Disclaimer: I own nothing! If I did, I wouldn't be here!

Pairings: Sasuke x Naruto, Neji x Naruto, Gaara x Naruto...others yet undecided.

Warnings: AU and Contains yaoi. Run if you can't stand it.

Ratings: PG - 13 but may rise to R later in the story...

Summary: A teahouse romance... A library romance... And a gathering of two attracted individuals under the Sakura trees at a secret location. With Naruto as the ultimate uke... Who will finally win his heart and body? Inspired by Kiss wa Ichinichi Sando Made, a yaoi manga by Nabako Kamo.

Chapter 1: A Bump, Seeing Pink, Cold Glares and a Walking Sex God.

The bright morning sun shone upon a quaint little teahouse located along the streets of Konoha. Soft ringing of bells could be heard as the door opened to reveal a short, teenage guy with dazzling blond hair. Naruto yawned loudly and stretched his limbs. Today would be the first day of him attending college and he had no idea what it would be like. He is currently living with his uncle, Jiraiya, the owner of the teahouse and the apartment upstairs and also working for the man on a part-time basis. He found the work to be rather enjoyable and the customers friendly. He had chosen to live here since the place is near to the university he is attending and because he did not want to feel lonely again.

Coming from an all-boys high school where he had a reputation as an outcast for his very different taste in clothes, music and interests in that preppy boys school, Naruto had seriously hoped that it would be different in the Konoha University. He wondered if he could finally find a beautiful girl as his girlfriend. Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, he headed into the shop and prepared to get ready for his first day of college life.


Stepping past the gate of the university, Naruto almost thought he was in women paradise. Beautiful and cute girls could be seen everywhere that if he were to choose to find one as his girlfriend, he would certainly be spoilt for choices! Walking at a brisk pace, he took a brief look around the school and the bright and cheery environment of the place impressed him. Trees and flowers were everywhere and the buildings were a mix of modern and old look. He stopped at a large brown-bricked building with bright, sparkling eyes. It was the library and there must be tons of books in the large building waiting to be read! There was a loud chime of bell, signaling to him that it was time to get to the hall for his orientation as Naruto quickly head towards the direction of the hall for the ceremony, while promising to visit the library sometime soon.

Uchiha Sasuke leaned against a pillar as he watched the entire ceremony with a detached expression. He did rather be somewhere else focusing his camera on a beautiful landscape than here, listening to an old man talked about things he had absolutely no interest in. He glanced briefly around him and found many pairs of eyes belonging to love-struck girls upon him. He suppressed an annoyed sign and wondered if the girls of the school could just disappeared until his graduation. His pale delicate features always attract troubles like this that he seriously wondered if it was a blessing or a curse. It would be annoying to have girls pestered him for a date or to be his girlfriend if he was a normal straight guy but it was even worse when he was really a homosexual who also have a large number of guys chasing after him. It was a while before the old man whom was the Hokage of the university, finished his long speech. The students were then asked to proceed to their respective lectures for the day. Sasuke was walking towards his lecture room when he bumped into somebody around the corner and landed hard with his butt on the floor.

"Oww...that hurts! Watch where you are going, dobe!" Sasuke growled at the idiot who knocked into him so hard. He looked up to find himself lost, starring into the most beautiful pair of blue eyes he has ever seen.

"I'm sorry! I was in a rush as I am running late for my lecture!" Naruto quickly apologized as he extends his hand to help the guy up. He noticed briefly that the guy was extremely good looking but he also noticed that if he doesn't run to the room now, he wouldn't make it on time! If there was one thing Naruto hate, it was being late for anything. After apologizing for the second time hastily, Naruto was well on his way to his German class, running as though his life depends on it.

Sasuke stared after the guy who had helped him up and ran away after speaking words in such a rush that all he could catch was that the guy was 'sorry' and 'late'. He then focused his gaze on the hand that the guy had grabbed and thought back to how small the guy's hand was for a man. Shaking his head, Sasuke continued on his way to his first lecture thinking that it may not be so bad coming to this university.


