Summary: Poor Kurama! He just figured out that he has allergies!

Inu-Rose: Hey people! I was bored with my life, so I wrote this fic.

Kurama: You enjoy torturing me don't you?

Inu-Rose: ::sheepish smile:: Maybe.

Disclaimer: If I owned YYH, I would be sitting at home laughing at all you people who didn't, I wouldn't be writing this fic.

Inu-Rose: On with the story!

I'm Allergic To... WHAT?!?!?!&

Kurama Minamino was walking down the street. It was spring. The birds were chirping, the children playing until, suddenly...


The kitsune sniffled and rubbed his nose. "Wha?" he questioned out loud. "Hey, fox-boy!" Yusuke called. Kurama turned around. "Yes, Yusuke?" Yusuke walked up to his friend. "Koenma wants us for another mission." The fox could tell is friend was very angry with the miniature ruler.

"Who else is coming Yusuke?" Kurama asked. Or at least he tried to ask. It was mangled by his constant sniffs. "You ok man?" he asked placing a hand on his shoulder. Kurama sniffled again and wagged his hand. "I'm fine." He said. "Are you sure?" Kurama resisted a sneeze and nodded. "Y-yes...Yusuke." He choked. Yusuke shook his head. "Maybe you're sick?" he asked feeling the fox's forehead. "I doubt it." Kurama said thoughtfully.

"Allergies?" Yusuke questioned. Kurama chuckled. "No, Yusuke. I don't have allergies." He said. "Are you sure? They can start anytime, Kurama." he said. Kurama choked back another sneeze and smiled. "I don't think I have allergies Yusuke." He sniffed. "I think we should visit the doctor, just to be sure. Cause, if you sneeze while we're trying to hide, we'll get caught for sure." Kurama sighed. "Fine, Yusuke." He croaked.


The two detectives walked in silence to the doctors, besides Kurama's sniffles. Suddenly, Kurama stopped walking. Yusuke turned around. "What's wrong?" he asked. Kurama stood in silence for a few seconds longer until...


He sniffled and rubbed his nose. "See! I told you something was wrong!" Yusuke shouted in triumph. Kurama gave another sigh. "Maybe you're right." He whispered. The two finally approached the office, Kurama stopping once or twice to sneeze.

(In the office)

The doctor, Dr. Lee Yin, was looking up Kurama's symptoms. "Well Mr. Minamino, it appears that you have allergies." Kurama knew what Yusuke was going to say. 'I told you so...' "To what exactly, Dr?" Lee rubbed his chin. "I don't know, really. It could be from an animal, dust, or pollen." Kurama nearly laughed at 'pollen.' His attack was 'Rose Whip Lash.' If he were allergic to pollen, they were going to have some problems.

Lee Yin grabbed some samples of allergy starters. Some cat fur, flowers, and a dust rag. "Ok Mr. Minamino. I want you to smell each one until you find out which you're allergic to. Alright?" he asked. Kurama nodded. He handed him the fur. Kurama took a whiff. Nothing. The dust rag. Nope. He eyed the flowers closely. Lee took some sprinkled pollen and blew it into his face. Oh no...


Kurama sniffled. "Achoo!" he sneezed again. Lee shook his head. "You're allergic to pollen alright." Kurama felt his stomach tie into a knot. "I'm allergic to WHAT?!?!" he cried.

Inu-Rose: Well, there was the first chappie! Please review!

Kurama: Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!

Inu-Rose: ::sweat-drop:: Sorry Kurama! Had to do it!

Kurama: ::sniff:: You didn't have to do it so well! ACHOO!