're not a strict chaperone. I would hate to miss out on all the fun of being a college kid." Naruto said with a goofy smile.

Shino heaved a small sigh of relief. "Don't worry, you will get to have your fun. I'll only be keeping those rabid fanboys of yours away from you," he said with a smirk.

Naruto's eyes widened in horror as he shouted, "How did you know that I was a bisexual? No one knows except for Gaara and Sakura!"

"Oh... you mean you really are one? I was only kidding about it. But it doesn't really matter. You're adorable enough to attract both sex." Shino teased a little. He was surprised that Naruto confessed to being a bisexual. He was always thinking that Naruto would be more of a homosexual. Not that these things matters, as long as Naruto is happy.

Naruto felt like smacking himself for the slip of tongue. He was still entirely too sensitive where his sexuality was concerned and had misunderstood what Shino said. He laughed a little sheepishly and said, "Shino, I know of a great place to eat ramen. Why don't I bring you there for dinner now?"

Shino nodded his head and the two friends made their way to the diner. The night was filled with small talks mostly contributed from Naruto while Shino did what he always does. He listened.

Naruto fixed his silver tie and looked at the mirror, assessing his image. He was wearing an orange blouse, a silver tie, a silver-gray suit pants and a matching silver-gray vest. It was a nice combination along with his black leather shoes. He had combed his hair but it always end up reverting back to its slightly messy state. He thought he looked pretty good. He heard a horn coming from the outside and knew that Sasuke had arrived. He slipped on his silver watch and rushed down to met Sasuke.

Sasuke could only stared in amazement at the striking picture that Naruto had created. The blond was rushing to his black Porsche with a ready smile and Sasuke thought that he looked stunningly gorgeous and vibrant in the orange and silver-gray combination. He was still staring when Naruto got into the car.

"Why are you staring? Is there something wrong with my dressing?" Naruto asked, feeling a little self-conscious from the attentive stare of Sasuke. Sasuke looked so good in his midnight blue suit and pants, he felt as though he was under-dressed! The older boy even had his black shoulder-length hair down today.

"Nothing's wrong. I just thought you look really stunning today." Sasuke replied in a slightly husky voice. He turned his attention back to the wheels to ease Naruto's discomfort but smirked when he saw the pretty little blush that spread on Naruto's cheeks.

Naruto looked out of the car window and thought back to what he told Shino in the afternoon. He had ordered Shino not to follow him to the art gallery. But knowing Shino so well, the man would probably be out there somewhere, looking out for him from the shadows. The rest of the ride was spent in comfortable silence between Naruto and Sasuke as they enjoyed themselves to the soft music of Norah Jones that Sasuke had put on.

Sasuke's car stopped in front of a huge white building. "We're here," Sasuke spoke softly. Naruto flashed a smile at Sasuke and said, "Let's go in then." Sasuke handed his car keys to the valet and walked beside Naruto into the building. He had an urge to hold Naruto's hand but kept his hands obediently to the side, his fingers clenched together. They were ushered to the exhibition room where upon Sasuke's first step into the marbled room, a loud shout from Itachi was heard.

"Sasuke! You're here!" Itachi yelled loudly from across the room before making his way to Sasuke quickly. If there was one thing that Uchiha Itachi is good at, its irritating his beloved little brother. Sasuke felt like burying his head into a hole and try to forget he is related to Itachi in any way. There were so many people staring at them now! The man could be so humiliating at times!

"You don't have to yell, Itachi." Sasuke bit out.

Itachi smirked. He knew that Sasuke is irritated with him. He turned to the blonde boy standing beside Sasuke and felt like running to his camera and takes dozens of pictures of the boy before him in various positions, with or without clothes. Apparently, Sasuke caught onto the lust displayed in his eyes towards the blond beauty since his brother was blocking his view from the boy by standing between them. The small blonde seemed a little confused. Smiling charmingly, Itachi said, "So... this is your friend, Sasuke?"

Sasuke refrained from sighing; knowing that he now has to introduce his Naruto to Itachi. His brother was obviously up to no good, since he was staring at Naruto with such hunger in his eyes. "Yes, he is. Naruto is very good friend of mine." Sasuke said carefully and slowly.

