This is my new fic... I hope you like it... it's like nothing like I've written before... and I hope you like it...

The prologue is set after the death of Kisara [in the manga]. But nothing in this fic actually happened in the manga. It's just an idea that I got. The only thing that is true is that Kisara died, the tablet, and that Seth's mothers dead.


Seth's POV

I've sat by her side for quite long... I don't know how long... but it's dark now... and I came her with her when it was bright and sunny....

Still the thought of her being dead, isn't believable... but it's true – the only one I truly loved is gone.... And I may never see her again...

I sit here, and I can still hear her sweat soft voice whispering to me... "I'll always love you..." is that last thing I heard her say directly to me....

Though, I wish I could have told her the same... I never did... and now I regret that... I always will... until I die...

I'll always remember her face – those eyes.... The memories I'll keep with me forever... and I'll never love anyone ever again...

"Kisara...." I couldn't help but whisper her name... but hearing her name only makes the pain worse...

I remember the only time I saw her smile... It was the only time she seemed truly happy... but that wasn't for long...

Why did she have to die... why could it of happened... I was acting so dumb and careless, and it was all just to get – power... Power is what I thought I truly wanted... but now I don't care... I just want her back... but it won't happen...

I can't hold it back any longer... I've held back these tears this whole time... but I can't...

I feel tears go down my cheeks... and I feel truly alone... the first time I felt – loneliness...

I look at her... this is my fault that she's dead... and now I'm alone... I can't look at her anymore... I must turn away... but I can't...

But, I did... I look at the tablet... I see the dragon... it's beauty and power was all I wanted... but I wish I wouldn't have been so dense...

"Don't think that, Seth..." I heard a familiar voice... but the voice was of someone – that died long ago....

I look up and I see – my mother... but how? She died....


"Yes, Seth...." She said looking at me....

I don't know what to say... not at all....

"You wish to see her again?" my mother asked me...

I shook my head once yes...

"Then you will... that is if you are reincarnated... then you'll see her... you'll see her, but with one cost..."

Cost? What is my mother saying? Reincarnated? What does she mean exactly?

"If you truly want to see her - then there's a way... your reincarnation... will become a creature of what you see on that tablet..."

I looked at the tablet and then at my sweat mother... I'm not sure what she's saying, but I'll do whatever it takes for me to see Kisara again...

"It doesn't matter. I must be with her... I can't live alone...." I said looking at her...

"I'm sorry, Seth... but it won't be soon... it will be long... but, you must wait..." that was my mother's last words....

The last I saw of her was a gray and clear.... Drifting away into the dark skies....

I stand up, and I look at Kisara for one last time... and I turn away...

"Thanks, mother..."

So, what did you think of the prologue? Do you think you know what's gonna happen in the story? Well you'll see....

I had 2 of my friends read it before I posted and one liked it... but the other.... didn't seem to like it much... she said it was heartful - and a little (which makes me a little grrrr, cause I spent a few hourse on this) corny...

Hopefully you don't think that....

If you like SetoxKisara stories, then I'd appreciate it if you read my other one, titled 'Is True Love so Strong?'

Also you should read Yuugi- chan 's SetoxKisara stories. They're really good.

If you review, then thanks. I really appreciate every one.
