I started and finished this a couple of hours after the other one.
I'm flabbergasted and scared.
is now the end of the year.(June) Ginny (gabrielle)
Chapter 21
The final Quidditch match was upon them. Ginny wasn't able to eat her eggs that morning, her stomach jumped at the sight of them. Gabrielle had sat next to her at breakfast instead of at the Slytherin table, The final match was against Slytherin and both Draco and Blaise were antsy to be around. Gabrielle had gently rubbed Ginny's back during breakfast as Ginny rested her head on the table.
"Are you sure your okay to play, Gin?" She asked pushing some tea toward her friend.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just nerves." Ginny reassured her friend sipping the tea.
Ginny made her way to the locker rooms, and changed the tea had settled her stomach some what and she was feeling a little better. As Harry prepped them for the match with his usual pacing and half sentences, before giving up and leading them onto the field.
Draco had sat at breakfast in a stormy silence, his mind running over plays and tricks. He hadn't touched his food he never did before a match. His hands were steepled and he peered over them at nothing in particular.
Just then, his owl swooped down dropping a letter on his empty plate before flying away. Draco noted the parchment was sealed with Black wax as well as the usual sealing charm, before pulling it opened and scanning the page. He stiffened noticeably at the contents of the letter before nudging Blaise and showing them to him.
The letter was merely a reminder it contained a date and a few words but they cut Draco deeply. He crushed the letter in his palm and dropped it on his plate before it burst into sapphire flames and disintegrated into black ash.
"What are you gonna do?" Blaise asked.
Draco rolled his eyes, "What the fuck can I do?" he snapped then calmed slightly and let out a resigned breath. "I have to end it."
The teams met in the center of the field Madam hooch did a quick run down of the rules. The Captains shook hands briefly then mounted their brooms.
"3...2.." the shrill whistle echoed through the stadium and the teams were off.
The game was quick and painful as the Slytherins took a thrashing, Ginny had somehow maintained permanent control of the quaffle and intended to keep it that way. The score was an amazing 80-10 in Gryffindors favour as the seekers began racing the circuit of the stadium with amazing speed. The crowd watched restlessly as both Harry and Draco tried to out do each other, the snitch within fingertip reach when with a final burst Harry's hand closed around. The stadium burst into applause. The Gryffindors whooped in the stands as the players congregated on the field cheering and hugging one another.
Dumbledore made his way onto the field with the cup, congratulating the Gryffindors on their most recent victory. In the middle of his mini speech Ginny felt a bout of dizziness come over as Gabrielle came to congratulate her, Ginny turned to face her friend and fainted.
"Ginny !" Gabrielle yelled sparking the attention of those nearby her. Gabrielle ran to her friend. "Oh my gosh Ginny, can you hear me?"
"Pardon me, out of the way," Madam Hooch pushed through the crowd kneeling at Ginny's side she checked her pulse, "Her pulse is fine, must have over exerted herself, let's get her Madam Pomfrey." Professor Mcgonagall who had been near by conjured up a stretcher and they loaded Ginny onto it.
"How is she?" Ron asked the Healer nervously standing over his sister.
"Ask me yourself," Ginny said opening her eyes, "What happened?"
Ron looked down at his sister, "You fainted after the match, your as pale as death you should eat something,"
"Maybe you should leave the patients welfare, and needs to me, Mr. Weasley." Poppy said indignantly, as she returned from her office.
Ron opened his mouth to argue but Luna gripped his arm pulling him down beside her and he fell silent.
"So how are you feeling Miss. Weasley?" Poppy asked, checking Ginny's eyes.
"I feel fine, My throats a little dry and I'm a tad bit hungry but other than that I'm feel great," Ginny said, letting her pulse be taken again. She turned to her friends, "I haven't been in here long have I?"
They shook their heads, "No just a couple hours," Harry answered, "gabrielle was her she had to go and do something, said she'd be back later but I was to give this to you." With that he produced an envelope and handed it to Gin, who took one look at the handwriting and stowed it in her robes. She would read it without an audience.
Poppy nodded to herself, "Your fine, Miss. Weasley but there is something I would like to discuss with you. . .in private." she cast a stern look over her friends. Who, taking the hint, exited the area. Leaving the two alone.
As a precaution Poppy cast a silencing charm around the area and turned to Ginny, "Miss. Weasley, while you are indeed fine there is something I must tell you and assumed you prefer to break the news if at all to your friends."
