Shogai Sweet Sakura Curls

Keiko carefully led him back to the futon and helped him lay down. He lay on his side, curled up, knees protectively over his stomach. With a soft goodbye, Keiko left Yusuke to sleep. Exhausted, it didn't take more that a few minutes for Yusuke to fall into slumber, only to be awakened in a few hours, by nightmares, afraid and in tears.

Chapter 3

When Yusuke woke up, he was alone in his small room, sheets tangled around his sweating body. He carefully scanned the room, taking note of the light of the sun shinning in, finding the door set in the wooden wall quickly.

He stood up swiftly, wincing at the pain that the healing hadn't managed to be rid of. Cautiously, he padded to the door and opened it silently, peering out to see who might be lurking around it. Seeing no one, he opened his senses to feel around the compound.

There was nobody there who he didn't expect. Keiko was in the kitchen with Yukina, and Genkai was in the yard. Hiei was up somewhere high, presumably in a tree or on the roof. Kurama, as expected, was nowhere near the temple.

He crept out of the doorway, and walked toward the kitchen, where he could hear Keiko and Yukina chattering as pots rattled and a teapot sang that the water was ready. Slowly, he peaked into the kitchen, and, seeing that all was as it should be, he entered. Keiko immediately stopped talking with Yukina to question him.

"Yusuke, how are you? Are you hungry? Can I get you anything?" Her face was full of concern.

"I'm fine. Whatever you're making is good." His voice was raspy, and eyes never stopped shifting around the room, looking for intruders. Keiko looked at him for a long moment, before nodding and bringing him a large bowl of miso soup. He nodded gratefully and ate quickly.

He ate quickly, spilling not a drop. Keiko and Yukina watched worriedly as he silently placed the bowl back on the table and left the kitchen, muttering a quiet thank you as he went.

Yusuke padded swiftly out the front doors, and, after scanning the area for anyone who wasn't supposed to be there, he sat on the top step of Genkai's long stairway. He could feel the energy of the baby inside of him. There was a power unlike any he had ever felt, mixing with his own yokai and growing steadily stronger on it. His daughter would be a formidable opponent when she was grown. Even newly born, she would have command of an immense amount of power. Kurama would come after her, he would try to warp his beautiful, strong daughter to his will. Yusuke would never let that happen.

Kurama…he was in trouble. Yoko had taken over his body. Obviously Kurama himself hadn't wanted to…do what Yoko had done. The monster himself had admitted that. This of course meant that Kurama wasn't going to be let free as long as Yoko was in charge of the body. Kurama was a prisoner within his own mind.

Yusuke was unsure how long he had been sitting on the steps, feeling his daughter slowly growing and watching the trees shaking in the wind, but suddenly he felt a new energy enter the area. It took approximately two seconds for him to be standing alert and defensive, ready to slaughter any messenger of Yoko Kurama. However, when the owner of the energy crested the stairs, panting slightly with effort, Yusuke saw the carrot top of Kwabara. His muscles almost involuntarily relaxed as he felt his baby calm at the sight of his old friend and rival.

"Urameshi! Were the hell have you been?!" He stomped up to the boy, frowning. Expecting an almost friendly tussle, Kwabara was surprised when Yusuke's spirit energy flew up and shot him nearly twenty feet away. By the time he was clear-headed enough to look for him, Yusuke was gone from sight. Shaking his head in puzzlement, Kwabara went to search out Yukina.

It took a bit, but he finally located Yukina in the garden, playing with some of the birds that were nesting in the trees.

"Yukina! How are you my sweet?" His face quickly turned a faint shade of red.

"Kazuma! Welcome back. I'm fine thank you…but Kazuma…." Her face fell as she talked and Kazuma watched with concerned eyes.

"What's wrong Yukina?' His husky voice dropped back to it's normal, deeper tone.

"Oh Kazuma, it's Yusuke! Have you seen him? He's hurting so badly! I can't heal him!" Yukina turned away from Kwabara and let out a dry sob, her blue hair swaying with her body, a living portrait of grief.

"What happened to him? He nearly shot me halfway across the yard when I met him." Yukina's eyes shot up to Kwabara's in alarm.

"You saw him? He was afraid?! Where did he go? What did you do? You must tell me Kazuma!"

"Uh…yeah, I saw him. I came up the stairs and asked where he had been. Then he blasted me with his spirit energy and ran off somewhere. Dunno where though. Why? What's going on?"

"I'll explain later! We must find him! Tell Keiko and Hiei and Genkai!" The normally quiet yokai demanded of him and then hurried away in search of Yusuke. Scratching his head, Kwabara left to find the other occupants of the dojo.

Yukina raced through the woods surrounding Genkai's house, trying to sense were Yusuke was hiding. Finally, she caught a whiff of the baby. Slowing down so as to not alarm Yusuke, Yukina walked into the grove where the man was sitting under a tree, arms around his stomach, muttering to the baby.

"Yusuke? Yusuke it's Yukina, how are you doing?" Yukina's voice was gentle and soft.

"Yukina? We're fine…is he gone?"

