Author: DeviousLeasha

Disclaimer: All hail Joss! :) Characters aren't mine, but I do enjoy playing with them, Rawr!

Feedback: Pretty pretty please?? I shall love you and hug you and name all of you Squishy!

'I need to get out of here, I totally blew it'

Faith was able to make it to the front of the restaurant with her mind going on overdrive, thinking and rethinking the entire situation. Number one, she wanted Willow. Number two, she had to stop acting like a pussy and act on it. Really, it wasn't hard to just tell the Wiccan how she felt. She'd done worse her entire life, but this was the first time her own heart was on the line. She's always broken other people hearts, boy's and girls alike, but never has it been a situation where she may be the one that got hurt. This wasn't a side of her she was used to, and she was stuck in between what to do. She always was. Right or wrong, love or lust. Always Faith made the wrong move, and she was going to be damned now if she did it again.

Staring out the window contemplating her issues out, Faith didn't realize that someone had walked up behind her and wrapped their arms around her waist.

"Hey Red, I'm sorry I said I had to go to the bathroom and I'm just standing here looking like an idiot. I just had some things on my mind, but everything's five by five now." The slayer spoke softly and leaned backwards into the warm embrace.

"Well my hair isn't Red but I can be anything you want me to be sexy" Spoke a harsher voice in her ear, and Faith felt the embrace tighten and hands that weren't the hands she wanted, slip downwards very with surprising speed.

Across the room Willow had moved to the front to see what was taking Faith so long, especially after seeing her so upset, she was hoping that the slayer hadn't bailed. She knew Faith's history when it came to being embarrassed or showing emotion at all.

Willow looked around, not seeing Faith anywhere. "Where did she go, please don't tell me she's left.." She muttered, the terrible feeling of panicking rising inside of her. The witch kept scanning the area, and went to the bathroom to see if the Faith had actually just gone to the washroom. She opened the door and took a quick look around, no one was in there.

"Dammit" Willow sighed and turned back around, still scanning the area and noticed a few steps away Faith was standing by the window's staring out with the most confused look on her face. 'Well she hasn't bailed yet, that's a good sign, why is she looking so confused though? Isn't it a good thing that she's still there? I wonder what it is that she's looking at out there, maybe there's a baddie out there and she'll-WHOA WHY IS THERE ANOTHER PERSON ATTACHED TO MY FEMALE"

The witched eyes widened when she saw the waitress move in behind Faith, and Faith talking very low then leaning against the stranger. Willow couldn't feel anything but heartbreak, her entire body trembling. The girl put her hands around Faith and pulled her into a intimate embrace slipping her hands towards Faith's jeans and Willows eyes teared up.

'Nothing but a fool Rosenberg..' Hastily Willow went back to their table and grabbed her purse and jacket, trying her hardest to not show how hurt she was over this. Of course Faith wouldn't be interested in her. Who was she to think anything else? Faith just does what she always does, which is just play with everyone, regardless of someone's feelings. The witch felt a pang of regret mixed with embarrassment that she fell for it.

Willow looked around when she heard some yelling but didn't pay any attention to it, put her jacket on and walked out the back exit, feeling worse then she had ever felt in a long time.

Back at the front of the room, Faith wasn't happy. She grabbed the waitress's hand and spun around.

"Who in the hell are you to touch me like that?" She spat, glaring at the woman across from her who was quickly stepping backwards from the venom coming from the dark slayer. "What do you think I am, a play toy? A nice hello, how are you and maybe a date is required first, you got it chicka?"

Faith still had the woman's hand in her's and squeezed it slightly, enjoying the wince that flashed on the waitress's face. "Dont..." Squeeze "Ever..." Squeeze "Touch.." Squeeze "Me again" She let go, watching as the blond stumbled backwards.

"Wait a second" The waitress breathed, "You.. I recognize you! You know I wouldn't have said anything, mostly because your hot and all, but fuck you bitch! I know who you are!" Grabbing her sore wrist the woman stumbled backwards even more, her voice getting higher and higher every second. "I know exactly who you are! Your that criminal who murdered the Deputy Mayor! You escaped jail! HELP! Someone call 911!"

Everyone in the restaurant started getting up, trying to see what the commotion was all about, peering around each other to get a look at Faith, who was standing there looking pissed off.

'Ah, shit'

Faith turned around and booked it out the front door, hearing sirens in the distance and knew they were for her. Finding the nearest alley she ducked into it and ran as fast as her slayer powers can manage in the opposite direction of the restaurant, and Willow.

'Willow...' The slayers eyes widened, she had left Willow at the restaurant!