Ginny watched Poppy with a confused expression.
"Ginevra," Poppy softened, she began.
They left the infirmary and made their way to the dining hall. Ginny, though she was hungry, hardly touched her food. The information she had just received swirling in her head. Pregnant? She thought over and over again. She needed something to take her mind of it. Then she remembered the letter in her pocket. After making sure everyone else was distracted she opened the sealed parchment and read it. One word.
Then she realized, Draco, I should tell Draco. . .shouldn't I?
Ginny spent that evening after taking the longest shower of her life in the corner of the common room, contemplating what she should do. Gabrielle entered the room around eight o'clock and went straight over to Ginny sitting next to her.
As if instinct she put her arm around her friends shoulders, and hushed her, "Whatever it is, it will be fine. Okay?"
Ginny smiled in spite of herself and sighed, "Thanks Gabz," that's what she liked about her friend she didn't have to know the situation to know that sometimes people just want a shoulder to lean on, No questions asked.
Draco made his way from his advanced potions lessons, toward his room he checked his watch, 9:15. He was late so hopefully Ginny was already there so he could do this and get it over with. His heart was heavy with anxiety, sadness and fear. He was scarred of how she would react even though he already knew. She would hate him, and he would hate himself.
It was inevitable but necessary.
She got to his room and stopped out side the entrance. The Banshee was there and she nodded to his silent question, she was there. He hadn't known why he had decided to do this in Slytherin territory and not the neutral ground of the astronomy tower. Maybe it was so that she would never have to see the place again after this, my be it was because his room, his territory gave him a sense of power. He didn't know what he did know, what he was certain of was his own hatred of his father, who controlled every aspect os Draco's life with and iron fist and had somehow managed to control Draco's secret life to.
With a deep breath Draco entered the room. He looked around and found her curled on his couch staring into the fire, her eyes filled with worry. Draco felt his heart pang as he restrained himself from going over there and gathering her in his arms and sheltering her until her pain went away. Instead he was here to cause more.
He cleared his throat and she looked up at him, shuffling off of the couch she stepped toward him but he shook his head. "Stay there," was all he said and she stopped. The closer she was the harder it would be.
"Draco I have something to tell you," she said from across the room.
"I have something to tell you as well. . .and I think it would be best for us both, if I went first." he spoke his voice was serious and piercing and he could tell she was slightly taken a back by the harsh tone but he continued, quick and painful just like a band aid. "Ginny this, between us, has to stop. I can't do this with you anymore."
"What?" she said her voice small.
He sighed, he was gonna have to do it, "I can't do this, anymore. I can't lie to you anymore." Ginny remained in silent shock her mouth fell agape, "Lie to me?"
He continued with a harsh laugh, "You really thought that I loved you, Me. You believed that the Draco Malfoy, king of Slytherins could not only love but love a weasley, That's rich." His heart stung and his stomach cringed as her tears came to her eyes, but his face remained like stone.
She took a few deep before walking toward the exit which he was still beside. She stopped in front of him and looked him dead in the eye, "Your absolutely right," she said growing a Weasley backbone "I was stupid, and you should have gone first. It saved me a whole lot of trouble." with that she left. Forever.
Draco took deep shaking breaths to calm himself. This was how it was suppose to be, she was suppose to hate him and he was suppose to marry Pansy. That was the way his world worked.
"Ginny? Honey?" Gabrielle called at the curtain of ginny's bed. "Ginny sweety, come out you have to eat something." There was no reply there hadn't been for days. There exams were over and classes were no longer compulsory and Ginny never left her room.
"Diva, you have to tell me what's wrong," Gabrielle called through the curtain. "I can't help if you don't tell me." at that the curtain drew back.
"I don't need your help, I don't need anyone's help." Ginny said trying to keep her voice straight. The tear stains apparent on her cheeks. "I don't need anyone," this sentence brought her to tears and she fell back on the bed. Gabrielle crawled onto the bed and pulled her friend into her arms. Hushing her and soothing her. They both heard the door open as Hermione entered with Luna who had been given special permission to enter another house to help them get Ginny out. Both girls came over and embraced Ginny soothing her gently.
There was silence for what seemed like ever in which Gabrielle gently stroked Ginny's hair, "Ginny, tell us what's wrong?" she whispered to her friend.
Ginny took a deep steadying breath and relayed the information to her friends. Luna and Hermione Gasped on learning that she had been seeing Draco, but all three of them had not been expecting what was to come next. Ginny broke down again and they let her, she needed it.
