Tainted White

- Til Death Do Us Part -

By: Li'l Amethyst Angel

Summary: Omi is not as happy as everyone thinks. Weiss never looks behind the smile, but what happens when his façade starts to crack? Will someone be there to pick up the pieces?

Warnings: OOC (dark Omi), angst, violence, suicide, swearing, self mutilation (cutting), and shounen-ai.

Omi's POV

It's been three days since I last saw Aki, during that horrid mission. The guys have been tip toeing around on egg shells around me lately. Ken has been following me around and babying me, Youji has been trying to get me to out and get drunk and forget, and Aya has been giving me space, probably the only effort out of the three I appreciate. Ken insisted I take a few days off of working at the Koneko and school. As much as I hate to admit it I am exhausted and so took Ken's advice...er, command, and have been moping around my room since. I have been refusing to eat and the guys, even Mr. Stoic, are becoming increasingly worried by the day.

I've had a lot of time to think, sitting in this stuffy room, which by now has acquired the smell of blood once more. I have finally decided what must be done. I was drowning. I had been for a long time. In a desperate last attempt I grabbed onto a rock, Aki. Now that my rock as crumpled I will drown.

A knocking at the door interrupts my thoughts.

"What?" I ask, not bothering to mask my annoyance.

"Manx is here." Ken's soft voice drifts from the other side of the door.

"Fine." I sigh, standing up, and doing a quick once-over of my appearance in the mirror.

Once I reach the basement the other guys are already sitting. Manx looks up at me and smiles slightly, popping the tape in. The others haven't mentioned anything about Aki to Kritiker. I wrote the report and left out the part about Aki, just saying we had an encounter with Schwarz and that it came to an end when the target was assassinated and one of theirs' (Berserker) was severely injured, resulting in their departure. I am brought out of my thoughts when Manx hands me a folder. I quickly flip through it.

"You're sending us after drug dealers?" I look at her incredulously.

"They're not selling any ordinary drug. We believe them to have connection with Este, as was mentioned in the tape." She gives me a sharp look, telling me she knew I wasn't paying attention to it. "The drug, which the dealers claim to be heroin, is in fact an entirely different are more volatile substance. The effects are not immediate, but after a short period of time the internal organs begin to melt, resulting in certain death."

"Alright then. Mission accepted." With a nod, Manx leaves.

I look back to Weiss and notice they all have looks of horrified worry. What the hell? It suddenly dawns on me.

"Relax. The stuff I got was clean. I would have noticed if it wasn't. Anyways, I don't take heroin." I tell them gruffly. Aya's expression hardens once again, Youji turns away guiltily, and Ken lets out a relieved sigh.

"Kritiker actually gave us some useful information this time." I say, dropping the folder onto the table. "We will intercept the delivery of this mystery drug tonight. Be on guard. If these people are somehow related to Este, it is likely Schwarz will be there." That's something I'm counting on.

The rest of the day is spent preparing for the mission. I gather the others. It is time to leave. The place isn't all that far from here. It takes place outside an old factory, which would have closed hours ago. A pale moon is barely seen through grey clouds that litter the night sky. A harsh wind blows, chilling me to the bone. Thank the gods I chose to stick with pants.

As we reach our location I find myself fingering the silver cross around my neck. I have opted to wear it all the time, incase I ever need it. I've been finding myself needing it a lot lately. If the others have noticed my little trinket they haven't mentioned it.

The car stops and we all get into position. I watch from the tree branch I am perched on as some men dressed in black suits carry matching briefcases to the group of guys waiting by the factory. One of the ratty, tough-looking guys flips open the briefcases and nods pulling out some wad of cash out of on of his many pockets.

"Now." Aya's hard voice rips out through the headset.

I take aim and shoot some darts, taking out two of the guys. Two more of the men seem to be choking, no doubt by Youji's wire, though I cannot see it from here. I hear a harsh cry as Aya and Ken charge at the remaining criminals. I notice a movement out of the corner of my eye and turn to find Aki standing there, smirking at me.

I smirk back. He's here.

I jump out of the tree, knowing Aki is following me. I turn and face him.

"Aki, I want to know something." I start quietly. Why did you choose me? Out of all of Weiss why did you want to destroy me?

"Why? We chose you because we wanted to break Weiss. Whether you realize it or not you were the member who held Weiss together. If we were to kill another member of Weiss you would not break, simply because you wouldn't care. You would keep the others sane. You would keep them from the brink of insanity, and not be pushed there yourself. No, not you. Because you have already fallen." Aki replies to my thoughts.

Ah, so the reason they chose to destroy me was because I am already insane. I would keep one of the other's deaths from destroying them and the team. There goal is to destroy Weiss and if they kill me, they succeed in doing that. I guess I was the logical choice then.

"I knew you would agree." Aki purrs. Those deceptively kind eyes lock with mine.

"You know me so well. Then, you know what I am going to do." I say, as I begin o run to the factory. Aki chases after me. I pass Youji, Ken, and Aya, all of whom are now fighting another member of Schwarz.

We run through the factory, and up flights and flights of stairs until we reach the roof. As I open the door and re-enter the cold outdoors I feel something wet hit my face. It's snowing. I turn to Aki, who is also outside now. Little snowflakes have gathered on his long eyelashes, his cheeks are rosy from the cold, and he is panting slightly from the run. Dull moonlight hits his face, accenting his gentle features. I feel the a warm feeling inside.

"You know I don't love you." I say suddenly, breaking the silence.

"I know. And you know that I don't love you either." He whispers. I nod.

Gazing at each other for a moment longer, we both suddenly begin to fight. He ducks the punch I throw and I avoid his kick. We fight for a while longer until I pull a knife out of my sleeve and catch him off guard, slicing him in the stomach.

"You cheated." He laughs lightly. I smile in turn.

"You made me realize something. I'm not black and never have been." He grins, amused.

"Good, I was hoping you would realize that. No one can ever be black. It's not possible. Everyone can be affected by something. We're just... tainted." He states quietly.

"Tainted white." I finish for him. He nods once more and we continue our battle. I don't know how long we were on that roof, fighting, we had no concept of time.

I finally manage to bring him down. I stab him callously in the side. He stumbles backwards and falls to his knees, gasping for air.

"I hate you." Aki chokes out. I smile.

"I hate you too." He smiles too, understanding. We can't love. We've seen and done too much to be able to do so. Since we can't feel love, the strongest feeling we can possess is hate.

With one last smile I pull the knife out of his side and drive it into his heart. I drop to my knees beside his dead body. My angel. I touch his pale, lifeless face. So beautiful. I go over to the edge and look down to see Weiss is running inside, to get to me. Schwarz must have left when they sensed Aki was dead. I can see the fear and pained understanding on their faces as they enter, out of my sight. They're too far to reach me and they know it.

I take the bloodied knife from Aki's chest and stare at the shining red beads, slowly slipping down onto my hand. A brightness engulfs the area and the snow covered ground sparkles in the light. I realize the sun has come up. Perfect. I look up at it, the light and back down to the weapon in my freezing hand. I slowly raise it to my chest and position it over my heart. With one quick thrust I have impaled myself and slowly consciousness fades. I hear, see and sense nothing besides Aki lying in front of me surrounded by precious white. I fall onto my side, still facing Aki. I can see the crimson starting to surround me, tainting the snow, tainting the white, tainting my soul. That is the last thing I see before I close my eyes for eternal rest.

Tainted white.

The End

Author's Note: OMFG! I killed Omi! Please don't flame me for this. The ending wasn't exactly a happy one, but this wasn't exactly a happy fic. Thank you to all of you for reading, especially to those who reviewed. I'll love you forever for reviewing.