'Hmm... No wonder Sasuke is so enamored with his friend. This Naruto is definitely more than attractive and cute enough to sweep Sasuke off his feet. This is going to be so much fun!' Itachi thought gleefully to himself. His brother had never before tried to make any effort to get to know someone. It was always the other way round. It would be highly interesting to observe these two sweet little boys trying to find love with each other. 'This calls for a little spying.' Itachi chuckled a little at that thought. "I see... Well, enjoy yourself at my exhibition, Naruto-kun. There are refreshments at the corner of the hall so feel free to help yourself to it. I must now attend to the other guests. Excuse me." Itachi said in a deep gentlemanly baritone. He stepped out of Sasuke's murderous glare that was fixed on him and rushed off, not to his other guests, but to retrieve his camera to start his latest job. Spying on Sasuke and Naruto.

Naruto was confused. Itachi had greeted him and Sasuke. But before he could talk to the renowned photographer, the man was gone and Sasuke was still staring at the empty spot where Itachi had previously occupied. Both brothers look really similar to each other yet they obviously have different personalities. Itachi was flamboyant yet cool while Sasuke was silent and beautiful. Deciding to get Sasuke in a better mood, which became rather tense ever since Itachi appeared, Naruto tugged at Sasuke's sleeve and nudged the older boy towards one of the pictures in the corner that has caught his eyes. He noticed Sasuke giving him a little smile and he smiled back, commenting on the pictures and engaging in debates with Sasuke over which ones are the better pictures.

Sasuke was glad that Naruto was being so sweet to him by trying to lift his spirits up since his lousy run in with Itachi. They were having so much fun looking at the photographs and arguing playfully about their individual preferences that Sasuke almost forgot about the question that he wanted badly to ask Naruto. But the photo exhibition was not the place to ask such sensitive issue as he could feel everyone's eyes on them and hear the whispers of their names. Thus, when they were having some refreshments at the hall, Sasuke asked Naruto out to dinner at a new Japanese restaurant, to which Naruto happily agreed, since he was feeling famished.

"So where is this restaurant?" Naruto ask curiously while they were walking towards the car. The night was cool and breezy. Perfect for a nice long stroll.

"Did you hear anything about the revolving restaurant located at the top of the Four Leaves Hotel? We're going there." Sasuke said. He was feeling anxious about going to the restaurant because he was going to ask the very thing that would decide if he even has a chance with Naruto. He just hoped that if the answer from Naruto were negative, he would not humiliate himself by throwing up the food that they would have eaten at the restaurant.

"That is the new restaurant we're going to? But I heard that it is so popular that it is impossible to get a table at the place without a one-month advance booking and it's really expensive too! " Naruto exclaimed, looking at Sasuke with incredulous eyes.

Sasuke chuckled at Naruto's words. "It would be possible if I know the owner of the restaurant. The man, Kisame, may look like a hideous shark but he is a pretty decent guy and a good friend of Itachi and me." Kisame even has a little secret crush on his brother, so he would always have a table reserved for the Uchihas just in case that Itachi suddenly decided to drop by the restaurant.

Naruto nodded his head understandingly at Sasuke's words. It was no wonder they could get a place at the restaurant so easily since Sasuke knew the owner. They got into the car and drove off happily to the restaurant, unknowing of the two shadows that have been following them.

Uchiha Itachi was following the trail of his baby brother and the little blonde guy, Naruto, closely. He noticed how relaxed and happy Sasuke was in the presence of Naruto and felt a little jealous of it. Sasuke hardly ever displayed those kinds of expressions around anybody else, including him. But he was currently having too much fun to really care. He happily snapped each rare moment away on his camera. He followed Sasuke's car and then into the restaurant. 'So Sasuke chose Kisame's place to eat? Good choice,' Itachi thought to himself, eyeing the restaurant critically. Each table has a private and intimate setting and the skyline seen through the large transparent windows is simply astounding. It seemed to be half of Konoha has been lighted up in various pretty colors from below and dozens of twinkling diamonds in the velvet night sky above. He chose to seat himself in the bar where no booking is required so that he need not alert Kisame to his presence, causing an unwanted stir and spoiling his perfect cover. He moved towards an inconspicuous corner and ordered a Bloody Mary as he observed the two boys being shown to their seat by a waiter. He sighed a little in annoyance when he realized that the platform they are seating on would be revolving around the bar and grumbled under his breathe, wishing that the mechanism spinning the platform would break down now for him. "At least the damn thing is moving really slowly," he muttered. He pulled his jacket higher as he simply observed Sasuke and Naruto without taking any pictures since that would give him away. He noticed a man with a really high shirt collar that covered his mouth walked to sit beside him. The guy had smoky gray eyes and was ordering a Martini while keeping his eyes on the same pair of couple as him.

