DLN: Aaannnddddddddd I'm back! Did you guys enjoy the last chappie? Hope ya did. Anyway, there will be new charries in the fic, because of the review and be in the fic thing. There will be two new charries. One is Lindsey, who will be the babysitter! Then there's Tika! Who is going to be causing chaos with the gang. Anyway, you can still be in the story of course. Just get all the things you need to have. Like looks, personality, and name. It doesn't have to be descriptive. Also some parts you might want to include. Like Tika wants to poke people constantly and Lindsey wants to be annoyed. Hehehehe. Okie, well notes to the reviewers! I know I said I was going to do a long story, but I like this way better.

Dark Ice Dragon: Yup. I'm going to use the idea! Hehehehe. Sorry if you get tortured too much. o0

Tika the Fire Goddess: I updated as soon as I can. Thanks for all the aim chats with me! You gave me so much inspiration for my stories! You're a great friend!!!!!!

Someone: Thanks for reviewing!!! You still rule for reviewing my fics!!! Every one of my friends rule! Hehehehe.

Kohari: I wrote more!

Mel: I gotta show you how too look at the next chappies lol. Maybe I'll show you when I come over or maybe on the phone if I can. Well, thanks for reviewing all my fics. Did you really like Questionable love and is Gisele gonna kill me? Shudders

DLN: K. That's all! So, on with the chappie!

Disclaimer: I don't won anything! Why do I have to keep on doing this......

Max's P.O.V

SUGAR! SUGAR! SUGAR! SU- Oh? Was I supposed to intwoduce today's chappie?

"Yes." Whispered Rei in the background.

Ohhhhh. Okie. Anyway, today is another day in our lives. As usual, we start with the questions and answers then maybe a long story. Depends on what DLN thinks. Okie, well the gang says that if I intwoduce then I get lots of cookies and cookies are full of sugar. Now that I'm finish intwoducing...where's the sugar?

Normal P.O.V

"Now let's start with the questions and answers now!" Hilary commanded.

"Right away, Hilawy!" Everyone saluted her.

Question: "How does the t.v work?"

Answer? ".........."

"Why is there no answer to that?" Hilary argued.

"Because it's one of life's biggest mysterwies." Tyson said.

Kenny nodded in agreement.

"Well then let's try to figure it out!" Hilary yelled.

Thirty Minutes Of Thinking......

"Fine...." Hilary agreed. "It's unfigured out."

Question: "What happens to people when they are poked to much?"

Answer: "They start to act like Kai..."

"I totawwy agwee!" Tika exclaimed then poked Kai.

".............." Kai was being tortured.......

Question: "What is fire?"

Answer: "It is part of the sun that fell from the sky."

"What if we run out of sun, from too much fwire?" Rei asked.

"Then we would die." Kenny answered.

Rei gulped.

Question: "What is makeup?"

Answer: "Another word for when grow ups, put finger paint on their face."

"Hilawy put that on me once." Rei shuddered at the thought.

Hilary put on an evil grin.

Question: "How did God colour the earth?"

Answer: "With crayons."

"Must have took a lot of crayons." Max commented.

Question: "What size shoe should you always wear?"

Answer: "The size of your feet."

"How else would it fit your foot." Tika pointed to her foot and stared at her show for a while. "Oh well! Enough with twinking." Then she started poking Kai again.

Question: "What happens when you dump water on a babysitter?"

Before they could put the answer, Lindsey stormed out of the house dripping wet. "Grr." Lindsey growled. "Now which of you did this to me?"

Answer: "Lindsey gets mad."

"AHHHHHH!" Everyone yelled as they ran away from Lindsey.

"That's all for today's questions and answers." Tika waved. "Now we have to wun away! Byeee!"

Everyone waved to the readers.

DLN: Okie. Now here's the long stowy!!!!! Great...I'm starting to talk like them. o0

Story Title: Dangers of Babysitting

"Now this is your babysitter. Okay?" Mrs. Tate said, smiling at the kids as she introduced their new babysitter. "This is Lindsey."

A short girl, around fifteen, with black hair and really dark brown eyes, smiled at the kids. "Hello there."

"Oh and you have a new friend. I met her mother while shopping and now I have to go somewhere with her. This is Tika." Mrs. Tate looked behind her. "Come on out Tika." Seeing that no one was coming, she called again. "Don't be shy. These will be your new friends."

