The Longest Day Part 18

Note- Wow 18 that's pretty cool, anyway hope that you enjoy this chapter b/c it is the last.

Carter opened his eyes and the world he saw was like a dream the room looked surreal as his eyes showed a blurry free world without pain or fear.

That image only lasted a moment before the pain and fear returned overwhelming his system and causing him to cry out in pain. Peter ran over to him to calm him down and take care of him. "Hey man its ok" Carter slowly regained composure as Peter administered ten more of morphine.

Carter fell into a deep sleep... "What... where am I?" Carter asked the darkness. He walked around searching for anything but was lost in his own mind. He lay on the hard cold ground waiting for someone to find him.

Peter watched over Carter listening to him babble in his sleep. "It's ok man I am here" Peter rested his arm on the railing of the gurney and laid his head down as he drifted off to sleep.

Carter sat up as a sound took his attention, but he couldn't decipher the direction that the footsteps were coming from. He became frightened and a cold sweat overtook his trembling body as he stood up.

The dim world began to brighten up as this person walked up to Carter with a grin on his face Putting Carter as ease. In that moment Carter realized that he wasn't alone and that he would never be alone. He wanted to escape the dream world and get back to living without a deep seeded fear.

Carter's eyes fluttered open and he laid still and watched his best friend sleep. "Thank you Dr. Benton" Carter whispered so not to disturb him.

...three weeks later...

Carter walked slowly through the ambulance bay doors on his crutches. He was greeted by friendly faces and he greeted them back with a big smile.

He looked around the hospital "I am glad to be home" he said with a glint in his eyes.

... well I am sure you are all wondering about our villain Mr. Jay Drake well here we go with that.

Jay recovered from his small injuries he acquired after the car accident. Then he was placed in a maximum security mental establishment where they worked with him and his brother to solve their mental problems.

...hey for the fun of it here you go :-)

...Cough: pay back :Cough...

One day Jay got into a fight with one of the other patients and was severely hurt (lots of pain) from that incident he was left with a broken back leaving him paralyzed from the waist down.

... how about a little bit more fun...

About a week after his brother's accident Paul's mental status declined and in his mind he believed that he was a bird and jumped out of a fifth story window ... he survived but was left in pain and agony not to mention a body cast.


Carter recovered from his injuries although as times his back does flair up but he deals with the pain and all of his friends are there for him.

The End

Note- Done woo hoo so now you must go read my next fic which will be coming soon. Have a great day and review.