It's Galaxystar again! YAY...(sounds of crickets chirping...) Now before I start, I would like to say thank you to all of you guys that reviewed. I didn't think that I would receive so many, and you all said the same thing! Those responses made me feel so incredible, so thanks a bunch (Please keep doing it!), now it's time for my decision... (Drum Role Please!)

By popular request...Lavender Lust will be turned into a...FULL BLOWN STORY! (I hope that makes everyone happy!)

However, before I can get into developing this story, there are a few introductions and setting differences that need to be addressed.


Cast Description:

Marron Roshi: 17 y/o (years old) Boyfriend: Tray Briefs---

Hair: sunny yellow, usually kept in low ponytail

Eyes: Light Blue, almost gray

Favorite Colors: Pink and yellow

Favorite Food: Cheese Cake

Personality: Fun loving party girl that is smarter than she sometimes lets on. She is constantly protected by all three of her best girl friends and is their personal fashion consultant. Marron is slow to anger and has an amazing amount of patience, but if she ever gets angry, watch out! The best thing to do is run and run fast! When she's not hanging out with her friends, she's often off in the forest or on the beach sketching, but she has never told or shown anyone her sketches, except for Tray. He loves to watch her sketch, and according to Marron ::ahem:: he is the best kisser in the universe.

Daughter of: Krillin and Eighteen

---(Sizzling Hottie)Tray Briefs: 18 ½ y/o Girlfriend: Marron Roshi

(Brother of: Bra and Trunks Briefs) (He is my own character, I would really like for these relationships to stay within the group. Give him a chance; you'll like him once you get to know him!)

Hair: Lavender, cut to just below the ears

Eyes: Azure Blue

Favorite Color: Dark Blue

Favorite Food: Chicken Curry/ Pepperoni Pizza

Personality: Sweet and funny guy. He loves his Marron, and she makes him laugh like no one else can. And he would do anything for her and her friends, who he feels that, aside from Bra, were the sisters that he never asked for but got anyway. However, unlike his brother he has a quick temper and is well known for picking fights. He is very protective of Videl, Serena, Bra, and Marron, and so when they gang up on him, he can never say no.

Son of: Prince Vegeta and Bulma Briefs

Bra Briefs: 17 y/o Boyfriend: Goten Son---

(Sister of : Tray and Trunks Briefs)

Hair: Aqua Blue

Eyes: Indigo Blue

Favorite Color: Red and Deep Blues

Favorite Food: Spaghetti and Meatballs

Personality: Bra is very quick-witted and can be very sarcastic at times. She is/wants to be a scientist/inventor like her mother Bulma, and loves to tinker in the labs building proto-type robots and machines. Bra is the most intelligent of her three best friends. Bra Briefs is considered the genius of the group, and in turn helps bring out her boyfriend, Goten's, serious side. They love to go somewhere quiet and just sit and read to one another and enjoy the moment.

Daughter of: Prince Vegeta and Bulma Briefs

---(Clowning Cutie) Goten Son: 18 ½ y/o Girlfriend: Bra Briefs

(Brother of: Gohan Son)

Hair: Jet Black

Eyes: Hazel w/ flecks of gold

Favorite Colors: Red and Black

Favorite Food: Cake and...(Everything else that is edible)

Personality: Goten is a goof-off, and loves to have a good time. He's always cracking jokes, or making his girl, Bra, laugh hysterically. He brings her inner clown and silliness out of her, which keeps her feet on the ground and away from outer space. Goten is very smart, but only when he wants to be, which more often than not frustrates his friends and brother, whom he'd do "almost" anything for. He considers Tray to be his best friend, and can often be found hanging out with Bra and her friends, which sometimes causes his friends to become slightly jealous of his popularity.

Son of: Goku and Chi-Chi Son

Videl Satan: 17 ½ y/o Boyfriend: Gohan Son---

Hair: Midnight Black

Eyes: Purple/Lavender

Favorite Colors: Black and Purple

Favorite Food: French Fries (Her guilty pleasure!)

Personality: Videl Satan has the most volatile temper the four girls. She is also the moodiest, but only when it comes to boys...and Serena. She and Serena don't disagree often, but when they do it's usually over something major. Videl is into Martial Arts and can usually be found out and about training somewhere...along with one of her friends, usually Serena, as her partner. She secretly dreams of one day marrying her love, Gohan Son, and thinks, that he is absolutely adorable...teddy bear boxers and all! (AN: Remember the episode where Gohan was forced into a date with his classmate, Angela, because she claimed to know his secret. He thought she meant that she knew his secret identity, when in fact she had seen him wearing teddy bear boxers!)

Daughter of: Hercule Satan

---(Adorable Hunk) Gohan Son: 19 y/o Girlfriend: Videl Satan

(Brother of: Goten Son)

Hair: Jet Black

Eyes: Chocolate Brown

Favorite Colors: Green and Black

Favorite Food: Sweet and Sour Chicken over Fried Rice

Personality: Gohan is a good student and a hard worker, and has the tendency to blush...a lot. He is a sweet, caring, and loving boyfriend who is nothing but a perfect gentleman...well (most) of the time (Videl isn't one to kiss and tell!). Gohan, when he's not training can always be found either with his nose in a book or with Videl, and those two tend to sneak off to be alone...a lot. He thinks of Videl's friends the same way that Tray does, like the sisters he never asked for but...for some rhyme or reason got anyway.

