
This isn't really another chapter but I just wanted to add and say a couple of things.

Please review (I was so glad I got 77 reviews for my first story and would like to see a couple of more.)

Thanks to all those who took time out to actually research and find names ( don't be upset those whose names didn't get picked I will be using them in my next story and other's

I'm starting a new story so look out for it. It's going to be an Inu/San, Kag/Sess and Mir/Rin(don't ask) Anyway look out for the first author's note before or by Oct. 30

Ok the kiss...............

First goes out Z.A.G who gave me numerous names and I chose Tadashi (isn't that cute!!)

So Z.A.G here's your kiss from Sango,

Me: Ok Sango Z.A.G wants a kiss from you so...

Sango: What! Well I don't have to like put on lipstick or anything, do I?

Me: Well I don't think so!

Sango: ok

She walks over to Z.A.G slowly and looks at him

Sango: Alright then lets do it

She grabs you by the collar and yanks you till your lips collide in a sweet long kiss.

OK I know that sucked but I'm sick (cold) right now and am not up to writing but I might redo this part later sorry!!

2nd Kiss goes to Kitsune 55 my faithful reviewer and who gave me the middle name Samah for Inuyasha and Sango's son

So here's your kiss to from Inuyasha

Inuyasha: Do I really have to do this?

Me: Stop whining I promised her a kiss and she wants it NOW!

Inuyasha: but why me!! (more whining)

Me: because your sexy and any girl would want a kiss from you

Inuyasha: (Stops whining) Well I guess that is true

Me: so you'll do it?

Inuyasha: Yeah but what if she's ugly?

Me: She's n...( Kitsune 55 approaches, Inuyasha's eyes widen and mouth drops and he looks as if he is drooling)

Kitsune55: Can I get my kiss now?

Inuyasha: You sure as hell can

Inuyasha runs over to you like a little puppy (ha) bends you backwards dramatically and delivers a passionate hot kiss to your waiting lips.

(Ok so there's your kisses. I know they weren't that great but you did get them as promised!)

So review Please!! Tell me what you think.

I'm sorry to all those who hate Kagome and wanted her to suffer but I've started to actually like her (only when she's paired with Sesshomaru) and I'm gonna do a fic on her and seeshy.

so that's it the end of Betrayal for Love. I'm sorta working on a sequel where Kagome's daughter meets Tadashi and they fall in love but it's only an idea for now.

Well Peace!!!