It was in the late afternoon when Naruto was finally free from his lectures for the day. He headed towards the library, eager to start his search for good reads from that treasure mine he found today.

He reflected back to his day where he was having his German class. The girl sitting next to him was beautiful with long pink shiny hair and sparkling emerald eyes. He could remember himself blushing and stuttering horribly during a brief introduction to each other, where the girl, Haruno Sakura, granted him a beautiful smile. Then he started to think about the guy sitting next to him. He had never met someone who could look so cool, yet really homicidal at the same time. He also noticed how people beside himself would sit quite a distance from Gaara. He was strangely comfortable to be sitting next to him even though Gaara seems to be really intimidating with all his cold glares and curt answers. He had decided there and then that he would want to make a friend out of Gaara and somehow understand the guy better.

He stepped into the library and walked to the direction where the books are located. What he saw left him breathless. He had never ever seen so many books in his whole life and this was only the first floor of the building! He took a stroll through the fiction section. Within a short time, he decided to borrow three books that he had found first. As he turned around, preparing to check out the books, he found himself starring at the chest of a guy. He glanced up and was greeted with a pair of unusual yet beautiful white eyes. The man was wearing a light blue button-down shirt and a fitting pair of black pants with black leather shoes. He had long black hair tied up in a ponytail and his chest was slightly exposed, as he did not button the first two buttons.

'He looked like a sex god,' Naruto thought to himself before he suddenly bashed himself mentally in the head. 'I did not just think that of a guy!' he screeched to himself, heart beating wildly.

Hyuuga Neji stared at the boy in front of him. The guy looked like he was lost in his own world. Feeling weirdly amused, he asked, "Hey, is this your first year in the school?"

Naruto snapped out of his reverie upon hearing Neji's voice and answered rather shyly. "Yes...I am a freshmen. I am Uzumaki Naruto."

"And I am Hyuuga Neji." Neji replied with a smirk. "So, what books did you choose to borrow, Naruto-kun?"

Naruto felt himself blushing at Neji's use of his name. He also noticed that Neji's voice is a soothing deep baritone though the tone is somewhat icy. "It's Fate and Destiny, Bridge to Heaven and Cruel Desire."

"Fate and Destiny... Interesting... Why do you choose that book?"

"Well, it's by my favorite author, H. Kaito. He is really good at exposing the inner feelings of the characters and the plot of his stories are always interesting and never dull!" Naruto answered excitedly, his whole face brightening up at chatting about one of his favorite author.

Neji observed the way Naruto reacts and can't help but be fascinated by the radiant aura of the boy. From a shy and quiet guy, Naruto had changed into a talkative and bubbly character. He had never seen someone like Naruto who wears his emotions on the outside to show to the rest of the world so clearly. He also felt an odd ache in his heart at the way that Naruto had talked about the author. He sounded so sincere about everything that Neji can't help but want to know more about the boy. That was something that had never happened with him before. Neji suddenly felt a need to sort out the strange feeling he is having

"I can see how much you like the author. Well, maybe I will see you sometime again if you come to the library and we can discuss some more. I have got something on... so I'll see you around." Neji replied a bit stiffly but politely.

"Yeah...I like reading so I think I will frequent the library often. I'll see you around too." Naruto answered back softly but clearly.

Seeing Neji's disappeared somewhere, Naruto headed to the library desk to borrow the books before going home, feeling happy with his first day of college life, with a foxy little grin on his face. He can't help but feel that his dull life would soon change and probably for the better.



Hi! This is RedMirage. So far I've only posted my poems here so this is my first fanfiction that is posted on net. I was reading Kiss wa Ichinichi Sando Made when the idea struck me and never got out of my head since...The story of the manga is very sweet though I think mine may contain some serious angst in the future. It was a dream of mine to make Naruto as the ultimate uke and I have no idea why. There will be many who will compete for Naruto's affection in the story and only one will be the final victor...or maybe not. X3

I will need a beta reader and if anyway is interested to help, email me!

Anyway, please read and review! The more the better...it may get a lazy bum like me to do the story faster!