A small girl, around four, peeked her head through the door. She had long black hair, with red and silver streaks, and sapphire blue eyes. She meekly waved hello.

"Do you think you would be able to take care of seven kids?" Mrs. Tate asked Lindsey.

"Seven kids? Like icing on a cake." Lindsey replied.

"Good." Mrs. Tate smiled. "Bye now, everyone!" She walked over to Max and gave him a kiss on the forehead, waved to the kids, then left the house.

The seven kids all bunched up together, and stared up at Lindsey blinking innocently.

"Awwww." Lindsey cooed. "What little angels."

"GANGWAY!" Tyson suddenly yelled and lunged towards Lindsey pulling her hair.

"Ow!" Lindsey yelled. "Hey! Get off!"

Seeing Tyson's motions, everyone decided to go crazy too.

Hilary joined Tyson in on the pulling.

Max went to the fish tank and started to try to pull out the fish with his bare hands.

Rei got a chair for Max so that he could reach the fish tank.

Mariah was looking at the mirror, fixing her pigtails.

Tika went over to Kai who was looking at her with great interest.

Kenny was playing on an electronic toy laptop.

"Hewwo." Tika grinned at Kai. "My name's Tika. What's your name."

"Kai." Kai answered, staring at her to see if she was an enemy or a friend.

"I like your name." Tika leaned forward and poked Kai. Hard.

"Owie!" Kai cried. "Would you stop that?"

Tika put a finger to her chin as if she was thinking really hard. "Hmmm. How about NO!!" Then started poking him even more.

Lindsey, (who was still being hair pulled by Tyson and Hilary) was trying to get them off of her. Seeing that Tika was poking Kai, she tried to walk over to them to stop them but Tyson and Hilary were weighing her down. "Hey!" Lindsey yelled. "Stop poking Kai, Tika!"

Tika turned around to stare at Lindsey, but she was still poking Kai. She stuck out her tongue at Lindsey and made a face. "No!" Then started to poke Kai harder.

"Why me?" Kai asked as if he was being tortured, a great deal of torture.

"Because you're cute." Tika smiled at him.

Kai made a face at being called cute and was beginning to get terrified at the new girl.

"Hey!" Tyson pouted. "What about me!"

Tika gasped. "No! You're a big fat pig!" She glared at Tyson.

"Meep!" Tyson stopped pulling Lindsey's hair and ran away.

Lindsey sighed. "At least that's one down." She mumbled, because Hilary was still pulling her hair like there was no tomorrow.

Suddenly Max yelled. "Ow!"

Lindsey tried to run over to Max, dragging Hilary with her, who was still pulling her hair.

"Are you okay Max?" Lindsey asked.

"I have a boo boo." Max whimpered showing her the red mark.

While Lindsey was taking care of Max, Tika decided to cause more chaos. Tika ran after Tyson who was screaming like a girl. "You come back hwere!"

"NOOOO!" Tyson yelled.

Tika, being the fast little runner she was, caught up to Tyson and held him by his collar. She then took out a pan from who knows where she got it and hit Tyson right on the head.

Lindsey sweat-dropped. "Um tika? If I dare to ask, what did you just hit him with?"

Tika looked proud of herself as Tyson went all starry eyed and fell to the floor. "My cast iron fwying pan of Doom." Tika patted Tyson on the head and grinned. "He'll get bwetter soon. Like in a mwillion years. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"That girl will be hard to take care of." Lindsey commented as she watched Tika laugh evilly.

While Tika was laughing evilly, Kai decided it was time for an escape. Like a spy on a run, Kai darted his eyes left and right and finally decided the perfect hiding place would be under the kitchen table. Now, if only he could get there in one piece. Looking at the chaos around him as if he was in a battlefield, he rolled and crawled towards the kitchen table and went under it. "Phew." Kai gave a sigh of relief. "Alone at last."

"HEWWO KAI!" Tika cried out as she poked her head under the kitchen table and lunged forward to capture Kai in a big bear hug.

"NOOOOOO!" Kai yelled, his fist shaking in the air. "THE TORTURE! THE TORTURE!"

Hilary had finally given up on Lindsey's hair, because she had found out that she could not take it out like her doll's hair.

Lindsey gave a sigh of relief but she knew that the horrors weren't over yet.

"Windsey! I need a band aid." Max cried as he sucked on his red mark.

