The Longest Day Part 1

Disclaimer- I do not own these characters although I wish I did NBC and WB own ER and the rights to it

Notice- this is my first fic and I just hope that you enjoy it and even if u don't then send a review and I will either write more or never write again Thanks either way. Oh and sorry if medical terms are wrong.

Summary- JC angst and JC/PB friendship this story is late but ohwell it is based after carter was stabbed and before the drug addiction b/c I don't like that whole thing. No real summary b/c I am making it up as I go so comments are welcome.

"V-Fib" ..... "Time of death 6:19" Carter stepped back from the table while removing his blood stained gown and gloves, he brushed his hand through his hair momentarily making it stand on end "I'll tell her mother" he said in a sad and tired way. He walked out as the nurses covered up the 5 year old girl's small fragile body.

While going over what to say to the girl's mother he noticed that his lab coat was covered in the girl's blood and decided to remove it before talking to her mother. He felt lost as he watched all of the staff around him working oblivious to the past trauma. It reminded him of how alone he felt that night in February even though he wasn't truly alone. He quickened his pace to avoid anyone questioning his condition.

After telling the mother the dreadful news, she cried and grabbed at him, pulling him down to a sitting position, he cringed as the pain shot through his back but he tried to ignore it for the mother's sake. Dr. Chen noticed his pain and walked over to remove him from the women's grasp he thanked her as he walked away trying to stretch his back and lull the pain away.

He looked at the clock in the waiting room which said it was 7:06 and noticed that he had been off for a while and he decided to go to the lounge to collect his things. As he entered the lounge Mark Green came running up with a gown in his hand yelling to Carter about an automobile accident arriving with two criticals. Carter let out a sigh and after looking around to see if anyone else could take the patients took the gown from Mark. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive Carter and Mark stood in awkward silence.

A few minutes later the victim was brought through the doors and Mark took her while Carter waited on the person who caused the accident to arrive.

Upon arrival the man was covered in blood and screaming to be left alone while pulling at the restraints that he was placed in do to him attacking the paramedics who tried to help him. Carter overheard the cops commenting on how this man was a wanted murderer. Carter ignored them and quickly got to work assessing his patient and finding that all he had was a bump on the head and burns from pulling at the restraints. Then it made sense to Carter that all the blood was someone else's. "Hey doc glad to meet you" the patient said with an air of sarcasm "I'm Jack but you can call me Jay, Doctor...." "Carter, Jay you have caused an accident and those cops out there will be taking you to jail after I finish examining you" "well they can try, hey I know you, you were on T.V. after being attacked right?" Carter was getting tired of talking to this man and decided he should go explain his diagnosis to the police. Jay called after him as he walked out "hey doc she was a pretty little thing, too bad" Carter tried to ignore the comment and stay calm.

Just as Carter was exiting the trauma room two cops walked up to him the find out the convict's condition and Carter explained his findings as well as his disgust. He ripped off his gown and gloves as he tried to remember a better day but he hadn't had many of those lately.

The women Mark had worked on was alive but was only alive by means of a respirator. Mark walked out and caught up to Carter in hopes of getting to talk to him. "Hey Carter wait up, so what happened with that guy there was a lot of blood is he in the OR?" Carter spun around with an odd expression of pain and anger "no, he is fine none of that blood was his it was some poor person's that he decided to kill before smashing his car into your patient, what a world" Mark looked shocked at what he had heard and at the way Carter looked sad and lost and he knew he couldn't change it " that's crazy I'm sorry, hey umm... when are you off? would you like to grab a cup of coffee? it looks like you could use one" "its not your fault I didn't mean it like that but I've been off for two hours, that little girl earlier and the convict have kept me here,... thanks for the invite, but I just want to go home and sleep until my next shift at 2 but I'll take a rain check If that's ok" Mark nodded and entered the lounge with Carter to gather his coat to leave. The two separated as Mark walked towards the L platform and Carter went to the parking garage.

As Carter walked out to his jeep he ran into Peter Benton who was just starting a shift, he greeted him and tried to look happy so not to raise concern. "Hey Dr. Benton just get on?"" yeah but only a half shift..." Benton's beeper went off "I'll see you later man take care" "sure, have a good day" with that the two parted Carter got into his jeep and began to drive replaying the day in his head. After a few minutes he became concerned when he noticed that there was a car following him. Not just any normal car but the police car that was at the hospital when the car accident occurred. He tried to ignore it and focus on the road and getting home, until the sirens began to blare and he decided that he should pull over just to be safe. While pulling out his license Carter watched as the cop got out of the car. He unzipped his window as the cop bent down to greet him. Carter noticed a familiar face grinning at him, fear flushed through Carter as the man raised his gun. "Bang"

Note-Well that's all for now review if you want more I will try to get the next part out soon hope that you enjoyed it.