Disclaimer: Screw the damned disclaimer, I do own Inu Yasha so HA! You can have Kikyo though....

A/N: HEYAS! It's me! (no duh) I'm starting a Inu Yasha poetry section because I'm just that obsessed. Well many of you may not know but writing depressing poetry is another of my hobbies! Um, I mean, well just read the damned poem....

Long ago I loved you,
But that was long ago.
Now I'm not myself,
I'm not the person you know.

My time has come and gone,
I no longer wish to be of this world.
I do not want to be with you,
at least not anymore.

I loved you and I trusted you,
but you betrayed me still.
I left this world full of hate and anger,
with the Shikon in my will.

I wished my soul to be at rest,
though death was not so swift.
I wanted to be in death with my love,
and let God fulfill my wish.

But brought back against my will,
I stay in a world I once dwelled.
In this earthen body,
I face a fate worse than Hell.

I'm not supposed to be here,
but am here anyways.
Minutes like hours,
Hours like days

Behind my face of clay,
are where my true feelings hide.
The ones that tell me that I hate you,
the ones that tell me it's you I despise.

Compelled by hate and vengence,
I roam these lands unwanted.
I search for the one I hate,
To take him into darkness

I don't want to be here,
I wish to be at rest.
But the only thing that will lead me there,
is my loves death.

But to fulfill my wish,
to once more be at rest.
I must take my sacred arrow,
and drive it through his hanyou chest.

Come with me to death my love,
and promise don't be late.
Because until you do,
I will burn eternally in the fires of my hate.

So how did you like it? Hm? I didn't tjink it was to the best of my ability but whatev, I just got this spur of the moment urge to write so um yeah.

Kikyo: Wow I never knew what a bitch I was....

Inu: Yeah, so die already Kikyo.

Me: Well you are so there.

Kikyo: I shall now kindly end everyone's suffering and kill myself to repent for my evil. Good luck Kagome and Inu Yasha! ::Kills self::

Inu Kag: Whoaaa.

Inu: What was that? Ow! ::Turns around to see an evil demented miko with a knife in her hands and an evil grin spreafing across her face::

Kikyo: He....he....he... Come with me Inu Yasha! That was just one of Naraku's monkey thingies to distract you while I do the real thing.

Inu: ::Kicks Kikyo:: That was ........ odd. ::walks away with Kagome:: Um, oh yeah, and Kikyo? Drop dead. Well that's pretty much it. ::Walks off with Kagome:

A/N: Please review on my poem and not my funny author note thingies. I already know they're funny ....... That's why I wrote them. But if you DID like them then read 'the worst show in history' It's a text funny thingy I wrote. But if you did like em you can tell me but also tell me what you thought about my poem. Please REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! Hehe....