"The things I do, while being a babysitter." Lindsey rolled her eyes as she went to get Max a Band-Aid.

Tika, being the nice person she was, decided to stop poking Kai because currently he was twitching uncontrollably. Sooooooo, she decided to go bother Rei instead.

Tika walked up to Rei. "Hewwo Rei." Tika waved to him as she gave a sly smile.

"What are you going to do to me?" Rei asked, looking her up and down to see if she had any weapons.

"Nothing." Tika leaned forward and gave Rei a poke. Before she could give Rei another poke, Rei leaned down and bit her finger. "OWIEEEEEEEE!! WINDSEY!!!! HWELP!!!" Tika cried as she shook her finger, which was in Rei's mouth, up and down.

Lindsey, who had just finished putting a Band-Aid on Max's finger, ran over to Tika to see what was wrong. "What's wrong Tika?"

When Lindsey was gone, however. Max ripped up the Band-Aid, stared at the red mark on his finger, and began crying again.

Tika gave a whimper and pointed to the finger, which Rei was biting on.

"Now Rei." Lindsey reached forward to take Tika's finger out of Rei's mouth. "Better now Ti- AHH!" Lindsey shouted as something had hit her head. Hard. Lindsey fell to the floor from the blow and picked up the source, which caused her fall. A pillow. She turned around and saw Tyson pointing at her and laughing his head off. All the kids started at her and started laughing too. "Grrrr. That's enough!" Lindsey threw the pillow hard on the ground.

All the kids stared up at Lindsey and what seemed like tears started to well up in their eyes. Then everyone started to cry.

"Wait!" Lindsey panicked. "Everyone stop crying! Please!"

Everyone just continued crying.

"I'll take you guys to the zoo." Lindsey suggested, hoping that it would help the kids to stop crying.

Everyone suddenly stopped crying and stared up at Lindsey. Suddenly everyone yelled "YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" and then raced outside the house.

"Phew." Lindsey smiled then suddenly realized that they had ran out of the house, where there were many dangers, without her supervision. "HEY! Slow down! You'll get run over or something." Lindsey yelled as she ran outside after the kids.

On The Way To The Zoo

"Are we there yet?" Max asked as he chewed on his thumb.

"No." Lindsey responded.

"Are we there yet?" Rei pulled on Mariah's pigtails.

"No." Lindsey took Rei away from Mariah.

"Are we there yet?" Tyson complained.

"Nope." Lindsey rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure were not there yet?' Mariah whimpered.

"Not yet."

"How come were not there yet?" Tika asked.

"Because were still far away." Lindsey tried to get Max away from crashing into a pole.

"Windsey! Twyson said were there!" Hilary cried.

"Well Tyson's lying." Lindsey watched as Hilary started yelling at Tyson, then split them up.

"Logicwy, we should be there." Kenny commented.

"Well, logically, were not." Lindsey was beginning get annoyed.

"ARE WE THERE YET?" Everyone yelled.

"NO!" Lindsey yelled back.

At The Zoo

"Hehehehe." Mariah giggled. "That elephanty eats like Twyson."

"I'd rather be babysitting the zoo animals." Lindsey sighed as she tried to avoid Tyson trying to annoy the elephants. Lindsey suddenly decided that this should be a good time for a head count. She counted six kids. "Wait......six kids? I must have counted wrong." Lindsey counted again and found out that indeed one kid was missing! It was Tika!

Lindsey almost had a heart attack. She looked all over the zoo for Tika.....and she was right in the place where she would have never expected to find her. In the lion's and tiger's cage. DUN! DUN! DUN! (scary music o0 hehehehe)

"Hewwo Windsey!" Tika waved as she sat on top of a lion.

Lindsey panicked. "Uh..Tika? Get out of there! Nice ad easy...." She was afraid that the lion would have done something to her.

"Hm why?" Tika looked confused. "The lions are nice." She patted the lion's head and snuggled up to it.

"Uh.uh...." Lindsey tried to think of something that a kid would leave a lion for. "Um...because..it's..time for lunch! Yes! Lunch!" Lindsey exclaimed.

"Lunch? Oh all wight." Tika slid off the lion easily and squeezed through the cage.

When Tika was out, Lindsey hugged her. "Don't ever do anything like that again."

"Why?" Tika cocked her head the to the side.

"Because.....well....ugh! Just forget it." Lindsey was relived to see the other kids had remained calm between the lion fiasco.

