Tainted White
By: Lil' Amethyst Angel

Summary: Omi is not as happy as everyone thinks. Weiss never looks behind the smile, but what happens when his façade starts to crack?

Warnings: OOC and angst.

Omi's POV

Innocence. It's a useful thing to have when you're in my line of work. It's especially helpful when I have to go undercover. No one would ever expect someone so "innocent-looking" to be an assassin. Truthfully, I'm not innocent. Youji and Ken may jokingly comment on how "naive" I am or how my "innocence is just so cute", but they both know that I am not innocent. If anything, I'm the most horrible out of our whole team.

It's ironic really. I'm part of Weiss Kreuz- White Cross, yet I absolutely hate the color white. White is the color of purity. It can be corrupted by any other color. Black is the only color I really like, though it is more of a shade, I guess. Nothing can ruin black...except white. I hate white even more for that reason. It is the only thing that can overpower black.

I used to be white. I used to be truly innocent, but not anymore. Now, I'm black. No other color can affect me, I won't let any. People think Aya has no feelings; that he doesn't care, but that's not true. He is just very good at hiding them. I, on the other hand, do not have any feelings anymore. My cheerful attitude is a façade, a mask that I have spent much time perfecting. It seems it has become so realistic that even my teammates, the people who are supposedly closest to me in the world, can't even see through it. Then again, maybe they just don't look hard enough. They probably just don't care.

To Be Continued

Author's Note: This is my second fic, all about my favorite Omi. This prologue is very short, but the other chapters will be much longer. Reviews are always appreciated. Thanks for reading.