The Baby-sitters and the Baby-sat: Chapter1
Summary: Hiei and Kurama are turned into young boys and Keiko and Botan
have to baby-sit.
Couples: Keiko X Kurama, Hiei X Botan.

It was a stormy day in the Maikai for our favorite group of boys. They were on one of their missions and they weren't having any luck at finding their opponent.
"Let's find a cave and take a rest until the rain stops. Okay?" suggested Kurama.
Everyone agreed considering they've been walking for hours in the rain looking for a demon named lynoko. He was said to have incredible power and strange attacks. The Tantei were looking for him because he had stolen a powerful jewel from the Reikai.
After another hour of walking in silence the boys had found a cave and succeeded in making a fire.
"I'll call the toddler and see if he has any info on this guy," stated Yusuke while opening the communicator but before he could call the young prince the boys were ambushed by Lynoko.
It was a fierce battle that raged between the boys. It was hard to tell who was winning. When all of a sudden Lynoko used his spirit energy to push his opponent away from him. Then he started glowing a deep red, then purple, and next black. Once he reached the color black he turned around to face Kurama and Hiei. He looked at them for a moment, then two balls of fire shot at them. Both balls made direct contact with their targets before the two boys could react. Once the dust from the attack cleared Kurama and Hiei were on the ground unconscious, but very much alive.
Lynoko was about to turn around and face Yusuke and Kuwabara but before he could move Yusuke shot two balls of spirit energy at him. Both blasts hit Lynoko killing him on the spot.

In Ningekai

"Hey Botan how are the boys," asked a worried Keiko.
"They're fine. I healed all their wounds with the help of Yukina but it'll be a while before they wake-up," replied Botan.
"If you say so, let's watch a movie until they wake-up," offered Kieko.
So the girls ran off to find a movie while they wait for the boys to wake up.

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