Shino had followed Naruto all through his date with Sasuke despite the blonde's order for him to stay at home. He just had to check if Sasuke is one of the possible fanboys in the guise of being a friend to Naruto. There was no doubt that the raven-haired boy was head over heels in love with Naruto but he could tell that he was serious about his friend too. The boy was cold and unyielding towards everyone but gentle and friendly with Naruto. He stepped into the restaurant to be told that if he had no reservation, he could not get a table but if he was going to the bar then he could be admitted immediately. He choose going to the bar and walked quickly to an inconspicuous corner and sat down. He gave a cold calculating once over at the restaurant. 'Great ambience, delicious food and horribly expensive. Definitely trying to impress.' he thought silently. He looked over at Naruto to observe the blonde's reaction. 'Looks like it did impressed.' He continued to keep an eye on the couple, steadfastly ignoring everything else when the table the two boys were seating at revolved around. He was completely oblivious to the man sitting beside him who was observing him openly until he turned around to order another glass of Martini. The two men had a staring contest, where smoky gray eyes clashed against dark black ones, which lasted for a mere two minutes before Shino turned away to continue observing Naruto and Sasuke.

The longer Itachi looked at Shino, the more he felt like ripping off the jacket and clothes to see what lies beneath it. The man positively exuded such a mysterious and sexy aura that he had switched from watching Sasuke and Naruto to watching him. When the man turned around and they stared into each other eyes, Itachi felt an unexplainable shock shooting up his spine as he felt himself drawn into those smoky gray orbs. As Shino turned away to continue observing the couple, he wanted to turn the man's face to him again and kissed the lips hiding under the collar, which he imagined to be full and smooth. He wanted to start a conversation but seeing the man devoting his full concentration elsewhere, he would probably be ignored. He could only choose to stalk this man on his way out and hoped to at least get a number from him. God, he was starting to feel really hot!

Sasuke was feeling nervous. He had talked and laughed with Naruto but every time he tried asking about Naruto's sexual orientation, he felt as though the salmon sushi he was eating was stuck in his throat. He could feel the minutes ticked by and knew that if he still doesn't asked the question, the dinner would come to an end soon. He looked at Naruto who was happily eating his soba and talking in between swallows of noodles. Feeling anxiety creeping into his heart, he grabbed hold of his cup of sake and gulped down the contents, slamming the cup slightly down on the table and asked shakily, "Naruto, do you...do you like guys? I mean... in a ...r...r...romantic way!"

Naruto stopped talking as soon as he saw Sasuke suddenly snatching up his cup of sake and gulped it down like a man who has not had a sip of water in months. He widened his eyes when Sasuke all but slammed the cup down and then asked the question, which made him drop his chopsticks. He grabbed his napkin and coughed heavily into them. "Why do you ask that?"

"Because I have to know." Sasuke asked with a strange emotion glistening in his onyx eyes.

Naruto stared apprehensively at Sasuke, biting his lips before saying in a small voice, "Well... the last time I checked, I was a bisexual and I don't think it had changed." He reclined back in his chair and wondered if Sasuke had suddenly found some of his behaviors disturbing and hence the question. He hoped fervently that Sasuke would not be disgusted by his admission.

Sasuke would have whooped for joy, if he could have, at the rather crowded restaurant. He could have sworn that his heart nearly stopped beating while waiting for Naruto to answer his question.

He smiled boyishly at Naruto. "I have the same preferences too. But I don't like girls at all."

Naruto's eyes widened again as his mouth formed an "O" shape. He would never have guessed in a millions years that Sasuke is a homosexual with the number of girls running after him. He came to the conclusion that Sasuke must be feeling the same thing as he did and felt the need to tell him about it. Feeling good knowing that he was not the odd one out, Naruto smiled back and they carried on with their dinner with Sasuke suddenly becoming very lively during conversation and asking Naruto lots of questions.

Shino nodded in satisfaction at the two friends. They were enjoying each other company and although there was a slight problem in between where both boys seem awkward with each other, it was soon resolved and they were back to normal, laughing and eating. In fact, the raven-haired boy seemed to become alive all of a sudden. He paid the bill of his drinks and gave a generous tip, deciding to give the two boys some time together without people spying on their every move. Moving out into the cool night, Shino was walking to his car when he felt a presence behind him. Not wanting to alert his stalker, he continued walking while planning to lure the person to a corner before he confronts the person. Once they were near an alley, Shino stopped suddenly and swiftly turned around and stepped forward to grab the man.