"Why do you want Kazuma gone?"


"Yes, Kwabara met you in the courtyard. He was a little…over-enthusiastic in his greeting."

"That idiot. Whelp, better go pound him." Yusuke pushed himself up from the ground and began to walk toward civilization.

"Yusuke, you shouldn't fight in your condition," Yukina hurried alongside Yusuke, "Any injury could harm the baby!"

Yusuke looked at her blankly, eyes furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"When your body is carrying a child, any injury to it could harm the baby. It is dependant on your well-being to sustain its own. You must be careful!"

Yusuke looked a bit worried, but his expression soon cleared and he sauntered out of the clearing, leaving Yukina to follow. As they left the woods, she heard a faint whisper in Yusuke's voice, thanking her. Smiling she walked out into Genkai's courtyard to talk with Kazuma.


Hey everyone. I'm really sorry for the long wait. And for the nothingness of this chapter. The next chapter will be a bit more exciting. I just didn't know where to go from here, so I thought that rather then spend the next month or two trying to make the chapter just a liiiittttlllleeee bit longer was silly when I could start a new chapter and get this one out. Just a reminder, this WILL be an Inuyasha cross-over. You probably won't need to know the story to understand this one. I'll put a short explanation in the story for people who don't read or watch Inuyasha. For those of you who do like Inuyasha, I don't especially like most of the characters, so I MAY be taking liberties with their personalities and lives (yeah, character death). Again, sorry for the wait, I'm a Junior in High School and it's really hard to keep up. School must come first!

Thanks so much to all who reviewed! 44 for 2 chapter! Wow! I didn't expect this kind of response!

Silver Foxglove: Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying the take on Youko. Yeah, I know it's not canon, but hey, what can I say? I'm a sucker for character torture! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Silver Kitsune: Yeah, I noticed that there weren't many like this, so I thought I'd try it. If you've seen any others, could you tell me? Hope you enjoyed the new chapter, please tell me what you thought!

Yamazaki Mukosho: Thanks for the review, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Firefly: Sorry for being so cruel, I don't have much time to write anymore .! I'm glad you find the story interesting. Hope you liked this chapter! Please review and tell me what you thought!

Princess Universe of Urana: Yeah, I'm not so good at rating things, but I've had a story removed for an author's note, so I just want to be careful so I don't get kicked off the site. Once bit, twice careful and all that you know.

MistressKC: Yup. Everybody will know that Kurama is not the evil one and that Youko is the one controlling him. It'll be lot's of fun! Sadism rocks!

Iaminuyasha: Thanks for the review, hope you liked the new chapter!

Sweet Snow and Hiei Lover: Thanks for the review! Please tell me what you thought of the new chapter!

I-Am-Miroku's-Daughter: Blush I'm glad you like the story so much. Hope I didn't disappoint with the new chapter!

FluffysBijing05: Thanks for the review! Yup, Yusuke's ok, but you'll have to wait to find out what happened with Kurama!

Nanashii: Thanks for the review! Hope you liked the new chapter!

A person: Ummmm…..I guess I'm updating now? Sorry for the wait!

Tati 1: Glad you liked the story! Sorry for the wait! Tell me what you thought!

Herald-Mage-Brianna: Thanks for the review! Yeah, Kurama's pretty pissed, but he's also really upset. To some degree (I haven't decided what degree yet) he loves Yusuke, so the knowledge of what's happening is really hurting him.

Chibi Children: Thanks for the review! Hope you liked the new chapter!

Hakudoshi-chan: Sorry, you can't kill Youko, that's my job bwahahahahaha Anyway, you'll have to wait to see what happens to Kurama!

Keri2004: Thanks for the review!

Shi Rurouni of the Aphrodisiac:: Thanks for the review! Love the name!

Kit-kat: Glad you like my story! Thanks for the review!

Alaskantiger: Thanks for the review!

Saria19: That'll probably happen in two or three chapters! Thanks for the review!

Akiaka-Saya-Rika: Thanks for the review! I'm glad you like it!

Tears of a Virgin: Thanks for the review! And thanks a bunch for putting me on your favorites list!

CassieCats: Yusuke'll be fine! No worries! Hope you liked the chapter!

Touya4me: Thanks for the review!
I numoon3: Ok, Youko IS a part of Kurama in that he shares the same body, but his soul and Kurama's soul are different, despite the fact that we have all been lead to believe that they are not in the TV show and manga. Yusuke knows that he is having a girl because he changed the sex of the baby to a girl through his demonic powers. As for Yusuke and Keiko, that will be addressed later. Yeah, Kurama would never rape anyone, but it's Youko that raped Yusuke and I've make him a bit darker than he is in the canon. Hope that answers your questions! Thanks for the review!

Xzanayu: You'll have to wait to see what happens with Youko, maybe in two or three chapters he'll show up again!

An Angel with Broken Wings: Yeah, I know that baby thing is weird, but I like it! smile smile Yup. Thanks for the review!

Angelkitty77: Sorry, I think that Yusuke will probably have the pleasure of fox killing, nice try though!
Thanks for the review!