At Lunch

"Hey evwyone! Wook at me!" Tyson had stuffed cheerios up his nose.

Mariah and Hilary giggled, Kenny ignored him, Tika poked Kai, Kai looked disgusted, Rei was eating politely, and Max copied Tyson.

"At least everything's back to normal now." Lindsey thought.

At Home

"Now wasn't that fun?" Lindsey grinned at everyone.

Everyone glanced up at Lindsey and grinned back. "YESSSSS!"

"But your parents are coming home soon."

"Awww." Everyone pouted.

"Aww. Was it that fun with me?" Lindsey asked.

Everyone nodded.

"That's so sweet." Lindsey exclaimed. "It was..er.....fun with you guys too!"

Suddenly a loud flush was heard, and Max came stumbling out of the bathroom.

"Um Max?" Lindsey looked worried. "Did you overflow the toilet again?"


When The Adults Finally Come Home

"I'm back." Mrs. Tate called as she opened the door to the room.

Everyone cheered and ran to her, to hug her.

"Thanks for looking after the kids." Mrs. Tate said as she handed Lindsey the money. "I hope they didn't cause too much trouble."

"Oh, no they weren't." Lindsey smiled. "They behaved like little angels."

"Then you wouldn't mind if you were their regular babysitter then?"

At that, Lindsey fainted.

DLN: Hehehehe. Hoped you liked that Lindsey and Tika. It was great that both of you kept giving me ideas! If not many people want to be in the next chappie then I'll use both of you again. If you guys want to be in the chappie again that is. Thanks again! You guys rule!!!! Well anyway, I think I'll add a short story k? Well here it is!

Story Title: Game Time (Thanks Lindsey for the idea!)

It was yet another day of babysitting for Lindsey. Will she survive? Read on to find out.

"Say....you know what?" Lindsey suddenly exclaimed. "Why don't I teach you kids a game?"

Everyone looked up from what they were doing.

"What kind of game?" Tika asked.

"How about.......checkers! I'll go get the pieces." Lindsey went to go get the checkerboard and pieces.

"Never heard of that game before." Kai commented.

"I have." Kenny said.

"Of course." Rei rolled his eyes. "You're the know it all."

"Here it is." Lindsey placed a checked board on the table and sorted the pieces onto it. "Now this is how you- HEY! STOP!" Lindsey shouted as Tyson tried to eat it.

"I thought it was food." He grinned apologetically.

Lindsey sighed. "Okay. Well this is how you-"Lindsey once again got distracted as Tika started poking Kai with one of the pieces.

Lindsey yanked it out of her hand as Tika began to pout. "I was poking Kai with that ..."

"Okay." Lindsey glared at everyone. "As I was saying-"

Max took one of the pieces and threw it on Lindsey's head. Thinking it was funny he began to laugh.

Tika began to laugh with Max. "Wowie Maxie!" She started jumping up and down. "That was so COOL!!!!" Since her shoe was loose and she was jumping up and down, her show went of her foot and hit Hilary right on the head.

Hilary curled up her lip and began to whimper. Moments later she began to cry.

"Whoops." Tika gasped. "I'm sooooooo soooooo sooooooo sowwy! But what Max did was cool!" She started jumping up and down and accidentally pushed Tyson.

"Owie." Tyson rubbed his head.

"Ugh!" Lindsey threw her hands up, giving up. "Just eat the pieces already! That's how you play!"

"YAY!!!!" Everyone too one piece and chewed it in their mouth.

"You know what?" Tika asked Kai.


"This is a pretty fun game." Then Tika began chewing again.

DLN: Hehehehehe. Lindsey gave me the idea so thankies to Lindsey!!!!!!!! Okie well I'm gonna do some really short stories for you guys k? Here we go.

Story Title: Milking It

"Humph." Tika pouted. "Do I have to think of fwive twings that have milk?"

"Yes." Lindsey responded. "Everyone already thought of theirs."

"I can only twink of bwutter, ice cweam, cheese.....that's only twee twings." Tika was beginning to get mad.

"Come on." Lindsey urged. "You should be able to think of two more."

"I've got it!" Tika yelled causing everyone to jump. "Two cows!"

DLN: Finished!!!!! Okie. If you still want to be in the chappie, review with all the info I asked for!!!! Bye bye for now everyone!!!!! Hoped you enjoyed it!!!! Special thanks to Tika and Lindsey!!!!