Itachi had meant to ask the man for his name and number (and if possible, to a late supper) once they were out of the restaurant but somehow ended up stalking the man for reasons he couldn't seem to comprehend himself. He did not even bother to hide himself and was following the man closely too until the man suddenly stopped and turned around to grab him and pushed him into the alley. Itachi breathed heavily, feeling somewhat aroused by the situation he was caught in. The mysterious sexy man was currently pinning him with his back to the wall and holding him by the scuff of his neck. In his mind, the situation was kinky and he thought about leaning forward to kiss those lips he had imagined. Damn that high collar shirt the man was wearing!

Shino stared in surprised at the man that he had pinned against the wall. He looked eerily similar to Uchiha Sasuke and he also remembered from seeing his face from somewhere else. Thinking hard about where he had seen the man in front of him, he did not caught the look of lust displayed blatantly on Itachi's face. Suddenly, he has a clear memory of seeing this guy at a function held by the Uzu Empire, which was celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. This man was Uchiha Itachi, the world-renowned photographer. "Why are you stalking me?" he snapped out sharply at the man.

'God, his voice is so sexy when he's angry," Itachi thought, completely mesmerized by the man before him. He had yet to met a man or a woman who was completely unaffected by his good looks and this man didn't even seemed to notice them! Turning on his full charm, Itachi smiled endearingly at the man and said in a silken tone, "Well, I was trying to ask for your name and number but couldn't seem to find a good time to do that... so I decided to follow you until I did."

"Why would you want my name and number? I don't know you."

"I'm attracted to you."

Shino dropped his hold on Itachi at hearing the Uchiha's answer. It was definitely not what he would expect to hear for an answer, not that he had any expectations in any way. "You don't even know what I really look like."

Itachi straightened his collar and smiled brightly. "The energy you radiated is sexy enough. Besides, the fact that I didn't know what your lower half of the face look like could be changed too." Itachi suddenly pulled down Shino's collar and assessed the face before him. Shino's lips were indeed full and his nose was sharp and well defined. The man was, in short, downright gorgeous. "Absolutely beautiful," he murmured softly. Shino seemed to be frozen in place by his actions and he took the chance to plant his lips on Shino's, which once again proved him right to be smooth and soft. He had a feeling if Shino wanted to push him away he could do it easily. Itachi would hate to start a fight so soon with the guy he was currently trying to seduce.

Shino was completely stunned by Itachi. For twenty years of his life, he had never been come on so strongly by anyone nor have he been kissed before. He was frozen with surprise and he could feel himself yielding to that skilful tongue that was coaxing him to spread his lips apart. He almost gave in when Itachi pulled away and nuzzled his nose. "Hmm... Do you think you could give me your number and also your name now? I would like to have a name to put on the face of the man I just kissed."

Shino croaked out weakly, "Aburame Shino. My number is 9132002." What had he just done? He had a strong feeling that Uchiha would probably start clinging to him from now on. You could never be a good bodyguard when someone else other than your client is clinging to you.

With the name and number burnt deeply into his memory, Itachi took out his name card and slipped it into Shino's hand. He knew from Shino's awkward reactions to his kissing that Shino was still virtually untouched by another man (or woman). He did not want to rush the man into anything he didn't want too soon and scare him away. "Call me anytime, Shino-kun. I'll call you too." Like a breeze, Itachi was gone, leaving Shino still standing and rather frozen.

Itachi stopped walking and glanced up at the night sky. "What was that? Love at first sight? Uchiha Itachi, you're in so much trouble," Itachi muttered before breaking out into chuckles and continued walking into the dark shadows of the night.

Gaara had no idea why he was feeling restless tonight. He didn't have much of an appetite and he couldn't sit still for a moment. 'I must have been influenced by Naruto too much.' he grumbled before a small smile came unbidden to his lips at the mention of blonde's name. Shaking his head, he had a sudden urge to see Naruto and maybe even relieve the restlessness he is feeling. He turned to walk towards the direction of the teahouse, unknowing of the surprise that would greet him as well as the jealous rage that he would feel.

Naruto glanced over at Sasuke who was humming away at a tune while driving him back home. Sasuke was behaving pretty out of character today but Naruto really liked this never-before-seen side of Sasuke. He really enjoyed himself tonight despite some strange mood swings from Sasuke. It wasn't long before he started humming to the song in sync with Sasuke.

