Disclaimer: Yeah I own Lord of the Rings, Oops maybe you should strike that from the record my nose is growing.

A/N: Hello boys, I'm Baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!! In other words my writers block is over, and here is a new chapter.

"You leave tomorrow?" Eowyn asked Faramir, her love.

"Yes," He replied.

They stood alone in the gardens where they had first met. Eowyn knew of the quest the future King and Faramir set out for. The whole Fellowship was leaving to rescue Arwen the Elf who claimed Aragorn's heart.

"It is so soon," She said sadly, "It seems as if yesterday when we first met."

Faramir smiled and took her hand into his, "The days will pass quickly. We will put away this madman, and rescue the Elf maiden in no time at all my love."

"Grima may be mad, but he is clever," She said to him.

She remembered The Pig's obsession with her. How he would follow her around, and try to spout lovely words to attract her. Always his stanzas were cold, and bore no love. Her life had been cold and meaningless, until the Elf, Dwarf, Man and Wizard entered the gates of Edoras. It was no wonder she thought of love when Aragorn was near. She needed the warmth to brighten her dreary life. She had convinced herself that they were meant to be. Even when Eowyn had seen the look in his eyes when he thought of Arwen; even if he often sang that song of Luthien Legolas had explained to her of, she had to be in love with him.

But as he had saved Minas Tirith, he had saved her form her foolish thoughts. She had found him saddling his horse, ready to leave for the Dimholt Road. Eowyn had never seen a sadder look in his eyes. Eowyn had hoped that her assumed love for him would be returned, but it was not to be.

He had looked into her eyes and said, "It is but a Shadow and a thought for which you love. I cannot give you what you seek."

With those words came her realization, she didn't feel love for him. When she had met Faramir, she knew she had found her love. Now he was leaving on a quest. One that may be even more dangerous than it appeared. She banished her worries, and only squeezed his warm hand, "The Steward of Gondor will end this evil, and come home to his beloved city."

"That I will," He replied, "and to you."

Eowyn's lovely face grew sad, "After the Coronation, I must return to Edoras."

"I know."

"I do not wish to leave," She said turning to look at him deeply, "I want to stay here with you."

"Maybe you can," He replied bringing his lips to her forehead.

She looked confused, "Marry me Eowyn daughter of Eomund, and stay beside me forever."

"Faramir, "She whispered breathlessly, "Nothing would ever make me happier. I love you."

He knew a yes when he heard one. Faramir swept her into his arms, and kissed her passionately. The two had found what they needed most, love.

The chamber was filled with beautifully woven tapestries, and ornaments of gold and silver. Bright jewels were encrusted into most of the items. It was no doubt that the room was fit for a king, but to Aragorn, right then it was a prison. No torches burned to brighten the gloom; instead it was pitch- black, save for the moonlight streaming through the window. The silver beams illuminated his face reflecting the sadness of his heart. Sparkling with the rest of the fancy adornments, the Evenstar lay in the palm of his hand. It was so hard to believe that so innocent a jewel as this was worth so much.

"Why?" He asked himself again in anguish. He knew why though.

Grima had his beloved Undomiel. He had her locked in the darkness. He remembered the vision he had had. He had seen her being pushed into the inky room; he had seen her fear then. He looked around his quarters, and noticed the absence of light then. It seemed fitting to him. Arwen was alone in a cold dark cell, why shouldn't he share her pain. Of course he knew that this wasn't at all a cell, but it mattered not. She was alone, and that bothered him the most. Arwen must have no idea that he knew of her capture.

Aragorn knew that her deepest fear was not of rescue, but of Middle earth. "She is so brave," He whispered to himself, "She doesn't fear death or Grima, or any evil creature. She fears what will come to this earth if we should fail."

Arwen was stubborn at times; she wouldn't give into Grima's threats or taunting. She would be strong. What will he do to her? He asked himself. If Grima dared to lay a hand upon Arwen, he would have his sword at his throat in an instant. He would, if he were there.

"If only I had been there," He wished, "I could have stopped them." He couldn't have been with her though, not then. She had known this. She had accepted his quest, and knew that he must face his destiny without her.

"Yet you told her to leave you, and find her own destiny alone without you."

When they had realized their love, all those years ago, they had pledged to live their lives together, and he had tried to force her to break that bond. But she never lost hope. He had seen it in her eyes as she rode away from the company of Elves. She knew her destiny was meant to be with him.

And now the worm of a man Grima was trying to break that destiny. Aragorn curled his fist around her last gift to him. "I will find you my love. I will take from those cold depths and bring back into my arms. Our destinies are sealed together, and no evil can break the bond of love we share."

