Lightning-Dono: For the fun of it, I decided to depict a Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral town type thing for all of you fans out there. I was bored, and this fanfic is going to get me out of this idiotic phase of Writer's Block. Except, this fanfic is from Rick's point of view. Now, let me explain a bit of background of why I decided to write this fanfic from RICK'S PoV. Tons of dialogue, though. I love making my fanfics filled with social animals.

Everyone seems to dislike Rick--everyone says he's ugly (for goodness sakes, he's a CG character!), dorky, overly-protective...But I see a light in him. Next to Cliff, he's one of my favorite HM people. I seem to like people that no one else does. Yet, you'd understand how he feels if...You'll see. Apparently, Rick's world is literally falling apart in this fanfic.


I was watching my mother, Lillia, count the money inside the cash register. I sat there, slumped on the table with a hand supporting my head.

"Rick, hun, could you feed the chickens? They've been quite restless for a bit now. I think they'd like some food," she told me with a hint of pride in her voice. I wasn't exactly my cheery self, though. My younger sister, Popuri, had been gone for days on end. I couldn't understand what she saw in that Kai. He was the last person I'd ever expect my sister to take a liking to, but there she was, being a complete flirt. The fact that she wasn't back yet, though, worried me. I was beginning to suspect that Kai had taken her away on a ship...

"Rick! Oy, can't you hear me?" Jack was running up a back road that led to my chicken farm...Or rather, my whole family's. I turned towards him slowly and forced a smile onto my face. Jack blinked at me cluelessly and held out something to me. A sweet, juicy red apple.

"Uh, thanks," I said. Recieving the apple was a first. Jack had always avoided me before. But right now, I had more to think about than to ponder upon why he was giving me an apple. Usually, he'd give me sludge from his disatrous cooking experiments.

"Is that all you can say to me?" Jack inquired, disappointed. He had expected more praise than just that.

"Is there something special about this apple?" I held the apple to my eye closely, but it hit my glasses and they were jammed at a very uncomfortable angle at the top of my nose.

"Nah, I just thought you'd like it more than stuff I always give you," Jack replied, grinning. he was such a goofball. He made me smile.

"Well, thanks...I'm on my way to town," I told him, watching his expression carefully for hints of whether or not he was tricking me. Perhaps he had poisoned the apple?

"Same here. I need to stop by the store to upgrade my Rucksack," Jack growled, tossing his Rucksack onto the other side of his back. "It barely even holds enough to fill up a tenth of my Shipment Box."

"Great...I'm heading there to meet Karen. She should be there waiting for me right now, according to the fact that it says 8:30 AM on my watch..."

When we reached the front of the store, Karen was sitting on the bench, arms crossed and glaring at me defiantly.

"I'm sorry I'm late," I panted, sitting down next to her on the bench. I pushed my glasses back up my sweaty nose. Karen didn't reply, so I turned my head to look at her. She looked like she was bothered by something. "I really am sorry if I made you wait too long-,"

"It's okay," Karen interrupted loudly. Her voice sounded teary and made it sound like she had been crying. While I watched, I did notice that her face steadily turned deeper shades of red.

"What's wrong?" I asked persistantly. Great, more things to worry about. It was bad enough trying to keep Popuri from going to meet Kai, but now girl problems.

"I can't believe my dad!" Karen fumed, thrusting her arm behind me so it was resting on the back of the bench. "He's fought with my mom for the last time!" She pulled a can of beer from the inside pocket of her flashy purple vest and popped it open, taking a deep sip. I winced considerably watching her take in alchohol. I wanted her to stop drinking that junk, but she wouldn't take my word for it. To her everything was just a simple joke.

"Karen, please stop drinking that when you're talking to me," I begged, not wanting to talk to an intoxicated Karen. She tended to get fairly violent when she was intoxicated, not to mention she consumed more and more alchohol while she was. Karen turned and gave me a 'I-can-do-whatever-I-want' look. Tossing her hair defiantly, she continued to drink it. I watched helplessly as she tossed the can into Jack's face and pulled another one from her vest.

"So, Rickeh," Karen said dreamily. I inched a bit away from her, fearing that she might smack me.

"Uh, yes?"

"Did you ever know how much I-,"

I fell off the bench after inching away from her. I knew that I was being very rude, but the way she acted while she was under alchohol influence didn't make me feel comfortable.

"I'm sorry, Karen, but I'm not feeling too well...I think I'll go to the doctor's...Elli might figure out what's wrong with me," I coughed, pretending to choke on my own mucus. I dashed off, leaving Karen sitting there on the bench cluelessly.

Jack followed me to Elli's workplace.

"What was wrong with you back there?" He asked incredulously. "You two were this close to-,"

"Jack, I did it because I'm scared! I need to get Elli to help me get off her addiction!" I yelled, spittle spraying the ground from my rage. Jack backed away, his hands held up infront of him pathetically. I lowered my voice. "Never mind. I'll just...go. You don't have to come with me."

"I have to go to the beach and get some grasses, anyways." Jack cast me one last furtive look and strode off towards Mineral Beach.

As I approached Elli's clinic, I watched the cheerful children romp around. I remembered how close Karen and I had been back then when we were younger. We'd play together so much. Of course, somehow she'd always be a step ahead of me with everything. Better than I was. But everything we did was for fun. I never thought that she would grow up and be an alchoholic that was destroying her life unknowingly.

When I walked into the hospital (Mineral Town wasn't large enough to have too big of a hospital), I heard panicked yells and pained moans coming from the room in there. I cringed at the sounds.

"Would you like me to help you, Rick?" Elli asked pleasantly from behind me. I could tell it was her from anywhere because of her sweet, honey-like voice.

"I need you to help me with Karen. She won't listen to me about how much alchohol will do to her." I watched the blank wall expectantly, as though a stretcher with a screaming patient might just appear right there infront of it.

Elli frowned.

"This is a problem. She's quite young. Wait here while I check up on her files." She gestured towards the soft chairs lining the wall neatly, evenly spaced from each other. She then bowed quickly and hurried back into her office.

I sat down on one of the chairs and buried my face in my hands, unexpected tears staining my hands. As her friend, I should've been helping her myself. But she wouldn't listen to me. What should I do?