"It's okay, Gin don't worry about anything, not even Graduation," Hermione said patting Ginny, who looked up.
"Oh Hermione, I'm sorry I can't sing that song-"
"It's ok, I'll find something."
The graduates sat out on the lawns of Hogwarts. They had just finished singing the school song and they're diplomas were to come after they're Graduation song. The graduates were a buzz with whether Ginny was going to show, the news of her recent hermit status was the latest buzz and they all wanted to hear this song that was suppose to be oh so amazing.
Dumbledore approached the podium and cleared his throat into the magical mic, " I am proud to introduce our next item, a talent that grew right here in Hogwarts, a song written by our own and preformed by our own," the old man consulted his notes and chuckled, "I've just read the song title. . .I like it," he said more to himself than the audience, "Anyway, Here is Ginevra Weasley Singing 'Phoenix From the Flame'" there was applause and Hermione straighten hr robes to get up and apologize that there would be no song when, Gabrielle walked onto the platform, she whispered into Dumbledore's ear.
The old man smiled understandingly and re-approached the mic. "There seems to be a small change in plans, Ginevra seems to have fallen ill but luckily she was nice enough to send an understudy, Miss. Gabrielle Blackfire,"
Gabrielle took a noticeably deep breath and it was noted that her usually smiling face was strict and business like. She took the microphone Dumbledore offered her and stepped up to the front of the stage. She scanned the crowd and her eyes stopped on Draco who she frowned at before moving on. She cleared her throat and smiled.
shields the pain
So you say nothing
Feel they've rigged the
And you're done with lovin'
Only you can see the
darkness in the northern lights
Phoenix from the Flames
will rise together
They will know our names
you feel it
Shelter me from pain
I always wanna feel this
Oh yeah
Just like a Phoenix from the Flame
they'd take you back
Cos you miss heaven
Too many bags to pack
leave them where they are
Tonight you're flying on a golden
Phoenix from the Flames
We will rise together
will know our names
Can you feel it
Shelter me from pain
I always wanna feel this way
Nobody's listening
Too busy thinking about what
Been missing
Everybody said you're gonna take it
far baby now
Well come on
When you're done with lovin'
comes down to nothing
Can you feel it
Can you feel it
Can you feel it
from the Flames
We will rise together
They will know our names
Can you feel itShelter me from pain
I always wanna feel this
Oh yeah
Just like a Phoenix from the
Phoenix from the Flames
will rise together
They will know our name
Can you feel it
Shelter me from pain
I always wanna feel this way
Oh yeah
Just like a Phoenix from the
Why don't you come and deny
You know you can't deny it
I always wanna feel this
Just like a Phoenix from the Flames
There a thunderous round of applause in which she took a bow and cast Draco one last look that spokes volumes of, I blame you. Draco sunk into his seat and rubbed his eyes. The graduation went slowly after that, they receivedthey're diplomas, people gave speeches and then they were free it was over, they were official, witches and wizards.
Ginny had managed to move from her room, to the common room and watched the graduation from the window. She had made a decision to purge herself and that meant admitting something she had never, ever, intended to do. She waited for Ron, Harry and Hermione to enter and see her. They made they're way to her as she gave them each hugs. Ron hugged her extra tight, "You okay?" He asked.
She took a deep breath and shook her head, "I have to tell you something, you to Harry, Hermione already knows and I asked not to tell you but I've decided I shouldn't have done that but I'm going to tell you myself."
"Gin what is it?"Ron had started to worry.
"Ron, calm down" she took a deep breath and sat down and they followed suit. She looked at them, then launched into an explanation of the past years events that ended a few days ago in Draco's room.
Harry leaned back and tried to let it all soak in while Ron was awestruck.
"I'll kill him," he said finally.
"Ron, don't that will make me feel worse not better,"
"I don't care, gin. Have you lost your mind?"
She shook her head, "I don't know probably." she answered simply resting her head on Hermione's shoulder as silent tears began to fall. Tears that calmed Ron and allowed a look of sorrow to pass over his features, he settled next to Ginny and hugged her. "It's okay Gin, we'll figure something out, we'll get through this." he soothed.
The graduation after party. The big seventh year blow out, an all night non stop party that lasted until the train reached kings cross in London. It was over they were fully grown witches and wizards with diplomas to prove it. Of course most of them had Apparation licenses and would be going about there lives once the train stopped, others had jobs or jobs offers and some would sleep off there childhood and wake up to begin a new but all in all this party was not to celebrate the end of childhood but the beginning of life.
