A/N- (sigh) Why! Has everyone deserted me! That was my best and longest chapter! How can you expect my muse to work when I don't get any reviews! His head is deflating and all the idea's he had are going out the window! At the moment he's packing for a trip to Phoenix! He's leaving and he won't come back till his ideas return! I have no one to thank! No one! I feel so alone… (Sniff)
Fainus-Hey! Thanks for your review! I'm glad you haven't ditched me! Though I might have to ditch this story. I think people are reading the beginning and thinking 'wow this sucks' and then leaving… I do that sometimes… Not a lot though. If you want this you can have it… if you're still reading this…
And to anyone else reading this, I am seriously thinking about either giving away or ditching this story! I know that some of you (cough) Fainus (cough) will be sad about that but I feel so alone! Guess what! 'This is ME' has the same amount of reviews and only 12 chapters! I fail to see how this works out! Anyway, after this I will consider the aforementioned thoughts!
Ginny woke up again to the pounding of thunder and flashed of lightning. She squealed in fright and burrowed her head into Draco's chest causing him to wake up.
"Ginny, what's wrong?" Just then thunder cracked again and realization dawned on him. He wrapped his arms around Ginny and held her for all he was worth. How dare something scare his Ginny! He glared out the window as lightning flashed and Ginny clung tighter to him. He grabbed his wand and cast a silencing charm around the bed.
"No sound can get in and no sound can get out," Draco said in a slightly suggestive tone. Ginny punched him lightly in the shoulder and lied down on her back closing her eyes. She opened them suddenly in fright and looked at her left arm. The mark was darker… Something was about to happen. Then the mark seared. Tears jumped to her eyes and she clutched at her wrist, trying to make the pain go away. Draco just looked confused for a second before he realized what was happening. When he did he scooped her up in his arms and brought her to Dumbledore's office. When he got there Snape was already there. They had apparently been talking about Ginny before, as Dumbledore cast a grave look over her before conjuring up a cot. Draco put Ginny on it and pulled a chair over to sit beside it.
Glancing at Snape, Draco noticed that the mark seemed to have no effect in him. Noticing the look he was getting, Snape said, "I've grown immune to the pain. It's worse for her because this is just the second time it's happened and, on top of that, he's really mad." At that moment, Harry, Ron and Hermione rushed in. Harry looked slightly put out at the fact that he wasn't the first one there.
By that time, the mark had stopped burning and Ginny had been lying down staring at the ceiling, breathing heavily. Now, however, she was looking at two of the new arrivals with great distaste. She sat up careful not to put any weight on her arm and sighed happily when Draco sat beside her. Hermione walked over to her and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and Hermione walked back to Ron and Harry.
Dumbledore sighed. "Harry, I believe the war has begun… Voldemort, whether we want to believe it or not, has heard the prophecy. I don't know how, but he has. He's heard it and now finds that it will be harder to kill you."
Ginny snorted. Draco looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. "Well, it's just that Harry, no matter what ol' Voldie thinks, is never going to die. Just because he has a bunch of idiots in black cloaks and white masks doesn't mean he can win. I think we should infor-" just then Hagrid ran in looking frantic.
"Professor Dumbledore, sir. Death eaters! Their swarmin' the grounds! Lit my cabin on fire. Jus' thought you should know, sir." Then he ran out. Dumbledore looked around at the group gathered in his office and turned to Fawks.
"We will need," he said, "a warning." Fawks vanished in an uproar of fire. Dumbledore turned to the Gryffindors. "Tell your houses." Turning to Harry, he said, "Gather all those in the DA and tell them to be ready." He turned to Draco, "Tell your house. I want you to pretend to be on Voldemort's side and tell them that all of those who are, or will be, death eaters, to go out and fight. Tell them you have been sent by Voldemort himself and he wants as many as possible. You will remain behind. Pretend to be looking for stragglers." Draco nodded gave Ginny's hand a reassuring squeeze and left the room. Ginny stood up, pulled her sleeve over her arm and left, the Golden Trio In her wake.
When Ginny reached Gryffindor tower she stood on a table and told everyone to "shut up" and began talking. "The time for war has come!" she said. "Death eaters are swarming the grounds and have every intention of torturing and quite possibly killing all of us! They will do anything to make sure that when Harry and Voldemort are fighting nothing will get in their "masters" way! I know most, if not all, of you are scared, but you have to realize: this was coming. Whether you like it or not, you have to fight! The younger year's will-" She was interrupted as Harry cleared his throat.
"I feel," Harry said, "That we all should have a choice whether we fight or not."
"Oh do you? Okay… Who wants to fight?" She scanned the room, everyone from year three and up had their hands up. A few of the first and second years had their hands raised. "Alright. Anyone who doesn't want to fight, go to that side of the room, where Harry is. Anyone who wants to fight, stand behind me." Most of the smaller years stood with Harry. All of the older one's stood behind Ginny. She turned to her group. "First and second years, come to the front." They did. Ginny nodded "Alright Mr. smarty pants," she said to Harry, "I think I proved my point." She smirked and led her group out of the common room to the entrance hall where she found Draco and about ten other Slytherin's.
"Who are they, Draco?" She asked.
"Ones who are loyal to the light side," Draco replied.
A/N-Okay… Now I'm stuck… After reading HBP, I've decided to just finish this once and for all… I have to… If I don't I'll just ditch it… there should be about 1 or 2 more chapters…