A/N: Sorry it took so long. I wasn't with a competent computer. I'll update as much as possible. Thank you all for the reviews! I really enjoyed reading them!

Chapter Two: The Games Begin...

"All right," Draco said, taking charge, "I'll go first."

Everyone shifted uncomfortably. Ron edged behind a chair, desperate not to be victimized by Draco Malfoy.

"All right, Weasel, truth or dare." Draco said, smirking.

Ron thought for a moment, weighing his options, "Dare."

Draco looked at Crabbe and Goyle, looking very smug. Ron's face turned a deep shade of red as he waited for the inevitable.

"I dare you to serenade Loony Lovegood." Draco declared.

Ron gulped and turned purple. He took a deep breath and went over to Luna, who was twiddling her thumbs and looking up at the ceiling in a dreamy sort of way, as if she didn't know what was going on...or that she even cared.

"Come on, Weasel, we're waiting." Draco taunted.

Ron took Luna's hand and began to sing "Said I Loved You, But I Lied" by Michael Bolton. His voice cracked with every other word. Marietta Edgecombe let out a high pitched giggle that she turned into a cough. Parvati's knuckles were in her mouth, Lavender held up a pillow to hide her face. Seamus and Dean were snorting. Ron got very into his serenading, closing his eyes, getting down on one knee, and holding Luna's hand to his heart.

"Said I (crack) loved you (crack) but I liiiiiiiieeeeed (crack, crack)" Ron sang.

Now even Luna was laughing. When Ron finished, he looked around at everyone laughing. He was especially arsed to see Hermione rolling on the floor, doubled over in laughter.

"All right, then." Ron nearly shouted, very angry now, "Hermione. Truth or dare?"

Hermione stopped giggling immediately and said, "Truth"

"Chicken shit." Draco coughed.

She glared at him as Ron thought for a moment.

"How far did you and Viktor get?" Ron asked slyly.

Everyone turned immediately to Hermione, who had turned very pink, "Well...we...snogged."

Cho and Marietta looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Lavender and Parvati squealed. Ginny, who already knew, rolled her eyes at all of them. Draco gave Hermione a playful punch.

"Watch it, Ferretboy!" Hermione snapped, "All right, Cho. Truth or dare?"

Cho chose dare.

"I dare you to snog Harry's ear." Hermione said, glaring at them.

Cho scrunched up her nose and walked over to Harry. Tentatively, she stuck her tongue in his ear.

"Erlack! Get it off!" Harry yelled.

Cho drew away, very embarrassed as everyone laughed.

"Crabbe. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to...stick your head down the toilet."

Crabbe got up with a lot of enthusiasm and strode to the bathroom. Everyone heard a thunk and a splash. Crabbe came back a minute later, drenched in a slimy, smelly substance. He was licking his lips and smiling placidly. Everyone stared at each other, disgusted.

"You didn't actually enjoy that, did you?" Dean asked.

"Erm. Ug...nu-no." Crabbe grunted, and sat down, looking around.

"It's your turn, you know." Luna told him.

"Oh. Right. Well...hrm. You," he said, pointing at Lavender, "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to...er...um..."

"GET ON WITH IT." Ron shouted.

"I dare you to roll around in the dust until you're covered in it." Crabbe said finally.

"If that's all, then." Lavender said, lying down and rolling everywhere.

She came up coughing and said, "That was the lamest dare ever. All right...Seamus. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to..." she thought for a moment "dress as a drag queen and snog Goyle."

Seamus promptly fainted.

A/N: Keep reviewing. If you don't then I won't go on.