Soon, they arrived outside the backdoor of the teahouse. Naruto stepped out into the sidewalk, as did Sasuke. "Goodnight, Sasuke. Thanks to you I had a wonderful time today." He was about to open the door when Sasuke shouted, "Wait!" He slowly turned around to feel a pair of warm lips pressed against his own as his eyes closed instinctively. He felt the lips leaving and opened his eyes when he felt Sasuke giving a lick to his lips. "Goodnight, Naruto."

Naruto stood still as he watched Sasuke gave him a wink and then walked back to his car and drove off with a wave of his hand. Realization of what Sasuke just did set in and Naruto felt his knees turned to jelly as he collapsed against the backdoor. He touched his lips and whispered dazedly, "My first kiss... with Sasuke..." He tried to steady himself and thought, 'Just what was the meaning of that kiss?' It was a long time before he stumbled back into the teahouse and then to his room. He needed to find Shino and talk to him, unknowing that his 'aniki' is facing the same problems as him.

Gaara stood in the shadows of the streetlights. His fists were clenched tightly as his lips were drawn into a thin angry line. His eyes flashed dangerously at the scene of Sasuke kissing Naruto as he felt jealousy and a sharp sense of heartbreak stirred violently in his heart. He had no idea when had Naruto meant so much more than a friend to him but it was clear to him now that his feelings towards Naruto was more than that of friendship. He obviously had rivals too. He turned around and walked back to where he came from. He needed some time to think clearly and also to get rid of the need to murder one Uchiha bastard.


Next Chapter: Eeps! What would Gaara do? Would Neji find out about the kiss and react like Gaara did? What about Shino and Itachi?

My schedule is really hectic these days, hence the very, very late update. Sorry. ;;

Plot and character mumbles:

I know that Shino should have his sunglasses on but since he isn't a ninja in this story, it would be ridiculous for him to be wearing one at night while trying to protect Naruto. No one could do that while being nearly blind.

Itachi had always struck me as a character that is always extremely in control of things, especially his freedom. He does what he likes and is someone who comes like a wind and is gone equally fast.

The pace of the story is much faster than the previous chapter because I didn't want to drag things too much. Too much detail can be such a spoiler sometimes so I deleted my previous draft, which concentrated too much on details of Sasuke and Naruto's date that I couldn't fit in properly the question that Sasuke need to ask Naruto because the flow of story was wrong. I needed Sasuke to be anxious but he became too happy for that.

Btw, aren't everyone happy that there is finally some action? XD

Character Profiles

Introducing the bishounens...

Uchiha Itachi: An internationally acclaimed photographer who specializes in taking pictures of people. He has many assignments from all the popular magazines as well as from movie stars so he is extremely wealthy. He is Sasuke's brother and has been taking care of Sasuke since their parents' early demise by himself. He loves his little brother a lot but he loves to tease and irritate him even more. Thus causing Sasuke to have a love-hate relationship with him. He is a bisexual.

Aburame Shino: The bodyguard and childhood friend of Naruto. His family has been responsible for the protection of the Uzumaki's and its members for generations. He knows a lot of personal secrets of Naruto, who told them to Shino. However, his mouth is as tight as a closed lid.


Thanks to IceHeart19 for helping to beta! There seem to be some sort of a problem with hotmail where I have troubles sending the new chapter and email to my beta, Teki Star, since she had not reply (or I had not received any reply). This happened to the rest of my mails as well so I decided to upload the chapter first (before I got thrown rocks by angered readers).

To Teki Star: If you see this message, please contact me. I asked to be added to your msnm. If you have received this chapter, please beta and sent me your beta version so I can upload it as a revised chapter.

Thanks to Jurt, Kitty, Kali Swifteye, chibi-uchiha, sara, juu, KhaosFlamez, ephi, XxMaster-ExX, Sierra-Falls, SasuNaru123, bitterchoco, Yasai-chan, 123, Kyona Kopper, Lostlily, Cookie6, Gi wo mite sezaru wa ya n, Kori Nibiki, Kaiyo No Hime, Bealmira, Annachan, Apple Grace, B.H.261, Kishu, Luna, Kamikakushi and MaroonSorrow. Your comments are much appreciated!

To juu: Thanks for your offer for helping to beta but I already have two great betas. However, if you would like to, maybe you can help me in revising the previous chapters! Tell me your email in the next review if you are interested!

Please R&R!