"Draco, over here!" Blaise shouted over the din.
Draco made his way to the bar where Blaise and Gabrielle sat. Blaise stood and shook his hand and clapped him on the back.
"Well done mate, first in the class."
"Granger was first." Draco corrected.
"She doesn't count" he said simply.
Draco shook his head and looked over at Gabrielle, she hadn't smiled or spoken to him since he entered.
"I guess you've spoken to Ginny." He said.
She nodded.
"Look Gabs I don't have choice, I still have to marry Pansy."
"No buts Gabrielle."
"But Draco your not listening to me."
"There's nothing you can do"
"I know that but"
"But what?"
"Draco she's -"
Just then Ginny herself entered the party. Some people cheered, knowing why she was there. Others were slightly shocked after the disappearing act at Graduation they hadn't expected her to show. After they heard the song she had written for graduation they had asked her to sing at the party. She smiled slightly scanning the room for Gabrielle.
"I have to go do something." Gabrielle got up without another word and walked over to Ginny.
"Gin!" Ginny turned and smiled.
"Hi, Gin you didn't have to do this."
Ginny smiled and nodded. "Yeah I did." She handed Gabrielle a sheet of parchment with some lyrics and notes on it. "Back me up?"
"New song?"
She nodded.
Gabrielle sighed. "I'm always here for you diva, I'm always here."
Ginny smiled and called Dean over to accompany her.
Ginny took the stage. She hadn't bother dress up for this performance, jeans and a loose t shirt was all she had on. She had only one thing to gain from it and that would be hard enough to do without being uncomfortable. She adjusted the mic to her sitting height and cleared her throat.
The audience went silent, they watched her, pulled back ponytail, over sized t shirt and plain blue jeans but she wasn't paying them any mind. She scanned the audience for the tell tale blonde hair. She found it.
He was at the bar watching her. She didn't care if people saw her watching him he had to know that this song... was his.
Eyes open, she signaled to Dean to start. The piano played.
Tell me a story
Where we all change
And we'd live our lives together
And not
I didn't lose my mind it was
Mine to give away
Couldn't stay to watch me cry
You didn't have the time
So I softly slip
No regrets they don't work
No regrets they only
Sing me a love song
(sing me a love song)
Drop me a line
(drop me a line)
Suppose it's just a point of view
But they tell
me I'm doing fine
I know from the outside
(when they all stared)
We looked good for each
(some people said)
Felt things were going
When you didn't like my mother
(it was all in your head)
I don't want to hate but that's
All you've left
me with
A bitter aftertaste and a fantasy of
How we all could
No regrets they don't work
No regrets they only
(We've been told you stay up late)
I know they're still
(You're far too short to carry weight)
The demons in
your head
(Return the videos they're late)
If I could just
stop hating you
I'd feel sorry for us instead
She blinked a few tears out of her eyes.
Remember the photographs,
The ones where we all laugh,
So lame
We were having the time of our livesWell
thank you it was a real blast!
No regrets they don't work
No regrets they
only hurt
(we've been told you stay up late)
Write me a love song!
(your far to short to carry weight)
Drop me a
( return the videos they're late)
She ran her fingers through her hair. She was fully aware of the tears running down her cheeks but she never looked away from Draco. She watched him as he heard the words she was singing, what she was singing to him, what she was saying to him. She also watched as he put down his drink and left. The only other people to notice his disappearance was Gabrielle and Blaise but there was nothing any one could do.
Suppose it's just a point of view !
But they tell me I'm doing fine
'Everything I wanted to be every
Time I walked
Every time you told me to leave
I just wanted to
Every time you looked at me and
Every time you smiled
felt so vacant you treat me like a child
I loved the way we used
to laugh
I loved the way we used to smile
Often I sit down and
think of you
For a while
Then it passes by me and I think
Someone else instead
I guess the love we once had
She closed her eyes, on her audience, on her friends, on the world, on her music and especially on him.
The end
Yep There is the end of betrothed and oblivious. Yes there is a sequel which is being written as we speak. Not necessarily in order but written.
Read Vanilla Twin.
I have school in a couple days and my computer time is limited so I'll see if I can get anything out the year, but I have big exams this year so. . .I love you all. Review and tell how it was?
Love hearing from you, Enjoy Vanilla Twin, I actually kinda like that one. Love you