Son of: Goku and Chi-Chi Son

Serena Tuskino: 17 y/o Boyfriend: Trunks Briefs---

Hair: Honey-Blonde

Eyes: Cerulean blue

Favorite Color: Lavender and Jade Green

Favorite Food: Key Lime Pie

Personality: Serena lives with the Briefs family because her parents were friends with Bulma Briefs, who considers her to be one of her own. Unfortunately, her parents passed on when she was around four years of age, due the murder of her mother and suicide of her father. (Her dad was a kind man who had loved his wife very much, but when she was murdered by an intruder one night while he was away on a business trip, he just couldn't come to grips with her death. Sadly, a few months after the incident, he took his own life and left his daughter in the custody of his life-long friend, Bulma Briefs.) Vegeta considers her to be his daughter, and is very protective of her and her best friend/sister, (...They aren't really sisters, but the four of them like to be known that way, and act like them as well) Bra. Though her temper isn't as volatile as Videl's, it isn't wise to make her angry, but her friends will purposely annoy her whenever they feel like it, both boys and girls, and especially Trunks Briefs. He teases her when he feels like it, but she really doesn't mind...he always makes up for it later.

---(Smooth and Brooding Hottie) Trunks Briefs: 19 y/o Girlfriend: Serena Tuskino

(Brother of: Bra and Tray Briefs)

Hair: Lavender, like his brother's. However, he allowed his to grow out and it now reaches as far as the tops of his shoulders.

Eyes: Midnight Blue

Favorite Colors: Black...Black...and more black

Favorite Food: Chocolate Chip Cookies

Personality: (Prince) Trunks is a skilled and able fighter, and at times can act just as stubborn as his father, Vegeta. Unlike his brother, Trunks knows how to keep his anger in check, and as Serena likes to say, can be irritatingly the point where you want to beat him up. He is known for his moods, and his occasional brooding sessions, but those feelings can usually be overruled by baking him some chocolate chip cookies, which is what Serena usually has to do. He isn't a fan of big crowds, but strangely, he loves to be the center of attention, and is known to show off around people who don't know him. The only people that he trusts are his family, his friends and their girls and the rest of the Z Warriors, and Serena of course, whom he confides in often. Though he may tease his girlfriend he never means any of it, so she seldom gets angry with him, but when she does...well he has ways of fixing things. Trunks is also a very intelligent student, and loves the outdoors, especially in the rain.

Son of: Prince Vegeta and Bulma Briefs

The Adults of the Group:

(Here are the ages, everything is pretty much the same where they're concerned, but if you have any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer them. If I change something about them later, I will say so in that chapter.)

Goku Son: 36 y/o

Chi-Chi Son: 33 ½ y/o

Bulma Briefs: 34 y/o

Vegeta Briefs: 36 y/o

Now, about the Genre and other such questions:

Setting: A remote Island in the middle of no-where, and the closest town can be reached by flight, but it takes a few hours. Everyone is on a four month summer vacation, and they are staying at a luxurious vacation home owned by Dr. Briefs and his wife, Bunny. (They are Bulma's parents.) As a fore-warning, sometimes I may make characters like our beloved Goku, act a bit out of character, but it will just help move the story along. I will also be including many couples in this story: B/V; CC/G; T/S; V/G; B/G; M/OC---(Tray)

This is an Alternate Universe Story, and as of right now, I have no intention of including any of the senshi. (Sorry guys!) They would complicate things too much and don't fit in to what I have planned anyway. Serena is not Sailor Moon in this story, and isn't the normal Serena that we are used to. I want to show another side to her, her tougher side, the fighter side...but you guys will still see her as a sweet and innocent girl most of the time, she just has a temper. But like the normal Serena she hates to be bossed around. She is a bit more secretive and broody than normal and will only open up to those she knows and trusts. Like I said before, I want to make her different from the norm.

I made up Tray's character because, like I said before, I want all of the relationships to stay within the Z Group, I will probably be including him many of the other multiple pairing fics that I please give him a chance. I also changed the ages for my story because it will make the story flow a bit easier.

Goten is nearly the same age as Gohan because when he was young he did make a couple trips into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. (Just pretend that you can enter the Hyperbolic Time Chamber as many times as you wish. For those of you who don't know what I am referring to, in DBZ there is a place called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, where in reality you are only gone for a day. But within the confines of that chamber you are actually gone for a year, so you will age a year and train for a year, but to everyone on the outside you will have only been gone a day. So that's why they are older than the girls, and nearly the same age, and the same goes for Tray and Trunks as well.

The girls are the same age because I want them to be. I want to portray them as friends...four girls who love and care about one another.

This story will have a plot, and will not just be a mindless sex fic...but there will be a ::few:: limes and maybe a few glasses of Lemonade...hehehe...

So, I hope that this will answer some of your questions, and please feel free to ask me questions about the chapters in reviews. I'll do my best to answer back! Thanx for reading this and I hope you enjoy my story. Thanx so much for all of your help, and just so you know, I may ask you for more of your insight later on in the story!

Lotsa Luv,
