A/N: Thanks to ASP and the Gilmore Girls team for having such a wonderful, inspiring finale. And thanks to my girls, LegalBlonde and carrielynn for looking over this for me.
Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me, if they did Luke and Lorelai would have been married long ago and had lots & lots of babies (well not really).
False Starts
Lorelai wondered whether the night was ever going to end. She had been going since early that morning, getting things ready at the inn and after the exhausting rounds of family issues she was ready to collapse. After trying to comfort Rory, Lorelai gave up and pried her toward their room at the inn. But Rory had refused, croaking out that she wanted to stay home, but refused to go into her bedroom. Lorelai pulled out pajamas for her, fixed a cup of cocoa and led her daughter upstairs, accompanied by a stack of books—Rory's favorites when she was little.
From there, she practically crawled back to the inn where she still couldn't sleep. She stayed awake thinking of first Luke and then Rory. Luke, she thought, sitting up in bed. He was just next door she remembered. Glancing at the clock, she crept out into the hallway. Lorelai knocked softly and was surprised to see the door open. Luke looked just as surprised to see her. "Don't worry," she whispered, fearing that he would think she was rushing things. "I just wanted to talk about something."
"Of course," he said, still looking slightly stunned. He shut the door, crossing his arms defensively. "So? Changed your mind?"
"What?" Lorelai was confused for a second as to his meaning. "Oh—no. I thought you meant…well, never mind." She smiled awkwardly at him only to feel tears pricking at her eyes.
"Lorelai?" Luke asked, suddenly concerned. He sank down next to her. "What's wrong?"
"Rory," was all she managed to say before breaking down.
"Hey," Luke said softly. "Come on." He slipped his hand comfortably into hers.
"She had—she—Dean--" Lorelai couldn't tell him and just shook her head.
"She kissed him? What?" Lorelai shook her head again. "Oh," Luke said dully, apparently realizing the other possibility. "Rory?" He said softer, surprised. Lorelai leaned against him, her sobs a little quieter now.
"Tonight. I mean, I can't believe her! I send her home on an errand and she ends up, well, you know." Lorelai gestured with her hand toward the ceiling. Luke had to hold back a smile. "What? What?" She practically shrieked and he winced.
"Calm down," his impish grin was back. "It's just, I think you're embarrassed to say it in front of me."
"You didn't say it either!" She bounced back.
"You still didn't!" He egged her on. She threw up her hands.
"Sex! Sex, Luke, sex!" She shouted and then looked sheepish. Luke waited for the sound of doors opening and footsteps in the hallway. Even Lorelai looked impressed. "Wow, I'll have to thank Tom for the insulation job."
"Oh Lorelai, I'm so sorry." Luke sank back on the couch. "Rory, wow," he said softly. "What was Dean thinking?"
"I know, I'm guessing that neither of their brains were functioning too well. They are still teenagers. Mature teenagers I thought." Lorelai sighed, frustrated. "It's just—gah—and you should have seen Rory." Her face softened as she thought of the hurt and confusion that her daughter had worn. It would probably stay with her for months.
"Well not to put it lightly, Rory's a smart kid, she'll figure it out. Plus she has a great mom to help her." His hand rested on her leg and she smiled as his thumb rubbed the inside of her knee. "And you know I think Dean's a nice kid, but Rory will find someone who treats her well."
"I'm afraid she's so hooked on him and the idea that his marriage will fall apart…" She trailed off, a sigh escaping her lips. "But you're right, Rory can find someone who will treat her fabulously."
"And if he doesn't, he can answer to me."
Lorelai laughed. "Whoa there, cowboy. Remember when you almost bit Dean's head off?" Luke glanced down, clearly embarrassed.
"No, no, I know you were protecting Rory, which was sweet." She ducked her head down to meet his lips quickly, surprised at how natural it already felt. Luke's hand slid to her hip and the other was running through her hair. She pulled away slowly and nestled her head against his shoulder. "I can go if you want to sleep--"
"So no sex tonight?" Luke teased. Lorelai almost looked appalled at his cheek and then quickly remembered herself.
"This isn't funny! I can't believe you," she swatted at him. "You're usually so serious and then when I need you to be--" He smiled up at her. He loved it when she was flustered.
"I got you to smile, didn't I?" She blushed and sank back down next to him. "But I want you to, um, stay. I mean if you want," Luke said awkwardly. Lorelai was taken aback again before he added hastily, "We can watch TV or something." She merely nodded. TV was perfect. Something mind-numbing is what she needed right now. Everything was moving a little too fast, even for her.
The next thing she knew daylight was streaming in the windows and she was barely able to move her stiff neck from Luke's shoulder. He shifted as she did and yawned. Lorelai noticed the time and let out a yelp of surprise. It was already eight, the guests were supposed to be at breakfast in fifteen minutes and she hadn't showered or changed. "Luke, I'll see you in a minute, I just--" She stopped before opening the door, she could already hear voices in the hall. Crap. Worst of all, it was Patty and Babette.
"May--" Lorelai shushed him and listened closely until their voices grew faint. Then she swung open the door, waved quickly at Luke and slipped into her room to change.