Chapter 3: The Burrow and the Moonlight Tree

"Harry! Harry! What's wrong?" Hermione asked. "It's him. In this room, I saw Pettigrew." Harry answered. "Pettigrew? That bloody coward?" Ron interrupted. "Yes, and it makes me think. If Pettigrew was here, Voldemort couldn't be too far away!" Harry explained.

With the lights still out in the cauldron, Harry, Ron, and Hermione left to go assure that all was safe. As they wandered down the cobbled roads of Diagon Alley, they heard a cold voice exclaim, "Serpensortia!" Recognizing the spell all too well Harry grabbed each of his friend's hands and pulled them in the opposite direction.

The cold voice that he had heard, he recognized to be Voldemort's. Just then a snake turned the corner giving an ear-piercing hiss. Harry, his hands still interlocked in his friend's hands ran as fast as her could and yelled behind him, "Lacarnum Inflamarae!" The snake burned up and remained as a pile of ashes on the cobblestone streets.

When Harry turned the next corner, he stopped running to catch his breath. "Great job Harry!" Hermione said. "That was wicked, Harry!" said Ron. Then Ron noticed something. "Hey, Harry, why is it that you are still holding Hermione's hand?" asked Ron with a mischievous look on his face. Harry blushed a deep scarlet as he pulled his hand away. "Must have been an accident.'

Of course, Harry knew it was no accident. "Come on, let's go back to the cauldron, the lights are probably back on." Harry said. "Yeah, and mum's probably worried sick." Ron agreed. As they walked back to The Leaky Cauldron, Harry had a thought on his mind, "If that was Voldemort, then why didn't I feel any pain in my scar when I was near him?" Harry asked himself this question all the way back to The Leaky Cauldron.

"Ron, Harry, Hermione! Do you have any idea how worried I was about you?" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed. "See, told you." Ron whispered to Harry and Hermione. "Anyway, we are going home to The Burrow in about five minutes." "If we were missing five more minutes she would have called The Ministry of Magic. Whispered Ron.

Five minutes later, they all used the Floo Powder and all but 3 of them reached their destination. Harry, Ron, and Hermione found themselves in a strange place. In front of them verdant fields and moon lit mountains. Behind them lay a tree, it was old. All the leaves appeared to be dead. "Ron, you know the wizarding world better than either of us. Go try and figure out which direction The Burrow is, we'll wait here," said Hermione. "OK," agreed Ron.

Harry and Hermione sat in silence for 10 minutes waiting for Ron and then Hermione spoke up. "The mountains sure are beautiful tonight." Hermione began. "Lit by the moon." Harry continued. "With miles of field in front of them." Hermione finished. "However, the mountains aren't that beautiful," said Harry. "What do you mean?" asked a puzzled Hermione. "The mountains aren't that beautiful in comparison to you." Harry said.

Hermione started moving her face towards him again as she had done in The Leaky Cauldron, as he did the same. Their lips finally met and each of them felt indescribable happiness. Harry's tongue entered Hermione's mouth and began feeling around. Hermione's tongue did the same in Harry's mouth.

Harry then said out of the side of his mouth, "I love you, Hermione Granger." Hermione answered out of the side of her mouth, "and I love you, Harry Potter." As they broke kiss they both said, "Wow." Then they noticed something, the dead tree behind them had come to life again, and it bloomed beautiful shining blue leaves and shining blue flowers.

Hermione touched the tree and disappeared. Harry then realized that Hermione and himself had activated a portkey in the tree. "Ron, come quick!" Harry yelled. "What?" Ron asked. "The tree, it's a portkey!" Harry replied "How can you be sure where it goes?" Ron questioned. "I can't be, but it's our only hope." Harry depressively said. Both Harry and Ron touched it and surely enough they appeared in Ron's bedroom.

An hour later everyone was in bed, except Harry and Hermione, in separate beds in Ron's room. "Good night, Harry," said Hermione "Good night, Hermione," Harry replied And they drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Awwww....All is well that ends well. For now. Next Chapter: Chapter 4: The Hogwarts Express