Gohan was actually going to talk to his loved ones that he left back on Earth.

The ones that were still alive.

The ones that he left behind.

What was he going to say to them?

What could he say to them?

To his mother?

What if she refused to talk to him, too angry over his selfish actions?

He knew he wouldn't be able to blame her if that were the case.

Still, Gohan knew that this was something he had to do.

He had to be brave, and face whatever would come of this.

Apprehensively, he approached King Kai.

"Just place your hand on my back, and I'll connect you to Earth." King Kai explained simply, and the young Saiyan shakily complied.

This was it.

Taking in a deep breath, Gohan softly questioned, "M-Mom? Can you hear me?"

Back on Earth:

Chi Chi held the dragon radar tightly in her hands, eagerly examining its grid to figure out the location of the first Dragon Ball.

Piccolo watched over the woman's shoulder, preparing to take off in search of the Dragon Balls as soon as their locations were confirmed.

He couldn't wait to gather them as quickly as he could, and finally be able to see his former student and only friend again.

There were so many questions that he wanted to ask Gohan, to try to understand just what the poor boy had gone through.

"Okay, I think the first one is -- " Chi Chi started, only to abruptly cut herself off when a hauntingly familiar voice penetrated her mind.

"M-Mom? Can you hear me?"

The woman frantically whipped her head around, trying to figure out the source of the sudden words, looking anxiously to see the boy who said them.

She saw nobody aside from Piccolo.

Did that mean that her mind was playing tricks on her, only letting her hear what she wanted to?

Was she just hallucinating?

Still, Chi Chi couldn't help but find herself responding.

"Gohan? Baby, is that you?"

Piccolo's ears twitched, and his eyes widened at the sound of the boy's name.

"You're talking to Gohan?"

Chi Chi ignored the question, trying another time to get a response out of the voice that still rang in her mind.

"Gohan? Are you there?"

Another beat passed with the woman not hearing anything, and her heart began to sink as she came to the conclusion that hearing her baby's voice was only a figment of her grieving imagination.

That is, until she finally heard it again.

Other World:

Gohan knew talking to his mother would be difficult, but he had no idea just how hard it would be.

"Gohan? Are you there?"

Just the sound of his mother's voice, and the sheer desperation behind the words was enough to bring a fresh stream of tear's to the boy's eyes.

That was coupled with a fresh wave of guilt.

He was the reason his mother was so desperate, so hurt.

His mother would be happy if he hadn't been so selfish.

It took him a long minute to calm himself enough to be sure that his voice wouldn't break when he did speak.

"I'm here, Mom."

"Oh, Gohan! Baby, where are you?!"

"I'm in the Other World. At the Check-In Station, I think."

"I'm so happy to hear from you! I thought I never would again! Well, at least not until Piccolo and I got the Dragon Balls together!"

Gohan's eyes widened as the sudden realization of Chi Chi's plan struck him.

She was going to wish him back.

She was going to bring him back to life.

Take him away from his daddy again.

Wasn't that what he should want, though?

To be away from the man who caused him so much pain?

Abandoned him time after time?

Let himself die knowing how much his eleven year old son needed him?

Still, Gohan hadn't even let the notion of returning to Earth enter his mind.

He figured it was either Heaven or Hell, and he would have been ready for either.

Now, it seemed, he had much more to consider.

And not much time to do it.

That's when another, unrelated fact dawned on him from Chi Chi's excited words.

"Piccolo's with you?"

Back on Earth:

"Piccolo's with you?"

Chi Chi nodded, only to laugh softly at herself when she remembered that the boy wouldn't be able to see the gesture.

"Yes, Piccolo's here right now. Would you like to talk to him?"

Chi Chi had no intention of letting someone else talk to her only son yet, even if it was his mentor, but asked anyway to be polite.

"You're talking to Gohan?" Piccolo repeated his question, this time at least earning an ecstatic nod from Chi Chi in response.

