Disclaimer: Honestly now! I don't own them! All JK's, yada, yada, yada.
AN: More props to mascaret for beta-ing this one too. You're a champ!
"Minerva?" Albus asked.
No answer. Her head was still bent over the essays on species-switching, her quill feverishly scribbling away. A thought crossed his mind. Just how much of a workaholic was she?
"How would you like to model your undergarments for me?"
"Then afterwards I could model mine for you, possibly? Rest assured that they both would be private performances. What do you say?"
Still nothing. Well as long as she wasn't paying attention…he might as well tell her what he'd meant to tell her all along but was too cowardly to.
"I'm in love with you, Minerva McGonagall. I have been all this time. Will you marry me?"
Absolutely no reaction. There was silence for several minutes.
"I'm sorry, Albus. You were saying?"
"Oh, it wasn't important. Lemon drop?"
AN: Hee. This one is for Hogwarts Duo. It's another take on how Minerva missed out on Albus's advances. ;P