A tear rolled down his cheek as he swore his oath to her. Whatever Grima had planned would have to suffer the power of love Aragorn wielded in his heart.

Aragorn was gathering his last few things he needed for this journey. The people had been told that their future king must stop another threat of evil, but none of them knew exactly what he faced.

"Is that everything my lord?" Duriholg asked.

"Yes, that is all."

Aragorn fingered the Evenstar around his neck. He was now going to find her, and save Arwen from the evil keeping her from him.

"I do not mean to pry my lord," Duriholg said, "but why is it that you wear such a jewel?"

Aragorn smiled a sad little smile, "It was given to me by the most beautiful lady on this earth. It is she that holds my heart."

His servant nodded a little, "Yes my lord, I understand now."

Aragorn left his room to find his eight friends. All of them were in the courtyards. The Hobbits were bustling about setting their things in order. Legolas was calmly putting arrows into his quiver, while Gimli argued saying that his ax would be far more effectible than a bow. Faramir and Gandalf stood together.

"Are you ready?" The Wizard asked him.

Aragorn nodded, and the companions slipped outside the palace. The streets leading to the gate were filled with people. The ladies of Gondor threw flowers to the ground, and the men cheered for the nine friends setting out on this adventure. Eowyn waved to them, and Faramir smiled back at her. Aragorn had heard of their betrothal, and couldn't be happier for his friend.

The Gates of Minas Tirith lay opened, and they walked through it. Aragorn remembered his pledge from the night before, and knew that it was time to find the woman he loved.

"We set out for Dinith Gorgoth tomorrow at dawn," Grima said laughingly taking a sip of his wine.

"Yes my lord," an Easterling officer said.

"Soon the Evenstar will be in shadow, and Middle earth will fall to darkness," Grima smiled, "Just as my master had planned."

"Of course my lord."

"Sorgd let me see it," Grima commanded happily.

The officer looked confused, "See what sir?"

"Don't be daft, the Evenstar of course," Grima said, "I want to see the jewel that will turn our fortunes in this war."

"My lord," Sorgd said timidly, "We do not have it."

Grima's black eyes lowered at him, "What do you mean you don't have it."

"We assumed you had it sir."

"Tell me," Grima said in a frighteningly calm manner, "what gave you the assumption that I had the Evenstar?"

"N-nothing my lord," He stuttered, "We just thought...."

"You thought!!" Grima boomed throwing his cup at the Easterling. The man's doublet was spotted with red wine.

"Hear this you fool!" Gimli shouted at him, "I told you to imprison her and take the Evenstar didn't I?!"

"Ye-yes my lord."

"Yet you lost it!"

"My lord, we never lost it, for we never had it."

"What do you mean you never had it?"

"Wh-when the Uruk- Hai brought her, she didn't have the Evenstar."

"She didn't have it!" Grima bellowed, "That is impossible, she always wore it! Saruman said that she did. Unless...." He trailed off.

Suddenly he stormed out of the room. He stomped down the stairs, to the dungeon, unlocked the cell, and swung open the heavy wooden door.

Arwen had been sitting quietly on the cold stone floor, wrapped in her cloak. She looked up when the door banged open.

"Where is it?!" Grima asked his voice raised as high as it would go.

Arwen pretended to look confused, "Where is what?"

"You know what I mean, the Evenstar. Where have you hidden it?"

"I do not have it," She replied, getting to her feet smiling a little.

"Of course you don't have it, where have you hidden it?!"

"I will not say."

Grima boiled with rage, "You filthy little wench! I know you know where it is, and if you value your family, I suggest you tell me where it is!"

"Imladris is protected by Vilya even you cannot penetrate its defense" She replied, "I doubt you would dare try to find Caras Galadhon, for the Lady of Light sees all."

He glared at her, "You gave it to someone, tell me who has it."

"Who has the Evenstar holds my heart," She said sadly, but then looked at Grima with a strong gaze, "You and your worthless army is no match for the bond of love."

Grima gave her a stinging slap across the face. Still, nothing penetrated the strength in her eyes.

"I will find the Elf you gave it to," Grima hissed, "And he will die cursing your name, and loathing the trinket you gave him."

He stalked out of the room, and the two Uruk- Hai sneered at her through the bars of her door. Arwen smiled at the retreating shape. No Elf held her heart, but a man. Aragorn would find her. She didn't even know if he knew she was gone, but hope swelled through her. Yes, he would find her the bond of love was strong. Stronger than any spell Grima could use.

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