The Namek felt a smile pull at the corners of his mouth, as well, the first one that had since before the boy's death.

That was when the reality of the fact that Gohan would be returning fully hit him, and he was able to let himself get excited over it.

He would be seeing his friend again.

He couldn't wait.

Other World:

The mental image of his teacher clouded Gohan's eyes with tears that didn't fall.

He would be hurting him, too, if he went with his original intentions of remaining in the Other World.

He would be taking away his only friend.

But, Gohan couldn't very well let himself get wished back just for his sake, could he?

For his mother's?

"So, Piccolo and I will start looking for them today, and we should be able to --"

Gohan removed his hand from the King Kai's back, interrupting the message.

He hoped simply separating contact with the Kai would be enough to block his words from reaching Earth.

At least for the moment.

He needed to know something before he let himself do anything else.

"Daddy... Do you really think that what King Yemma said was sure -- about me getting my emotions together, I mean -- that I would be able to go to the Upper World... with you?"

Goku smiled warmly, reassuring patting his son on the back.

He nodded confidently, "I promise that you would."

"I sure hope so..." Gohan mumbled to himself uncertainly, "Because I'm going to wager everything on it."

Gohan had finally made up his mind about what he felt he needed to do.

What would give him some peace of mind.

What would give him the closure he was so desperately seeking.

It was a decision solely based on his own personal needs.

For once, he wasn't thinking about his mother, father, or friend's wishes.

This only served to increase his guilt at knowing he would more than likely end up hurting someone he loved, but this was a decision that was going to affect the rest of his life or after life.

With another breath, the half-Saiyan looked to Goku's happy, loving smile, and was able to feel a small stab of confidence.

He knew he was doing the right thing.

"I hate to interrupt your thoughts, but I have a monkey and grasshopper waiting for me. Both of whom are wandering around aimlessly because a certain someone destroyed their planet. No rush, though." King Kai jokingly hurried the boy along, not really growing impatient, just bored.

Goku brought a hand to the back of his head, his grin turning sheepish. "I already said I was sorry!"

Gohan was only half paying attention to the others' friendly antics as he carefully made contact with King Kai's back again, signalling that he was ready to speak to his mother again.

Gohan knew the instant he was reconnected with the living world, as he was immediately greeted with Chi Chi's frantic voice.

"Gohan? Gohan, baby, please tell me you're still there!"

"Sorry, mom, my hand just slipped." Gohan lied, earning curious glances from both Goku and King Kai.

"Okay." Chi Chi started with relief, before continuing exactly where she had left off. "Piccolo and I should be able to have all seven Dragon Balls by the end of tomorrow, if we can get some of the others to help us. I'm sure they won't --"

"Mom." Gohan attempted to interject weakly, beginning to feel his previous courage waver.

The woman either didn't hear the boy, or just ignored him as she continued to gush in pure glee. "Everyone will be so happy to hear that you're being wished back! Oh, Gohan, we'll finally be a family again!"

Before she could go any further, Gohan was determined to make himself heard.

It was far too painful to hear Chi Chi's elated hopes, just to have to tear them down.


"Yes, baby?"

Gohan momentarily considered ending the conversation again.

He couldn't tell his mother that he wanted to remain in the Other World.

That he would rather stay dead than be with her.

It would break her heart.

Still, the boy managed to hold firm, and whisper out what he had to say.

"I... I don't want you to wish me back."

Back on Earth:

Chi Chi laughed confusedly, "I don't think I heard you correctly, Gohan. It sounded almost like you said you didn't want to be wished back."

Any trace of happiness immediately vanished from Piccolo's face upon hearing those words.

He knew Chi Chi had heard him perfectly fine.

Gohan really wasn't coming back.

He was going to stay with Goku, his father.

That fact shouldn't have surprise the Namek, but it did, and he hated himself for getting excited over something that he shouldn't have even expected to happen.

While he was happy for his young friend, and truly wished him nothing but the best, he couldn't put himself through the agony of hearing anymore.

He now knew Gohan wouldn't be returning, and that was all he needed to know.

Deciding he had not reason left to stay, the Namek silently turned around to stalk out of the Son residence.

He needed to be alone.

Other World:

Gohan sighed.

He didn't want to have to say it again, but he managed to force the words slowly out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry, mom, but I don't want to be wished back. I want to stay here with daddy."

"Oh... Okay, Gohan. Whatever you think is best, hunny."

Gohan knew his mother was genuinely trying to be supportive of him, but he could heard the pure despair underlying each word.

He vaguely wondered if that's what she sounded like when she found out that he had killed himself, and felt his guilt double at that.

"I'm really sorry, mom. I really miss you and love you, but..."

"But you need to be with your father. I understand."

By this point Gohan's tears began to fall freely, the boy not bothering to brush them away.

He needed a break from his mother's pain, even if it meant only have to cause more to another loved one.

"Can I talk to Piccolo?"

Gohan waited it seemed like forever to get a reply, and it was one that made his own heart sink.

"I'm sorry, baby, but he left."

The had a feeling who knew why, but still questioned anyway, hoping that he was wrong.

"He didn't let to get the Dragon Balls, did he?"

There was another pause.

"No. I'm sorry, sweetie."

He had never meant to cause his friend such pain.

Not after everything the Namekian had done so much for him.

Gohan hoped Piccolo would one day be able to forgive him.

Emotionally confused, and more than just a little exhausted, he politely tried to wrap up the conversation.

"If you see him again, can you tell him that I'm sorry?"

Gohan could hear the thick emotion as Chi Chi spoke again, and he could tell that she was fighting back tears.

"Of course. I'm sure he understands, though."

"Are you going to be all right without me? I can come back if you need me."

Gohan really didn't want to, but he would have done anything to take away his mother's pain.

She didn't deserve any of this.

"I'll be fine. I just want you to be happy, and I'm sure you will be with Goku."

"Thank you, mom. I have to go, though. There's a lot to take care of before I can get... settled in."

He held back on revealing that there was a possibility that he may be going to Hell, not wanting to put Chi Chi through anymore needless grief.

"Okay. I love you, baby, and always will."

"I love you, too. Goodbye."

Gohan pulled back his hand for the final time, bringing it up to wipe the tears out of his eyes.

They were quickly replaced with more.

Goku's heart went out to his son, and he knelt down to his level, putting a hand once again on the boy's shoulder.

"I'm really happy you'll be here with me, Gohan."

With a small hiccup, and another fruitless attempt of clearing his eyes of tears, Gohan blinked in pure surprise.

"Really? You don't mind me staying with you? That is, if King Yemma will let me."

"Of course I don't mind! You're what I missed most about being alive!"

While Goku's words came out bubbly and cheerful, Gohan was able to tell that they were genuine, as well.

His father really did want him around.

His father really did love him.

He knew he made the right decision.

With a much lighter heart, Gohan could feel some of his previous turmoil, confusion, and contempt fading.

While he wasn't positive, he was confident about being able to get into the Upper World.

He now knew what he wanted.

He now knew what he needed.

He just hoped King Yemma would see that for himself.

Throwing his arms around his father's neck, Gohan smiled with the most optimism and joy he had felt since the days before the Cell Games.

Goku eagerly returned the embrace, happy to see the clear transformation in Gohan's demeanour from what he first arrived.

Standing back up, Goku ruffled the boy's hair.

"Okay, son! Let's go see King Yemma!"

"And pick up Gregory and Bubbles." King Kai added, getting the feeling that, no matter what happened, it was going to be a long trip.

-- The End --

A/N: Wow, after around two years, the final chapter has finally been posted! I can't believe it started as a one-shot! I hope it was worth the wait, if anyone still actually remembers about this fic! I may eventually add a little epilogue one day, wrapping everything up in a nice bow, especially back on Earth.

Thanks to all who have been patient and stayed through until the end!